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Anyone come from Lansdowne Rd area?


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On 27/08/2021 at 09:05, Minimo said:

I have just noticed this topic is still going strong. I loved your post Elaine, with mention of my family , Odell, and the Rowans who were our next door neighbours. My brother Michael died when his bike went into the Thames. I was about 4 and I remember a policeman bending down to me and telling me to run off home as he didn't want any more accidents. We were still in touch with Carol Rowan till just a few years ago. I have some photos of us kids with David Rowan. Our other neighbours were Frank and Elsie Ward and their son Sidney (who always said he wanted to marry my mum after she was widowed) So many memories, sad and happy.

Hi there Minimo  - we lived opposite you at no. 54 until I was 10 yrs old  and the day your brother drowned is a dreadful memory that has stayed with me all my life.  I remember the police  arriving to tell your Dad the heartbreaking news  and  him coming outside so distraught to inform the neighbours of the tragic loss of his son.  Everyone was in total shock and I as a child could not comprehend that a little boy could go away on holiday and never return and I know my mother had great difficulty in helping me deal with it.  A sad sad day. 


On a lighter note - I remember Sydney Ward very well and as for Carol Rowan  - a lovely sweet and gentle girl who was so close to her Mum who I always knew as Aunty Carrie.  Oh the memories of childhood both happy and sad that stay with you and yet are always so good to share. 

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Hi Elaine, I've just had email replies from my brother and sister re your memories. We are blown way to read of our tragedy from a different viewpoint. I'm so sorry you were so upset. I think we must have played together, though none of us can remember many names now. My brother remembers 2 ginger haired brothers who lived opposite us, they had a tv and Malcolm watched the coronation there in 1953. Did you ever play with marbles in the cobbles on the corner with Club Garden Rd.?  I have a street index from the 50s and F Turner is indeed at number 54, your dad I presume.

 My sister said to tell you she still sees Carole  sometimes and she is still the same lovely person. Her brother David died a few years ago.

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Hello again Minimo - how nice to hear from you again.  I didn’t realise you had another brother and a sister - perhaps they were born after we had moved up to no.79 in 1951/52.  I don’t recall the ginger haired brothers - again they probably moved in after we had moved up the road. An elderly lady by the name of Mrs Wilkinson took no. 54 after us and yes the F Turner you referred to was my lovely Dad Frank.  My equally lovely Mum was Elsie. 

You ask about playing marbles on the cobbles in Club Garden Road?  I know exactly the spot you are referring to - it was in the middle of the road outside Jowett’s pawnshop and as I mentioned in my earlier post marbles was a great source of income for me and that particular hole was my favourite!  I took up crown green bowls in my 40’s and my Dad was convinced that it was my passion for marbles that guided me in that direction. I played for 28 years for both Todwick and Hillsborough. 

I am sorry to learn of David Rowan’s passing but pleased to hear that Carole is still with us. Please ask your sister to give my best love to Carole and to tell her that I still think of her fondly. 

To help with the time scale of things I was born in August 1942. 

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We'll be sure to mention you to Carole next time my sister sees her. Michael was born in 1944, Malcolm on the same date in 1946 (clever Mum, how did she manage that?) me in 1947 and baby sister Janet Sheila in 1953. Dad died in 1954 and in 1958 we moved to Derbyshire. Couldn't stay away though, came back to Sheffield in 1960. One name I've never forgotten is a boy called Tommy Justice who lived further down the road. Funny how some memories stick like glue.

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Hello again ? (You have mentioned your siblings names but not your own).  I was saddened to learn of your Dad’s passing so young.  Your poor Mum having had to cope with Michael’s tragic accident followed by the loss of him too with such a young family to take care of must have been unbearable. 

Ironically enough you remember Tommy Justice  - for only 3 or 4  weeks ago my cousin told me that he had recently died.  I vaguely remember him as a fair haired lad - a bit of a rogue - with a somewhat formidable mother!  However I then Googled “Tommy Justice Sheffield” ( I don’t for the life of me know why but I do tend to use Google a lot) and lo and behold there was his picture on “Memorygiving.com” stating that he had passed away in May aged 74 - just thought you might like to know that Minimo whatever your name is.


Out of interest did you and your brothers go to Sharrow Lane School?  I’ve a feeling somehow that you didn’t. 

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 Susan here, aka Minimo. Sad about Tommy, we have quite a bit in common, as I see from what was said about him. I must have been aware he was a bit of a rascal as I thought his name was ironic (not that I knew that word back then)  But he sounded a lovely man.

We all went to St Barnabas on Cecil Rd. I remember the head Mr Nutting and my class teacher Miss Cuckson, friends were Frances Priest, Gwendoline Cawthorne, and Geoffrey  Horsepool. I wonder where they all are now.

I was always a bit scared of Mr Jowett in the pawnshop but Malcolm says he was a nice chap really.

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