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NHS & Emergency Services paying for peoples hobbies?

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South Yorkshire Police have issued a notice from Wales police warning people to be careful while walking up mountains.




I think activities like this should be covered by private accident & medical insurance. I dont think that the emergency services & NHS should foot the bill if people get in trouble while walking up a mountain. Insurance companies should pay for the Air ambulance not donations.


Idiots on skateboards trying to jump over cars, motorcyclists pulling wheelies, skiers going off piste......all accidents caused by stupidity.


These should be NOT be paid for by us!

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South Yorkshire Police have issued a notice from Wales police warning people to be careful while walking up mountains.




I think activities like this should be covered by private accident & medical insurance. I dont think that the emergency services & NHS should foot the bill if people get in trouble while walking up a mountain. Insurance companies should pay for the Air ambulance not donations.


Idiots on skateboards trying to jump over cars, motorcyclists pulling wheelies, skiers going off piste......all accidents caused by stupidity.


These should be NOT be paid for by us!


Walking is not an accident, nor an extreme sport. Presumably you walk sometimes?

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South Yorkshire Police have issued a notice from Wales police warning people to be careful while walking up mountains.




I think activities like this should be covered by private accident & medical insurance. I dont think that the emergency services & NHS should foot the bill if people get in trouble while walking up a mountain. Insurance companies should pay for the Air ambulance not donations.


Idiots on skateboards trying to jump over cars, motorcyclists pulling wheelies, skiers going off piste......all accidents caused by stupidity.


These should be NOT be paid for by us!

Where, and why, are you going to draw the line?



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South Yorkshire Police have issued a notice from Wales police warning people to be careful while walking up mountains.




I think activities like this should be covered by private accident & medical insurance. I dont think that the emergency services & NHS should foot the bill if people get in trouble while walking up a mountain. Insurance companies should pay for the Air ambulance not donations.


Idiots on skateboards trying to jump over cars, motorcyclists pulling wheelies, skiers going off piste......all accidents caused by stupidity.


These should be NOT be paid for by us!


None of which are comparable to mountain walking.

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South Yorkshire Police have issued a notice from Wales police warning people to be careful while walking up mountains.




I think activities like this should be covered by private accident & medical insurance. I dont think that the emergency services & NHS should foot the bill if people get in trouble while walking up a mountain. Insurance companies should pay for the Air ambulance not donations.


Idiots on skateboards trying to jump over cars, motorcyclists pulling wheelies, skiers going off piste......all accidents caused by stupidity.


These should be NOT be paid for by us!


So skiing is acceptable? What if I were to walk down the piste then - would that be unacceptable?


Why do you think that these activities are unacceptable? Is it because of the perceived risk of danger? or the cost?

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I thought we had ACCIDENT and emergency centres for these things.


What about if I had an accident at home, something like falling down the stairs? Would that be classed as stupid and therefore not covered by the NHS?

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I thought we had ACCIDENT and emergency centres for these things.


What about if I had an accident at home, something like falling down the stairs? Would that be classed as stupid and therefore not covered by the NHS?


Depends. If you tripped over a carpet, we can blame the carpet fitter. If you fitted the carpet we can blame who taught you carpet fitting and bill them. Not sure if you trip over the dog. The breeder? Rescue centre?

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Should all sports come under this, since anyone who gets injured doing them is obviously stupid????


Accidents in the workplace, in the home, on the road - surely all of those would be caused by someone, somewhere being stupid??


Why not round everyone up and force them to take IQ tests, then slap a massive tax on all the stupid people??

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Depends. If you tripped over a carpet, we can blame the carpet fitter. If you fitted the carpet we can blame who taught you carpet fitting and bill them. Not sure if you trip over the dog. The breeder? Rescue centre?


If I tripped on one of my son's toys, do I blame my son, they toy manufacturer, the toy it's self, the inventor of plastic?

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