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Best real ale pubs in Chesterfield


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What is the "Brampton mile" like? A lad I went to uni with used to talk about it but I'm going back 15years so don't know if all pubs are still going etx


There is a good pub crawl to be had round there.


Start at the Real Ale Corner (off-licence with a couple of hand pumps), then onto the Rose & Crown, Barlow's Tap house, The Tramway Tavern and finish at Chesterfield Ale House.

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Guest makapaka
There is a good pub crawl to be had round there.


Start at the Real Ale Corner (off-licence with a couple of hand pumps), then onto the Rose & Crown, Barlow's Tap house, The Tramway Tavern and finish at Chesterfield Ale House.




I was always under the impression there were more pubs to go at than that tho. Although it maybe that a number have shut down?

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Well in his defence I probably thought Stella was a good beer 15 years ago as well... Although it's more likely if you make it 20!


I thought Stella was pretty good in 1974 - but that was before my first taste of handpumped beer the following year.

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  • 1 year later...

I've just had a scan of this thread and note that there have been no replies since Oct '16.

Here's a list of the names that re-occured most often:-


Rose & Crown

Tramway Tavern

Chesterfield Ale House



White Swan

Chesterfield Arms


Have any of these fallen from previous high standards?

Are there any new pubs to consider?

Could 5 of these be worked into a walkabout?



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The last time I went in there it had been taken over by Burtonwood Brewery, who are to brewing what I am to space travel.


Do they still have their awful beers or have they moved on to something half-decent?


I agree it's a cosy little pub. I am from that area and spent many enjoyable days on long summer walks which culminated in the beer garden of that little pub - back in the days when it was a Mansfield tied house.




---------- Post added 26-11-2017 at 22:30 ----------



Gladly Burtonwood and Jennings are dead in the water at the Gate Inn. These days it is Black Sheep and a guest ale. Don't worry, the Mansfield days are not spoken of now and best left in the past!


You've just put me off completely mentioning "Black Sheep". That is the hallmark of a non-real ale pub. It's a ubiquitous brew, a beginners real ale, a token gesture to the real ale movement - favoured by the big brewers who are keen to jump on the bandwagon of being seen to offer "real ale" - and it's absolutely nothing like real ale at all. Disgusting.


If I see that on the bar when I walk in a pub I will turn away and go somewhere else. Same with the other "adopted" beers by the big brewers, like, "Sharp's Doom Bar", "Old Speckled Hen", "London Pride", "Hobgoblin", "Deuchars", "Timothy Taylor's Landlord", etc. All were good local real ales once until the big brewers gobbled them up, changed the recipe's and made them nationwide just so they could pretend they offer real ale.

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As it turned out we went to 3 venues with very mixed results:-


The Market - Excellent . Both the food and beer were top standard and the atmosphere was bubbling away and a good mix of punters.


The White Swan - My mate took one look and we left. I would have given it a chance but it was like a gentleman's club on a quiet Thursday afternoon which is what it was.


The Rutland - Mixed. Quiet but the few punters were lively and the premises welcoming. We witnessed a lively discussion between a NE (Geordie?) manager and a couple of customers about the betting office opposite. Good natured with a bit of banter, I liked that but not everyone does. Pint of Adnams, Southwold very iffy - couldn't decide if it was off or just not to my taste . Followed by some Exmoor Gold which was better.

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