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Anyone come from Lansdowne Rd area?


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19 hours ago, DavidFrance said:

Thanks David, that worked! But after all that I'm afraid I don't recognise anyone, certainly not my mum. It's possible there were other Odells I never knew and don't have photos of, so we may never know which is a shame. Happy New Year.

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On 25/12/2021 at 11:29, Minimo said:

Thanks David, that worked! But after all that I'm afraid I don't recognise anyone, certainly not my mum. It's possible there were other Odells I never knew and don't have photos of, so we may never know which is a shame. Happy New Year.

Glad we got there eventually. And a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours !


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  • 6 months later...
On 24/09/2021 at 17:50, Minimo said:

 Susan here, aka Minimo. Sad about Tommy, we have quite a bit in common, as I see from what was said about him. I must have been aware he was a bit of a rascal as I thought his name was ironic (not that I knew that word back then)  But he sounded a lovely man.

We all went to St Barnabas on Cecil Rd. I remember the head Mr Nutting and my class teacher Miss Cuckson, friends were Frances Priest, Gwendoline Cawthorne, and Geoffrey  Horsepool. I wonder where they all are now.

I was always a bit scared of Mr Jowett in the pawnshop but Malcolm says he was a nice chap really.

Hi, I've been doing a bit of family history research (great hobby over lockdown!) and found this site when researching the Sheffield branch of my family! Alfred Jowett was my Great x2 Grandfather! I just wanted to put a message up to see if anyone had any memories of him that they'd be happy to share with me! (even if it was that he was a bit scary! :D). Thank you! :)

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On 26/06/2022 at 20:31, AnneG said:

Hi, I've been doing a bit of family history research (great hobby over lockdown!) and found this site when researching the Sheffield branch of my family! Alfred Jowett was my Great x2 Grandfather! I just wanted to put a message up to see if anyone had any memories of him that they'd be happy to share with me! (even if it was that he was a bit scary! :D). Thank you! :)

Hi Anne, I only have the very vaguest memory of Mr Jowett, I think it might have been something to do with us bouncing balls against his wall. As I said, my brother didn't have a problem. Am I right in thinking one of his family became Bishop of somwhere (Liverpool?)

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After my last post above I was remembering another snippet from the past. Near the bottom of Lansdowne Rd on the 'evens' side was a tiny shop, I think it was just the front room of a house really. I recall a very worn stone step, but the strongest memory I have is of going in there one day and finding a half crown on the floor. I handded it over the shopkeeper whose name I don't know, but I've thought since that 2/6 could have fed us for a week probably if I'd only given it to my mum (early to mid fifties). The things you think out of the blue!

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On 26/06/2022 at 20:31, AnneG said:

Hi, I've been doing a bit of family history research (great hobby over lockdown!) and found this site when researching the Sheffield branch of my family! Alfred Jowett was my Great x2 Grandfather! I just wanted to put a message up to see if anyone had any memories of him that they'd be happy to share with me! (even if it was that he was a bit scary! :D). Thank you! :)

My maternal grandma lived on Hobart Street in the '40s when I was little and I remember her taking me down Club Garden Road on a few occasions to a pawn broker's shop.

I'd no idea what it was called until hillsbro pointed me in the right direction and I found images of Jowitt's shop on Picture Sheffield. I immediately knew it was the same place.

At the time I thought the place was somehow different to other shops and it very strange that grandma was handing over grandad's gold fob watch. It was only years later that I understood the reason for and context of the transaction. In those days living from hand to mouth, if you couldn't afford something, then you didn't have it. They never bought a house simply because it meant putting themselves in a lot of debt and I suppose the spectre of the workhouse loomed large.

Now we live in a different world where credit is very much encouraged and is part of everyday life.. 

Sorry AnneG I don't have any particular recollection of your relative but the visits to his shop have certainly stayed with me for a very long time.



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  • 8 months later...
On 17/11/2016 at 18:38, Jim Hardie said:

I used to live at 157 Landsdowne Road , across from Millerships shop. I remember Delyse Humpheys, I went to St Matthias C of E School she went to Sharrow Lane, she was a friend of my sisters Catherine and Dorothy Johnson.

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Hi , I lived at 157, Landsdowne Rd, until 1961 with my sisters Catherine ( Cath), Dorothy,  Jacqueline, Yvonne ,Arlene (she was only 3 when we left ) and my brother Alan. We lived on the corner of Franklyn St and Landsdowne where the barber shop was and across from Milletships shop. Hammonds bakery was a little above and across the street, John was my brothers friend and Josie my older sisters friend, we used to sit in their back yard and play school, the little ones the pupils and the older sisters teachers. I remember Eric Black, Delyse Humphrey 9yrs older than me, Michael Smith (lived on Franklyn street) we used to gather on the cobblers step on the others side of Franklyn St, and play Marbles too.

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I lived in the 2nd yard on Franklin Street up from Horace's barber shop, I used to be a mate of Michael Smith, we used to play marbles (mabs) on the corner of Franklin St & Landsdowne Rd, I remember the Johnsons, your yard was over the wall from Kelly's - first yard on Franklin St.

Good times 🙂

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  • 3 months later...

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