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Do you go to the Blue Ball, Hillsborough?


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Im new to this and I reckon you lot are MAD!!!!!! LOL :loopy:


I used to go to Blue ball Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun and Mon. And no at 14 I didn't have any other form of a life!!! There used to be a big group of us bouncing around in the corner where the big screen used to be, it seems now that this still happens, just that I am too old and its not my friends bouncing around. :o


There is a great atmosphere when you know people that go but I can imagine it being a little bit intimidating if you dont know what to expect!

Hey Sheffchick I was one of those bouncing around with you :hihi: I have been a few times since but I just felt old every time and I am only 21! I do agree that it could seem a bit intimidating if you don't know anyone but it's the same as anywhere so long as you don't go in acting clever then it's fine!

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From the age of 16 to 28 I used to go in the ball at hillsborough, most monday thursday and weekend nights used to have a right laugh and as somebody said earlier safer if you knew most people in there. I`m now 39 and not been in for a few years, last time I went in with my husband told to take a ring side seat by a regular as there was sure to be a fight or 2 and were they right within 2 minutes 2 had broke out.

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I bloody love The Ball.

A pint and a fight. Great British night.

Just hope nobody tries to ponce it up like they've done with my local, The Dev, up on Southey.

That used to be sound.


So if someone beat seven shades out of you next Friday or Saturday night for a laugh would you love that? Surely you would have to because they were only having a "Great British night"? That reasoning seems sound to me, although you might think using reasoning is poncy. Then again, I don't think you like to use it given that in your first post on this site you praised the Chavscum website and said that "Nails are most definitely hit on the head!" and your post about your love of The Ball is one of the chavviest things I've read.


People who get drunk and start fights are scum.

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