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GCSE grades rise, but sharp fall in English

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"There has been a sharp fall in English GCSE grades, but on average across all GCSE subjects this year's results show a slight rise in A* to C grades"


Not sure what to make of this. Seems to be just a bout of finicky marking to me and that is plainly subjective unless it's all done by the same person and even then, it’s probably still picky.




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They've taken the "speaking and listening" element out of the English exam...wonder if that accounts for the difference?


You could be right, but either way, failing people doesn't make people try harder, it just makes them throw the towel in, which is much easier to do.

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You could be right, but either way, failing people doesn't make people try harder, it just makes them throw the towel in, which is much easier to do.


I'm not sure what you're saying here...should we not fail anyone..should everyone have a pass?

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And giving a pass to someone who doesn't deserve it devalues the whole system, harming those who did deserve the pass.


Who said anything about giving a pass to someone and who do you determine who deserves it? Why would is devalue the whole system, harm those who deserve a pass and do you think you're better than other people?

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The only value of any qualification is how few people can pass it. An exam that anyone can pass has absolutely zero value. Kids need to learn to deal with failure and bounce back and succeed, an education system that mollycoddles them is of no use whatsoever when they are out there in the world of work with targets and expectations.

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The only value of any qualification is how few people can pass it. An exam that anyone can pass has absolutely zero value. Kids need to learn to deal with failure and bounce back and succeed, .


How valuable would an exam be if nobody could pass it?


If we follow your twisted logic, it would be the very best type of exam.

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