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NHS & Emergency Services paying for peoples hobbies?

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South Yorkshire Police have issued a notice from Wales police warning people to be careful while walking up mountains.




I think activities like this should be covered by private accident & medical insurance. I dont think that the emergency services & NHS should foot the bill if people get in trouble while walking up a mountain. Insurance companies should pay for the Air ambulance not donations.


Idiots on skateboards trying to jump over cars, motorcyclists pulling wheelies, skiers going off piste......all accidents caused by stupidity.


These should be NOT be paid for by us!


Tedious. Been done to death; stupid idea.

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South Yorkshire Police have issued a notice from Wales police warning people to be careful while walking up mountains.




I think activities like this should be covered by private accident & medical insurance. I dont think that the emergency services & NHS should foot the bill if people get in trouble while walking up a mountain. Insurance companies should pay for the Air ambulance not donations.


Idiots on skateboards trying to jump over cars, motorcyclists pulling wheelies, skiers going off piste......all accidents caused by stupidity.


These should be NOT be paid for by us!


Are mountain rescue paid by the tax payers, or are they staffed by volunteers and funded by charity?

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Are maintain rescue paid by the tax payers, or are they staffed by volunteers and funded by charity?


They are funded by charity and staffed by volunteers.


There was a debate on the radio a while ago about this and whether people taking part in outdoor activities should have to have insurance. One of the people contributing was head of a mountain rescue team and he said he wouldn't want insurance to be mandatory. The mountain rescue teams all enjoy the outdoors and provide their services to help the community. They don't do it for profit.


As for the NHS, the principle is we pay through taxation and it's free at the point of use. If you start charging in certain circumstances, you are in my view setting off down a very slippery slope (pun not intended). Where do you draw the line?


Fall off mountain bike on a mountain - charge

Fall off mountain bike on the road on my way to work - free

Fall off mountain bike on the road on my way to the mountain - free or charge?

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