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Withdraw funding from Israel to end the violence..

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It's a circular argument. Disagree with Israeli actions = "Jew hater" being a "Jew hater" = Hamas sympathiser. It's the logic of those that I can only describe as intellectually redundant. In other words. As thick as pigs ****.


You have the same logic, support Israel and you must hate the people of Gaza, which means you must also be intellectually redundant.

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Just because I don't agree with the force and tactics that Israel are using, doesn't mean that I support Hamas. I also think that they are terrorists. There's the small matter of the residents of Gaza that are being killed in the process. Many of them children. Israel have some of the most sophisticated weaponry in the middle east. The amount of civilian casualties should be much lower than it is.


Well go on get me on side. I agree with a bit of what you say. Tell me how Israel can prevent its terrorists from coming through tunnels and blowing up buses, and stop the terrorists firing rockets at Israel from Gaza any other wayand you'll have me on board.


Bare in mind that the people of Gaza elected Hamas as their government. It isn't just some bunch of terrorists who infiltated the place.

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What an interesting idea. Thousands of untargeted high explosive rockets raining down on the civilian population of Gaza is acceptable to you but attempting to take out the terrorists firing rockets at your civilian population isn't.


Logic doesn't come into it for these people, such is their hate for Israel.

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Why can't anyone question the humanity or effectiveness of Israel's policies without being accused of being pro Hammas??


Because it isn't really about humanity, it's done under the pretence of humanity regardless of what anyone says. Hamas will not stop until Israel is destroyed. Make know bones about it, these anti-Israelis/Westerners people want disproportionate force in their favour. Currently Hamas have poor weapon supply, which is why the anti-Israelis/Westerners on here are saying things like disproportionate force and all that rubbish. Their only really option at present is a media led public opinion war; just like the Viet Minh did when they realised they couldn’t beat the Americans on military grounds.

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Because it isn't really about humanity, it's done under the pretence of humanity regardless of what anyone says. Hamas will not stop until Israel is destroyed. Make know bones about it, these anti-Israelis/Westerners people want disproportionate force in their favour. Currently Hamas have poor weapon supply, which is why the anti-Israelis/Westerners on here are saying things like disproportionate force and all that rubbish. Their only really option at present is a media led public opinion war; just like the Viet Minh did when they realised they couldn’t beat the Americans on military grounds.


Senator David Norris says it how it is in this must see video where he lays into Israel in Ireland's parliament l=

We need more politicians like this man!

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You have the same logic,


No I don't, don't be so pathetically predictable.

I neither support Israeli Zionists or Hamas. I empathise with those that are being killed in large numbers. Your empathy equates to logistics as though you're discussing a PS3 game. Not once can you recite any hatred I have for Jews or accused any other of any hatred..on the other hand I have been directly accused of it as have others. And it all comes from the fervent right wing nationalistic. (with the exception of one of our leftie) flag wavers So you see, logic is on my side considering I've made no accusations.


Sentimentality in discussions like these I find unnecessary but understand to a point that it will raise its head. You on the other hand have no such quality, your narcissism parallels you with the psychopaths on both sides of the conflict, you'dve shone in the death camps or the front line of the intifada and arose rapidly through the ranks, excusing your pitiful actions in the same way you excuse your pitiful rantings, history is full of the likes of you. Given a dirty situation you'd climb on board without any moral consideration or compunction for life or limb other than your own. You do the Zionist and Islamic murders proud.


---------- Post added 13-08-2014 at 19:44 ----------


The words don't match his mouth movements


Bit like your fervent opposing politics.

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No I don't, don't be so pathetically predictable.

I neither support Israeli Zionists or Hamas.


Terrorists kill and terrorise innocent people.


You oppose and condemn Israel for defending themselves against terrorists.


I support Israel for defending themselves against terrorists and condemn the actions of the terrorists.



Kind of speaks for its self doesn't it.

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