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Does anyone remember Kenyons toy shop on Bellhouse Road

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i randomly found this site as i was looking for info on a family friend that has recently passed away.

my dad and his family lived on windmill lane for many years up untill recently.i was woundering if any of you knew them as they lived next door to the bond family.......which i might add that one member still lives there....richard bond. they also lived next door to the howarth family.

my dad is called philip waine and hes got a brother called brian and a sister called gloria. his parents are called ellen and cyril.


would be great to hear from somebody.



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As mentioned earlier in the post, I certainly remember the Bond family! can't remember your family though nic.w, what years are we talking about?

The earlier mention of school dinners reminds me of sago pud with huge lumps, and even worse, "drainpipe pud" macoroni in milk, yuk!!

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Was Kenyon's at the bottom of Bellhouse Rd on the right looking up from Firth Park, I ask because I remember , nose pressed to the window, longing to possess a chemistry set . I thought it was a wonderful thing.

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Hello Everybody

I'm fairly new to this site and I've only just found this thread - talk of Firth Park, Bellhouse Rd., Shiregreen Sec. Mod. School, etc., has brought on a bout of nostalgia, so I'll just get a few things off my chest.

First, Mr Lamb the tyrannical headmaster of Shiregreen- I can remember one day during morning assembly a boy said or did something that caused Mr Lamb to go into a rage (it was only something minor) and he had the lad come to the front near the stage. After some ranting and raving he then proceeded to cane the boy from up on the stage - that's right, he was up on stage and the boy was on the floor in front of the stage, so the cane must have travelled in a six foot or more arc before hitting the poor lad's hand two or three times. These days, he would have been done for assault and lost his job (and rightly, too).

I also remember Miss 'Fanny' Fincham from the late fifties - also Mr Law (Science, I think) and Miss Wild (English?). There was also a Student Teacher there the same year that I left (1961) called Miss Vernon, if memory serves. She was gorgeous and, as it was Christmas when we left, the lads went round all the female teachers with a sprig of mistletoe demanding kisses - Miss Vernon was the top of every lad's list!! I think she was an actress too - I'm sure she was in a couple of TV adverts in the early sixties.

I can certainly remember the Bonds, especially John Bond who was in my year. Other names that come to mind are Johnny Guest, Tom Morton, Leslie Brocklesby, Ann Eccles, Pat Littlewood. Ring any bells, anyone?

Happy Days, although nostalgia ain't wot it used t'be, right?


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Welcome to the site joegraybsc, you mention Miss Wild, I remember she was "a bit of alright", can remember her doing the hand jive in the hall.

I also remember Mr Law, although my science teacher was mr Yates, who I quite liked, made some fantastic stinks in the wooden hut that was the science lab. I left in 1958, three years before you, my younger sister was still there in your time, Andrea Smith, if the name rings any bells.

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I remember it well. In the sixties it was the second shop up from the corner of Firth Park Crescent. There were two parts to it. The tobacconist's where I assume it must have been Mr Kenyon himself used to work and the toy part where a little lady used to work. I used to get my pocket money every Saturday morning, which was half a crown. (2/6) I used to buy Airfix models there. There was a glass cabinet where they were displayed. I remember a Ford Cortina that had a part missing and the lady who worked at the shop trying to help me get in touch with Airfix. I eventually got a whole new kit. I used to spend Saturdays building the kits and my Mum used to paint them for me. I used to live on Bevercotes.

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