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Tesco store trashed by Gaza protesters!

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If people have money in their pockets and a decent lifestyle they don't want to fight. If you have a good life why would you want to fight?



another myth, that one. People, especially left wingers, automatically jump to the conclusion that terrorists are poor and with nothing to lose, that is why they are terrorists, and if they only had more money and better educations then they wouldn't be terrorists.


unfortunately the facts don't bear this out. Terrorists are not the poorest people. Quite often they tend to be not just not poor, but quite rich. Look at the 9/11 attackers. Almost all of them came from affluent backgrounds and received expensive foreign educations. Poorer people tend to just get on with their lives, it is the more affluent ones who are ideologically the more likely to become terrorists.

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So what do the Jewish shoppers of that Tesco do now? unbelievable ! :shakes:


---------- Post added 18-08-2014 at 15:22 ----------


Should we pressure supermarkets to stop stocking Halal products until Saudi Arabia stops persecuting homosexuals?

Saudi Arabia is the cause of most of the conflicts in the Middle East and yet our Government along with America seem to ignore this.

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We? Or just you? If you have trouble understanding simple words then thats a problem you have, not i.


It wasn't me with the problem, remember. Ironic isn't it, you infer people have spelling issues with the following..


Have you been drinking Serious question only your spelling is usually better.

...and you can't even get the simple stuff a 6 yr old would get right.


Poor spelling, poor grammar, and now poor memory.


Before you go squealing to moderation with the report button, there is nothing wrong with pointing out your hypocrisy.

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Boo hoo. Get over yourself Tim - there are thousands of families over there being ripped apart, mothers, fathers, kids being killed, homes razed to the ground, lives shattered.

If it disturbs your tranquility, tough titty.


None of which has got owt to do with a supermarket chain in the UK. In fact if Israel and Hamas want to chuck missiles at each other let them get on with it, nowt to do with us.

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Yesterday there was a bunch of the protestors on the Moor. I think they had been moved on from The Town Hall because of a wedding and were rolling down the Moor chanting. There had been some black guy with a megaphone down on the Moor chanting Christian slogans for some time and they tried to shut him up, but the guy wasn't going to be shut up and just chanted louder. It rather detracted from the kids trying to watch Peter Pan on the big screen. But hey.. Why should kids be allowed to enjoy themselves when their are loud mouths around?


That's funny because in the Sheffield Star today, I read that the protestors were very respectful of the wedding ceremony and cheered the bride and groom. The wedding party said that they didn't mind the protestors nearby at all.

Anyway the police must have been happy for the protests to happen, as all demonstrations have to be okayed by them.

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We? Or just you? If you have trouble understanding simple words then thats a problem you have, not i.


---------- Post added 18-08-2014 at 13:47 ----------



You say that a lot dont you. Many of your posts start with 'here we go again' then you bleat about so called anti muslim propaganda.

Have a look at this link, this is all the anti muslim propaganda anyone could ever need in the UK,


The posters they are holding, the things they are shouting, the hassle they are causing. Its all going a long way to showing people what islam seems to be all about.




No it doesn't you fool.


It is well known the group mentioned in the link is part of Anjem Chaudary's misfits.


Also, they targeted Muslim owned businesses- still wrong (as it their choice what they sell). If they had gone to non Muslim stores and demanded the samething, then I would shout.


Since when have you seen your average peaceful law abiding Muslim go around holding placards and demanding such and such thing be abolished etc.


Just a few quotes from the link in case you did not read it:


The group, led by former Al-Muhajiroun leader Anjem Choudary, warned restaurants and shops in the Brick Lane area that they face 40 lashes if they continue to sell the product, which is banned under Sharia Law.


Around 60 men and women in burkhas handed over warning letters to Muslim-owned businesses


40 lashes for your ignorance...:hihi:

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