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Ebola - God cured me!

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So lets start with the vas deferens (no point running through the rest until you have given a detailed version of how it should be- with drawing please).


Outline your viewpoint and prove to us that this alternative is possible in the first place. In other words, show us how your design is workable, from genotype to phenotype- and it has to be from early development through to puberty and adulthood.


When this is done, and we have a full script, only then we can begin discussing which of the two designs is best and keep all circumstances under consideration.



Why not start first with number 1 as the eye is a perfect example of evolution, or is that the reason you want to start with 2?


---------- Post added 04-01-2016 at 21:54 ----------


I worship the God of the bible because I have examined the bible for myself and I believe the 66 bible writers to have been inspired from a higher intelligence.


No, you worship it because you are told what to worship by the leaders and being a witness are not allowed to have your own ideas or thoughts.



Also everything around me the earth for instance shows evidence of design . design by a higher intelligence


Which then gets back to who designed the designer.

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In your own words (without bible quotes or quotes from apologetics sites) what is your own personal reason or reasons for believing that your God exists in the first place?

Me and you and our state of consciousness and awareness of our existence and the very fact that we can discuss this :)

...and what leads you to believe that a god is responsible for this?

Also everything around me the earth for instance shows evidence of design . design by a higher intelligence


So, God must exist because we exist.... and we exist so God must have designed and made us?


Somewhat circular in reasoning, don't you think?


---------- Post added 04-01-2016 at 22:04 ----------


Illness entered the world when man went it alone this is ABC stuff again :confused:


You mean God introduced it when man 'went it alone' ?


---------- Post added 04-01-2016 at 22:08 ----------




You're comparing a unicorn with God..tell me, what information over the course of existence has come about regards to unicorns (or FSM etc)- how many people reported it? Which scientists persued this? What level of cross cultural impact has it had?


To many people your God is perfectly comparable to unicorns (of any colour) and no amount of appealing to popularity makes either more likely to exist.


In the same way that to believers of other gods, your god is simply a myth or fairy tale.


In the same way that to believers of the Abrahamic God, other peoples' gods are simply myths and fairy tales.

Edited by RootsBooster
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In the end we must examine the evidence for ourselves and then come to a personal decision as to what the purpose of life is and then live accordingly I really see no point in forcing people to believe anything , we need to reach our own conclusions and be happy with them .






All I can suggest is come and examine the bibles evidence and then come to your own conclusion .


I don't see the point of bickering on and on so my time on the thread is done all I ask is have an open heart and mind and I wish the best to all of you thanks Lee

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In the end we must examine the evidence for ourselves and then come to a personal decision as to what the purpose of life is and then live accordingly I really see no point in forcing people to believe anything , we need to reach our own conclusions and be happy with them .






All I can suggest is come and examine the bibles evidence and then come to your own conclusion .


I don't see the point of bickering on and on so my time on the thread is done all I ask is have an open heart and mind and I wish the best to all of you thanks Lee

Have you bothered examining the evidence of other religions?

Have you read up on Vishnu? Anunnaki? Ogdoad? Zeus? Cronus? Ahura Mazda?

Have you thoroughly examined their evidence or just gone straight with the one your parents wanted you to?

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have belief in what your eyes can see and what your hands can hold.


if you don't understand something, the internet is at your fingertips. it's stupid and lazy to attribute the unknown to a god or gods; a unicorn; flying spaghetti monster or any other fictional prehistoric man-made construct.

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In the end we must examine the evidence for ourselves and then come to a personal decision as to what the purpose of life is and then live accordingly I really see no point in forcing people to believe anything , we need to reach our own conclusions and be happy with them .






All I can suggest is come and examine the bibles evidence and then come to your own conclusion .


I don't see the point of bickering on and on so my time on the thread is done all I ask is have an open heart and mind and I wish the best to all of you thanks Lee


Oh come now - are you not going to answer the many questions? We'd all love to hear about how we are wrong about all these things but you are not giving us the chance...

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Oh come now - are you not going to answer the many questions? We'd all love to hear about how we are wrong about all these things but you are not giving us the chance...


You seem to not realise that people has answered this question earlier in the thread. Just scroll back to it .

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