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Ebola - God cured me!

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I think the Bible is very clear on this subject , in Jeremiah v5 it says "before I formed you in your mothers womb , I Knew you " this isn't talking about pre existence because it speaks of being formed in the womb .

There are also verses throughout the bible saying the same .


---------- Post added 28-12-2015 at 11:06 ----------



Many Christians often get asked this question , so I am going to show you what we believe . The fact us they aren't mentioned in Genisis so did they live before Adam and Eve ? The word Dinosaur really means terrible lizard .

The Book of Job if it was written in it true chronological order would reside in Genisis .

Psalm74 v13 tells us that "it was you who split open the sea by your power. You broke the heads of the monster in the waters"

Verses which relate totally that confirm there were dinosaurs in biblical times .

Job describes what a dinosaur is to me . Read Job 40 v15-24

V15 look at the behemoth , which I made along with you which feeds on grass like an ox.

16 what strength in its loins , what power in its muscles of its belly .

17 Its tail seats like a cedar , the sinews of its thighs are close knit .

18 its bones are tubes of bronze , it's limbs are like rods of iron,

19 It ranks first among the works of God , yet it maker can approach it with a sword

20 The hills bring it their produce and all wild animals play nearby

21 under lotus plants it lies hidden among the reeds in the Marsh,

22The lotuses can see that in the shadow of the popular is by the stream surround it.

23 The raging river does not alarm it it is secure through the Jordan should search against its mouth .

24 can anyone capture it by the Eyes or trap it and paste it nose ?

The word be is translated as elephant or hippo but there's never been a hippo or an elephant with a tail like a cedar the cedars actually come from the Lebanon. Many ancient dinosaurs were up to 150 feet in length like brachiosautus.

Verse 19 says that this is a normal creature ranked first in all of Gods work it's its size allows it to be in phase by raging rivers it also appears irresistible even to humans or animals to try and trap it .

In Job 41 versus 1 to 34 it describes a creature that inhabits the sea with razor like teeth I can swallow his take is prey like whole. What whale can destroy it prey by passing over it ? The polio sour Kronosaurus which is estimated around 50 ft long with teeth which remain sharp enough to to cut through Wood .

Many British and French explorers and settlers wrote many reports of sightings of giant must on those still lying on the ground many of the Indians spoke of . I mentioned them as been a recent memory the fact that fossilisation does not take millions of years since under the right conditions the bone or even an old boots or wood can become filled with the minerals necessary to create fossilisation, even in a few thousand years with quick burial and a very deep water or volcanic ash. You only need to visit Matlock bath to see examples .

Look at the great flood of Noah's time this would have provided fantastic conditions to do exactly this , even today they still find fish fossils that smell of fish . The flood was probably the reason that the dinosaurs died out , even sea creatures would have died as their prey possibly perished in the flood .

My conclusion is that we need to read the bible , to find that dinosaurs aren't inconsistent with the scriptures , they could have died from disease , the flood or hunted to extinction , but to me it obvious that dinosaurs did roam the earth at one time , it is also clear the bible does describe such creatures that fit descriptions of findings . Therefore Christians believe in the bible and the knowledge of existence of dinosaurs is not incompatible in fact they completely compatible with God being the creator of all life plants, animals insects and mankind .


You're being intellectually dishonest. What does it feel like to have to manipulate factual evidence to meet your pre defined conclusion?

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You're being intellectually dishonest. What does it feel like to have to manipulate factual evidence to meet your pre defined conclusion?


I don't believe he is being dishonest , I believe in creation , I believe that God is who he is and I believe that the bible is true . Thanks Ken that really explains it well and is in what I was taught .

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You're being intellectually dishonest. What does it feel like to have to manipulate factual evidence to meet your pre defined conclusion?


I have looked at evidence surrounding what the Bible says . How does that make me intellectually dishonest when it is what is written ?

Is that your only question snailboy after all of the evidence was presented to you ?

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Why ? Where is that I am new to Sheffield , I have never hear of that area


You say you are new to Sheffield, don't know Creswell Crags and yet know about Matlock bath? :suspect:


BTW Genesis was written by Moses who was a liar and a murderer and whose account cannot be trusted as it was based on other accounts from other stories about that time.


If like Teeney you believe in creation then you also need to answer the problem of who created the creator?

