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Is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge getting on your nerves?

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I must have seen hundreds of these ALS ice bucket challenges. I've still no idea what ALS is, since none of the videos barely mention it.


It's not just ALS, also Macmillan agree a lot of people don't mention what to do, such as if you do it text ice to xxxx to donate £3 or wimp out and text fine to xxxx to donate £10


It's all fun, no other expenses are involved and it's raising monies, nothing to stop anyone picking a different charity and we haven't a drought so no harm done there. Also you have the opportunity not to do anything.

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I do not approve of dogs being kept as pets, except working dogs that have been retired, and make no secret of that. I do however completely condemn this young person taking sadistic pleasure in causing this animal distress.


Not only did the idiot do this he put it on social media and bragged about doing it.

We should fully ecpect to hear that that animal has been taken from this person and that he has been charged with something that can he can get a custodial sentence from.


Do I believe one or both those two things will happen.. no not really.. which of course is why other idiots will do similar things without concerning themselves at all about possible consequences.


I hope I'm wrong.



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I see MacMillan have received criticism for hijacking the Ice Bucket Challeng for undermining ASL/MND's (it's MND in the UK) attempt to raise vital funds and awareness of their cause. MND are a small and underfunded charity, compared to MacMillan, and I feel it's unfair and unethical for MacMillan to actively promote their fundraising on the back of this idea/phenominom.



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