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Withdraw funding from Israel to end the violence..

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Terrorists kill and terrorise innocent people.


You oppose and condemn Israel for defending themselves against terrorists.


I support Israel for defending themselves against terrorists and condemn the actions of the terrorists.



Kind of speaks for its self doesn't it.


The same old repetitive junk.


The reasons why nothing moves forward between the Zionist and Hamas including you Smithy is:


" The characteristics for the emotionally unavailable or unemotional individual are very similar in nature. Although the emotionally unavailable mate may show some negative emotions, such as anger, both individuals have difficulty showing healthy emotions and are unable to provide healthy encouragement or support when emotions are expressed by others. A person that is emotionally unavailable or unemotional will fit many of the following characteristics.

• Has (or had) people and experiences in life that have discouraged emotions

• Stubborn and sees life more in extremes — black and white

• Relates more with facts and logic rather than with emotions of the heart

• Unable to emotionally respond and validate the feelings of others

• Rarely shows emotion (crying) or initiates physical signs of tenderness (hugs or kisses)

• Does not understand why others show emotions and believe it is a sign of weakness

• Tunes people out when emotions are being expressed

• Struggles with getting emotionally close to people, including God

• Has difficulty with conversations that include feelings about self or others

• Demonstrates love by performing tasks or giving material “things” rather than by showing signs of love and tenderness

• If physical affection is given, there is an expectation to receive a favor in return

• Believes sex is what makes you emotionally close, rather than feeling close from a loving relationship — or emotions are so closed there is no desire for sex."


A total incapacity to relate other than to rant off fact and figures.

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The same old repetitive junk.


The reasons why nothing moves forward between the Zionist and Hamas including you Smithy is:


" The characteristics for the emotionally unavailable or unemotional individual are very similar in nature. Although the emotionally unavailable mate may show some negative emotions, such as anger, both individuals have difficulty showing healthy emotions and are unable to provide healthy encouragement or support when emotions are expressed by others. A person that is emotionally unavailable or unemotional will fit many of the following characteristics.

• Has (or had) people and experiences in life that have discouraged emotions

• Stubborn and sees life more in extremes — black and white

• Relates more with facts and logic rather than with emotions of the heart

• Unable to emotionally respond and validate the feelings of others

• Rarely shows emotion (crying) or initiates physical signs of tenderness (hugs or kisses)

• Does not understand why others show emotions and believe it is a sign of weakness

• Tunes people out when emotions are being expressed

• Struggles with getting emotionally close to people, including God

• Has difficulty with conversations that include feelings about self or others

• Demonstrates love by performing tasks or giving material “things” rather than by showing signs of love and tenderness

• If physical affection is given, there is an expectation to receive a favor in return

• Believes sex is what makes you emotionally close, rather than feeling close from a loving relationship — or emotions are so closed there is no desire for sex."


A total incapacity to relate other than to rant off fact and figures.


Wow, firemanbob to a tee.

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I think you posted on the wrong topic, this one is about people that oppose and condemn Israel for defending its self form terrorists.


You always do that its self thing Smithy!







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Because it isn't really about humanity, it's done under the pretence of humanity regardless of what anyone says. Hamas will not stop until Israel is destroyed. Make know bones about it, these anti-Israelis/Westerners people want disproportionate force in their favour. Currently Hamas have poor weapon supply, which is why the anti-Israelis/Westerners on here are saying things like disproportionate force and all that rubbish. Their only really option at present is a media led public opinion war; just like the Viet Minh did when they realised they couldn’t beat the Americans on military grounds.


Without sounding pro Hamas, because I'm not. Haven't Israel constantly encroached on the their land and hand decades of military presence in the Gaza Strip?


---------- Post added 13-08-2014 at 21:55 ----------


Terrorists kill and terrorise innocent people.


A bit like Israel are doing now?


---------- Post added 13-08-2014 at 21:57 ----------


I think you posted on the wrong topic, this one is about people that oppose and condemn Israel for defending its self form terrorists.


No its not. It's about taking money out of the conflict to try and reach a peaceful conclusion.


---------- Post added 13-08-2014 at 22:02 ----------


They have tried talking to each other.


No they haven't, not really. Israel used Egypt as a go between for the recent ceasefire, but Egypt didn't tell Hamas. Not really sitting down and talking, is it?

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A bit like Israel are doing now?

So in your opinion defending against terrorism is terrorism.


No its not. It's about taking money out of the conflict to try and reach a peaceful conclusion.


So why haven't you suggested that money should be taken away from Gaza, which would be much easier and quicker to achieve, than taking it away from Israel.



No they haven't, not really. Israel used Egypt as a go between for the recent ceasefire, but Egypt didn't tell Hamas. Not really sitting down and talking, is it?


They've been talking on and off for decades.

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Opening eyes in the US is difficult, the Media there is quite a well tuned propaganda machine and the people get to see pretty much what people want them to see.

But that is what needs to happen.


Unless public opinion in the US is changed and pressure is put on their Government internally to dry up the funding of weapons to Israel, then they are always going to be treating Palestinians like we have seen.


We have seen that Governments dare not condemn them and even when its does receive it through the UN they ignore it and show contempt to the world.


Until the day comes when the US wake up, all you can do as individuals is to Boycott goods and at least feel like your not going to contribute on a personal level to this madness.

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Opening eyes in the US is difficult, the Media there is quite a well tuned propaganda machine and the people get to see pretty much what people want them to see.

But that is what needs to happen.


Unless public opinion in the US is changed and pressure is put on their Government internally to dry up the funding of weapons to Israel, then they are always going to be treating Palestinians like we have seen.


We have seen that Governments dare not condemn them and even when its does receive it through the UN they ignore it and show contempt to the world.


Until the day comes when the US wake up, all you can do as individuals is to Boycott goods and at least feel like your not going to contribute on a personal level to this madness.


The problem is that the majority of people oppose terrorism, so they are hardly going to condemn a country that is fighting terrorists. The best a boycott could possible achieve is Israel stop using high tech weapons and start using low tech weapons which will inevitably kill even more innocent civilians.

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