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Neighbours That Annoy You

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Sorry about that. Btw, the DJ is pitching up at 7, the hookers at 10. :hihi:


Just be sure there's plenty of white wine flowing and I'm sure I can turn a blind eye and a deaf ear - just this once :D

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Aw, that's lovely :)

My direct neighbours are horrible people. Always shouting at their kids and letting their dog poop on my garden ( but that's a another story) on one side , and the other side is always shouting and swearing, mostly at their dog, poor thing.

My next door but one neighbour is nice, always says hello. I wish I lived next door to himinstead :(

I like my house but unfortunately I don't think I'll stay here just due to the neighbours :(


Thankfully I've moved now, we now have a detached house with lovely neighbours, they always say hello and have a chat.

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The man across the road who cuts his grass at 8am on a Sunday morning ruining my only lie in a week.


The person 3 doors down who's dog barks almost constantly.


The man who lives further up the road who drives a knackered old Honda Civic with a massive, loud and pointless exhaust system.


I'm annoying too though so I try and live and let live.

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An ex neighbour of ours used to check on the tax discs of cara that parked outside our house!! We had some building materials deivered, and the truck had to swing the high arm over the front of next doors drive, the daft daughter made a call to the builders merchant, and complained the driver had 'invaded their air space' The family were the laughing stock of the road!!!!

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One of my neighbours a couple of doors down (not my immediate next-door neighbour) always dumps excess bin bags into any of the local neighbours bins.


I believe they have a food business and rather than pay business-prices to have their rubbish removed, they dump it in our bins. Even when we have no spare capacity, they'll force the bags into our bins and leave the lid up, which risks us not having our bin emptied (which has happened once in the past).


So early morning on bin day, I dump the overflow bags back in their bin. If their bin is too full, I'll leave the binbags outside their front yard.

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One of my neighbours a couple of doors down (not my immediate next-door neighbour) always dumps excess bin bags into any of the local neighbours bins.


I believe they have a food business and rather than pay business-prices to have their rubbish removed, they dump it in our bins. Even when we have no spare capacity, they'll force the bags into our bins and leave the lid up, which risks us not having our bin emptied (which has happened once in the past).


So early morning on bin day, I dump the overflow bags back in their bin. If their bin is too full, I'll leave the binbags outside their front yard.


Well done to you. I had a 2 women renting a house next to me, one was a police woman, they were always having parties and they would put wiskey bottle and vodka bottles in my bin. They did not believe in recycling and I had to check my bin after their parties. In the end I had a row with the one who was a police woman and I did say to her that I will phone the police. After that it never happened again.

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My neighbour on one side sometimes puts his used cans in the general waste wheelie bin, so he needs reporting


A neighbour 2 doors down puts her washing out with underwear clearly visible on the washing line, she does this on purpose.


The one across the road from me always takes his dog out for a walk at 8pm and the dog sometimes barks when it gets into fresh air


Another one washes his car and leave soapy water on the road for someone to slip or trip on.


So I have many neighbours who get on my nerves

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