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Ebola - God cured me!

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As a Jehovah's witness I don't believe in faith healing I believe it's a fraud and a false claim , and the evidence points to that like my wife's knee it needed a surgeon , nurses , anaesthetist and pain relief , no amount of praying would of made it better.

Is there any part of the bible that you do believe in? You clearly disbelieve this...


John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

14:13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

14:14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

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As a Jehovah's witness I don't believe in faith healing I believe it's a fraud and a false claim , and the evidence points to that like my wife's knee it needed a surgeon , nurses , anaesthetist and pain relief , no amount of praying would of made it better.


Would you mind answering the question in post #1275 ?

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As a Jehovah's witness I don't believe in faith healing I believe it's a fraud and a false claim , and the evidence points to that like my wife's knee it needed a surgeon , nurses , anaesthetist and pain relief , no amount of praying would of made it better.


faith healing is different to Christian Healing which I do believe in , Talking of Knee replacements my friend in Bulawayo has had knee pain for years and has be scheduled to attend a clinic in South Africa , where she was diagnosed as needing a knee replacement in April this year. We prayed for her just before we left Bulawayo , she is pain free , yet her xrays and scans all say that shouldn't be case as this knee has very bad arthritis in it ! For the past 5 years she has been on strong pain killers everyday and now takes none since the night of the prayer. Hope that helps you cant explain it can you ?

JWs in Bulawayo whom we work with see things slightly differently from JWs here so please don't tar all with the same brush.

Edited by teeny
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faith healing is different to Christian Healing which I do believe in , Talking of Knee replacements my friend in Bulawayo has had knee pain for years and has be scheduled to attend a clinic in South Africa , where she was diagnosed as needing a knee replacement in April this year. We prayed for her just before we left Bulawayo , she is pain free , yet her xrays and scans all say that shouldn't be case as this knee has very bad arthritis in it ! For the past 5 years she has been on strong pain killers everyday and now takes none since the night of the prayer. Hope that helps you cant explain it can you ?

JWs in Bulawayo whom we work with see things slightly differently from JWs here so please don't tar all with the same brush.


There's always reports of miracle cures and recoveries, they always happen in cases where it could easily be coincidence or misdiagnosis.

Nobody has ever miraculously regrown a new limb though, no matter how hard they pray.

Why is this? Why does God sometimes cure people of ailments that could have easily gone away on their own or could have been misdiagnosed in the first place but never cures anyone of an affliction that can't possibly be misdiagnosed or healed of it's own accord (ie, a missing leg) ?


If I remember correctly, that fellah Jesus said something along the lines of "Ask and it will be given to you".

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faith healing is different to Christian Healing which I do believe in , Talking of Knee replacements my friend in Bulawayo has had knee pain for years and has be scheduled to attend a clinic in South Africa , where she was diagnosed as needing a knee replacement in April this year. We prayed for her just before we left Bulawayo , she is pain free , yet her xrays and scans all say that shouldn't be case as this knee has very bad arthritis in it ! For the past 5 years she has been on strong pain killers everyday and now takes none since the night of the prayer. Hope that helps you cant explain it can you ?

JWs in Bulawayo whom we work with see things slightly differently from JWs here so please don't tar all with the same brush.



Jehovah's witnesses the world over don't believe in Christian healing or faith healing I know because I've been and the watchtower publications are the same in every country

In the world just in a different language

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Jehovah's witnesses the world over don't believe in Christian healing or faith healing I know because I've been and the watchtower publications are the same in every country

In the world just in a different language


Some Jws are changing their views in Zimbabwe because of the situation there even the JWs have been involved with us and our team , they are joining us praying fir Bulawayo every week . Your publications maybe the same but it doesn't change the word of God , he tells us he will heal us .

The lady I am talking about is actually a Jw herself and she is saying her and her family now believe she has been healed , she will travel to SA for a reacessment soon .

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Some Jws are changing their views in Zimbabwe because of the situation there even the JWs have been involved with us and our team , they are joining us praying fir Bulawayo every week . Your publications maybe the same but it doesn't change the word of God , he tells us he will heal us .

The lady I am talking about is actually a Jw herself and she is saying her and her family now believe she has been healed , she will travel to SA for a reacessment soon .


Then they are no longer Jehovah's witnesses then


---------- Post added 08-01-2016 at 13:15 ----------



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