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Ebola - God cured me!

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Academic references please. What you have done here is cherry pick from the historical record to support your own case. :roll:

BTW, the comment to which you refer related to the situation before the conversion of Constantine (and, with it, Roman acceptance of Christianity). ;)

Intolerance, lack of compassion, greed and selfishness have been universal traits of all mankind since the earliest years of human existence. ;) ...They are apparent in postings on this thread too. :(


Bit like the pigs and dogs thing then, eh?


Notice you elected not reflect on your own post when a mirror was held up to you...

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Bit like the pigs and dogs thing then, eh?


Notice you elected not reflect on your own post when a mirror was held up to you...


Please refer to post #90 (page 5). ;)



Well, I've done all I'm prepared to do to help people here. ...As the saying goes, you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Good luck to everyone in their personal quests for greater education, knowledge, understanding and tolerance. ;)

Edited by Native lad
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If you're claiming the old testament isn't valid that also means it applies to the book of Genesis.


Or is it only the embarrassing bits that don't count any more?


no i am not saying that at all.


---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 16:35 ----------


I'm not sure how your comment relates to the post I made, but the man named Jesus also assumedly said he hadn't come to abolish the old laws - not, at least, until heaven and earth had passed away.





Can't choose to believe in the existence of a God that doesn't exist to me. Anyway, if that God did exist, I wouldn't choose to live with him because he's always depicted as wanting people on their knees. And with my arthritis I just couldn't manage it.


thats an excuse for not making a choice .

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Please refer to post #90 (page 5). ;)


Which I pointed out was a pathetic attempt at evasion, you didn't have a response to this, so instead chose to change the subject. It's all there on page 5 posts 91 through 93.


---------- Post added 02-05-2015 at 03:57 ----------


Well, I've done all I'm prepared to do to help people here. ...As the saying goes, you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Good luck to everyone in their personal quests for greater education, knowledge, understanding and tolerance. ;)


Classic Christian persecution complex!


Who's not tolerating you? People are disagreeing with you, telling you you're wrong and being a hypocrite, but no-ones telling you to shut up, no-one's trying to ban you. You're being totally and completely tolerated, look I'm tolerating you right now.


---------- Post added 02-05-2015 at 04:03 ----------


For Christians today, homosexuality is tolerated, but not acknowledged as being compatible with achieving maximum spiritual development, which is the overall aim of Christianity, to put it most simply.
Why not though?


Seeing as like you said, the old testament rules don't apply anymore.


Is wearing more than one kind of fabric at a time compatible with acheiving 'maximum spiritual development'? :hihi:


What on earth have you been watching? Edited by flamingjimmy
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Please refer to post #90 (page 5). ;)



Well, I've done all I'm prepared to do to help people here. ...As the saying goes, you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Good luck to everyone in their personal quests for greater education, knowledge, understanding and tolerance. ;)


Stop dodging. No amount of these ';)', which for some odd reason you litter your posts with, will divert people from the fact you made a 'pigs and dogs' reference - then had the brass neck to accuse people of 'flaming' you. Something that your own 'sources' describe as being particularly unpleasant, you did yourself.

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If you're claiming the old testament isn't valid that also means it applies to the book of Genesis.


Or is it only the embarrassing bits that don't count any more?


Which bits of the Hebrew scriptures (old testament) do you consider embarrassing ?

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Which bits of the Hebrew scriptures (old testament) do you consider embarrassing ?

I'm not embarrassed by any part of the old testament (which is still part of the Christian bible) as I'm not a believer.


Which bits of it do you find embarrassing?

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If you let your mind go deeper into scripture(Matthew 26:27,28) it reveal why he said,it is not right to take the children's bread,and to cast it to dogs.The Canaanite woman who daughter suffered terribly from demon possession understood where Christ Jesus speak of.What Jews reject throw to the ground she want it's this why she understood that dogs where unclean therefore she were ,not offended by the Lord's word but admitting that she was a unclean person.

Her faith empower her to know she worthy to eat the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.She knew he referring bread as him self an her as the dogs. Therefore Christ Jesus reveal himself as her child Physician,and bread that good for the soul. Jesus admired her Faith because he could not found in the Jews his children's that allow unbelief cause him to become crumbs under the table as a portion to the Gentiles.


This is what you gave a a scripture this is what it means

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I'm not embarrassed by any part of the old testament (which is still part of the Christian bible) as I'm not a believer.


Which bits of it do you find embarrassing?


None , i find some hard to understand sometimes but we are talking of a different time and culture to ours , when viewed from the right perspective and in context this can help .

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None , i find some hard to understand sometimes but we are talking of a different time and culture to ours , when viewed from the right perspective and in context this can help .


African culture is very different to British culture and it's one I feel more comfortable with . Jesus taught in Parables which is a good way to learn

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