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Neighbours That Annoy You

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People who leave their barking dogs out all day. Not fair on the dog, not fair on anyone living within 500 metres.


Theres one of these a couple of doors from me. WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF all day. As soon as it sees someone then its WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF again. In contrast there are other people with dogs on my street on both sides of the road. I hear the others from time to time but this one a couple of doors from me???? Every chuffin day!!!!!

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I am blessed with two great neighbours. The first is a bitchy, nosey gossiping middle aged man. At first I thought he was ok, but soon realised he was only being friendly in order to be nosey. Oh, and he clips his phone to his belt. The second are a chain smoking couple who do nothing but drink, smoke and watch their tv at full volume. The rest of my neighbours are seem nice :)

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I love the neighbours I have. I call them (a lovely retired couple) the garden fairies.


When I moved into my house last year, the tiny back garden was overgrown with weeds and grass and was in a bit of a state. I chatted to then once over the fence. I came home from work one day, and the two of them had set-to in my garden. Cut all the grass down, cut the weeds down, got rid of all the clippings, and generally tidied it up. I was gobsmacked!!!!


It's not the only occasion they have taken it upon themselves to do things in the garden (incidentally, gardening is not my forte)....I came home to find fully planted miscellaneous planters just appear. The high winds we had blew the garden gate off. I came home one day to find that fixed.


So.....they are the 'garden fairies'...and they're brilliant....Love em to bits!

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I absolutely love my next door but one neighbours! they are fantastic and we have many nights either on our garden or theirs having a BBQ or just a general chat... They will look after our house and we look after theirs when on holiday, you couldn't ask for nicer people...


But them bang next door!!! They moved in four years ago and I don't think I've even heard them say hello to us or our other neighbours, they just argue all night long, have two yappy little dogs, forever banging the garden gate... Just rude!

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i have great neighbours either side of me, best neighbours i've had in years.


i once lived in a property on a little terrace where the next door neighbours played happy hardcore at full volume until late in the night. i strongly suspected the neighbours across from me were the ones who burgled my house twice in 6 months. we were only out for an hour both times so it wasn't an opportunist burglar and they were the only ones to see us coming and going.

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I have great neighbours. Only the one house though. We spend a lot of time together. They don't mind about the constant noise coming from my house, be it kids playing all day or me playing drums, guitar, piano etc.

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...It's not the only occasion they have taken it upon themselves to do things in the garden (incidentally, gardening is not my forte)....I came home to find fully planted miscellaneous planters just appear....

They seem kind-hearted, but having folk wander into my garden unbeknown, unbidden and unsupervised and make changes and additions without any consultation would annoy me no end and make me rather wary about whether it would escalate into more egregious invasion of privacy. I'm sure there's a Stephen King book that starts out in a similar manner...


My only complaint is that some of the people on my street seem pathologically attached to the few square feet of tarmac outside their front doors and inordinately fond of the sort of DIY that requires the delivery of a skip every other week.

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