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Ebola - God cured me!

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Just wondered if teeny has spoken to ken on the allotment yet,maybe they were talking about Sheffield forum and ebola-god cured me! perhaps.Allotment prices in Sheffield v rest of the country or new allotment site for those on heeley and meersbrook site,coincidence?


Sadly Lottiecass since I have just arrived back 2 weeks ago I haven't been up to the plots . I am sure Ken will reappear I am not the only person on here to have met him .

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Personally I think this thread should be closed now as people really are not discussing what the original thread was about not one of the posters here has stuck to the subject.


The subject was to question whether someone was cured of Ebola by God or a serum. That automatically brings into question God, faith and religion vs Science which means all aspects of that have to be discussed. Unfortunately some just want to cut and paste religious text and when that happens of course the contents and context is going to be questioned. The problem then is how good are the answers?


---------- Post added 01-01-2016 at 01:19 ----------


What's the latest question ?


I think it was whether the Bible is Gods word or man's.

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I take it that you didn't actually see Ken's original avatar photo?


It wasn't just similar to Professor Martin Smith's photo, it was Professor Martin Smith's photo, taken from his site. "Ken" denied this even though it was plain for all to see.


Teeny, who writes just like Ken, claimed to have met him in person and also claimed that it is Ken in the photo and not Martin Smith, even though the truth was there for all to plainly see.


Pointing out such a huge flaw (to put it politely) is not bullying.


---------- Post added 31-12-2015 at 18:45 ----------



In your own words (without bible quotes or quotes from apologetics sites) what is your own personal reason or reasons for believing that your God exists in the first place?






Me and you and our state of consciousness and awareness of our existence and the very fact that we can discuss this :)


---------- Post added 01-01-2016 at 15:10 ----------


What did it say on Adams gravestone ?


---------- Post added 01-01-2016 at 15:19 ----------


At least you can't say I didn't listen to my wife. :)

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There seems to be a lot of conflict when it comes to religion and

science arguing whether god exists etc, people making out it's either

one or the other, but to me it's about bringing them together.


Here's how I see it..


God = man because God according to the bible made man in it's own image,

so when people say the bible is gods word, it's mans word in the

understanding of god. Jesus and the people what wrote the bible seemed

to be smarter than the average person in their times and used their

learning to explain things and were speaking of their understanding of

what god meant back then, just like Scientists do now with science when they explain evolution.


Remember people were really simple minded back then compared to now, obviously now days god doesn't mean a supreme being with a beard in clouds controlling the world or however it's been portrayed by some.


God in Christianity means the creator which in modern times using the

help of science, god/creator seems to be space and creation of the

universe which created the planets, stars, sun which gave life to the

earth and eventually us.


The bible is just an explanation of the old way of seeing things before

science existed, it's about understanding what god means in modern

times, which is man because we are the ones who made everything up after

developing language and words and meanings which fit into how we see

things, there was no science back then, no way to demonstrate things

like we do now so most of it was made up using the basic understanding

of the world back then.


God = creator


creator now days = space/big bang/universe


To thank god is to thank ourselves and all of the creation, it's showing

appreciation for existence.


It's about combining old ways and new ways of understanding.


Some people just don't like the word "God" because of the supreme higher

being in clouds meaning, they see it has silly now days, but we are the

supreme higher beings because we evolved to a point where we could make

everything up. If people don't believe we are the higher beings try

seeing the creation of the world from a dog or cats point of view.


God is the energy what gives us life, we all share it.


Luke 17:21 - nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,'

because the kingdom of God is in your midst."

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I agree...even Jesus showed the sick need doctors


Mark 2:17New International Version (NIV)


17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

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I agree...even Jesus showed the sick need doctors


Mark 2:17New International Version (NIV)


17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”


Jesus healed many sick people .

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