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Ebola - God cured me!

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The fact that we can't explain everything doesn't imply that a God must have done it.


In England the Black Death killed 1.5 million people out of an estimated total of 4 million people between 1348 and 1350. Some people didn't get ill and some didn't die even though they got ill, at the time there was no explanation as to why some got better and some didn't catch it, so it must have been God.

We now know the reasons why some got better and why some didn't become infected.


I think you will find they have some idea why some got plague and some didn't but I also know that the power of God as always there , healing and miracles do happen today ! People who are blind have been healed and also people who cannot walk have walked etc there are many Miracles out there if you want to believe , Christians will speak of the relationship they have with God , anyone can have that relationship they have to choose to follow , which isn't easy

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there are people healed today by God , many testimonies re backed up by medical reports which have been compiled by independent doctors who verify miracles


Why does god never heal amputees?


It seems a bit suspicious that he only ever heals people who might have gotten better by themselves.

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Why does god never heal amputees?


It seems a bit suspicious that he only ever heals people who might have gotten better by themselves.


that doesn@t he can't ! God is able

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that doesn@t he can't ! God is able


So why doesn't he?


Why does he only ever heal people that might have gotten better by themselves?


Why not give an amputee his arm back?


He can make blind people see again you say? So he can magically fix eyes?


Why can't he make news eyes for people who've completely lost them?

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So why doesn't he?


Why does he only ever heal people that might have gotten better by themselves?


Why not give an amputee his arm back?


He can make blind people see again you say? So he can magically fix eyes?


Why can't he make news eyes for people who've completely lost them?



watch this its good and explains healing

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I was really hoping you'd answer for yourself, you seem to divert a lot of questions with links to advertising websites for churches.


this isn't the church I attend but it good a factual , I like the way healing is explained by Nicky Gumbel speaks about healing . He expresses views similar, this isn't about just one church , Church is where Christians get their teaching from so please expect us to quote people who we have heard who can better explain God healing

Edited by teeny
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Take a look at http://www.secularhumanism.org/library/aah/igwe_11_3.htm for another angle on this "healing".


Of course there's many that would dispute that but this story isnt correct as it reported here on this site ! I have heard Reinhart Bonnke speak in both the Uk and SA , there are many things can be said but healing have taken place in meetings he speaks at , He is very popular in Africa.

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