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I don't believe he is being dishonest , I believe in creation , I believe that God is who he is and I believe that the bible is true . Thanks Ken that really explains it well and is in what I was taught .


Teeny I have read other threads where you have stated the same argument and got slated for this , well done for walking in Gods truths and being bold enough to speak up for what you believe in .

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I have looked at evidence surrounding what the Bible says . How does that make me intellectually dishonest when it is what is written ?

Is that your only question snailboy after all of the evidence was presented to you ?


You admitted, despite the overwhelming evidence for evolution, that you reject it because it doesn't fit with your world view.


That's intellectual dishonesty.


You should try reading more than one book, there's a whole Universe out there.

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You say you are new to Sheffield, don't know Creswell Crags and yet know about Matlock bath? :suspect:


BTW Genesis was written by Moses who was a liar and a murderer and whose account cannot be trusted as it was based on other accounts from other stories about that time.


If like Teeney you believe in creation then you also need to answer the problem of who created the creator?


I am new to Sheffield but have visited Matlock last week , I have lived in many places but never Sheffield I have never heard of Cresswell crags ?

To answer who created Gid then we need to look at certain questions , who created God ? Is God outside time ? We do do know our universe isn't eternal , how can an eternal God exist ?

I have heard the question who created God many time in my years of pastoring many churches , to me that's a great question . Physics demands that we have cause and effect . It is rediculous that the earth created its self likewise it would be ludicrous that God was created , let's say there are many theories . I believe God is outside time and space and existed before tone and space , God says he is omnipresent ( everywhere at the same time ) .who could or would argue with that ! God tells us the answer about himself being the creator and being called into question by mankind in Issaiah 45 v9 "woe is him who quarrels with his maker , to him who is but a posherd smoking the potsherds on the ground . Dies the clay say to the potter , what are you making ? Does your work say "he has

no hands" ? In Romans 9 v20 "but who are you o man , to talk back to God? "

shall what is formed say to him who formed it ,why did you make be like this?

Issiah again says "yet you Lord , are our father . We are the clay and you are the potter , we are all work of your hand " Isaiah 64 v8 We can safely assume that since we exist and the universe exists , then something that must have existed since an affect demands a cause without a proceeding at antecedent course nothing would exist nothing can not produce something .

Some may point to quantum mechanics to point out something coming from nothing , but mechanics need more to facilitate energy that has behaviours are macroscopic , the either are very low energies or very high energies , the energies must have existed before their being existence , nothing comes out of nothingness .

Paul says in Hebrews 11v 3."by faith we understand the universe was formed at Gods command , so that what is seen was not made out of what was visable .

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You admitted, despite the overwhelming evidence for evolution, that you reject it because it doesn't fit with your world view.


That's intellectual dishonesty.


You should try reading more than one book, there's a whole Universe out there.


to be a pastor you need to be well read especially when you have retired from service .

Edited by nikki-red
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I believe God is outside time and space and existed before tone and space , God says he is omnipresent ( everywhere at the same time ) .who could or would argue with that !


I would argue with that as logically if he is everywhere at the same time then he must exist in our time and space and therefore not be "outside time and space."


It also does not answer anything only what you believe.



God tells us the answer about himself being the creator and being called into question by mankind in Issaiah 45 v9 "woe is him who quarrels with his maker , to him who is but a posherd smoking the potsherds on the ground . Dies the clay say to the potter , what are you making ? Does your work say "he has

no hands" ? In Romans 9 v20 "but who are you o man , to talk back to God? "

shall what is formed say to him who formed it ,why did you make be like this?

Issiah again says "yet you Lord , are our father . We are the clay and you are the potter , we are all work of your hand " Isaiah 64 v8


None of the above is actually what God tells us but what human writers have stated and the authorship and dates are disputable.



We can safely assume that since we exist and the universe exists , then something that must have existed since an affect demands a cause without a proceeding at antecedent course nothing would exist nothing can not produce something .


Some may point to quantum mechanics to point out something coming from nothing , but mechanics need more to facilitate energy that has behaviours are macroscopic , the either are very low energies or very high energies , the energies must have existed before their being existence , nothing comes out of nothingness .


So it then gets back again to the question of who created God!


Paul says in Hebrews 11v 3."by faith we understand the universe was formed at Gods command , so that what is seen was not made out of what was visable .


But faith does not have to be true or provable just believed and again that piece was supposedly written by a man not God.

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