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Ebola - God cured me!

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When you apply to adopt, you give permission for many bodies to investigate you... So, lots and lots of people knew about it.


Not so much in the 50s all that happened was the vicar came round several times along with a lady from the Church of England society , I know now things are very different . I believe they had a medical but it wasn't like today's no thoroughness

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Not so much in the 50s all that happened was the vicar came round several times along with a lady from the Church of England society , I know now things are very different . I believe they had a medical but it wasn't like today's no thoroughness


I have a lot of adopted cousins (at least 6 I know of), no they checked!


Still, no evidence of a God being involved.

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They weren't going to foster ! They wanted a child of their own . Look at the dates involved too long periods , they trusted God

They didn't get a child of their own. They got somebody else's child.


Stop bearing false witness.


---------- Post added 13-01-2016 at 23:52 ----------


At her age she was well passed child baring not that that's a problem to God. I guess He wanted me to be in this family

No. The adoption agency put you with them. (...unless the adoption agency is god, of course. :rolleyes:)

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Can you go a day without thanking God, if not then you were so brainwashed as a child that its no wonder that you're so messed up. Miracles over direct action!


Do you honestly believe God saved that man rather than the doctors and medicines...


Do you also believe God released ebola as a punishment like he did plagues in the bible?




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most people died with TB pre war in the Uk but my mother was prayed for at Beauchief Abbey , she didn't die...

Did all the people with TB who were prayed for "not die"!?



"No-one died."


I don't believe they are false , mother Theresa was a channel from God .

MT was a Roman Catholic. You seemed very anti Roman Catholic a few posts back. Why cite her now?




---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 00:35 ----------


you need to test the word of God by asking these questions does it match what Gods word says ? does the word reflect the context in which it was spoken of ?



"Circular reasoning (Latin: circulus in probando, "circle in proving"; also known as circular logic) is a logical fallacy in which the reasoner begins with what they are trying to end with."

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I personally never met him but my parents did , I basing I wrote on what they wrote all those years ago . He was raised from the dead there has to be truth there as it was documented

HaHa! (...laughs and points!)


Frodo took the ring to Mordor. ...there has to be truth there as I saw the film and read the book.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 00:54 ----------


Who inspired the person who chose to offer my parents a baby ??

Ask that person. How should/could I know? Just because you like to make stuff up, that doesn't mean we all do.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 00:58 ----------


Somebody who they didn't know ! Somebody who knew nothing of the fact they had applied to adopt as they told nobody apart from family in the north of England .

"Somebody" might accept your rubbish. I don't.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 01:04 ----------


Church of England probably a member of the clergy! Who inspired them to say yes to older parents ?

He was probably busy abusing a choir boy and misread their ages.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 01:10 ----------


Isn't that kind of a horrible thing to say to someone who was adopted, and is telling you about it?



She believes I will burn forever in hellfire!


No comparison.

Edited by redwhine
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Interested! Its simply a book, not a very good one at that! Aesop's Fables is far better.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 00:40 ----------



What's with these hidden questions... Is your God telling me to say this to you?


The decision was probably made on a judgemental basis based on the research conducted when they asked for a child (even though God had chosen for them not to have children,hence they went against Gods wishes, no?)

If |God hadn't wanted them to have a child then I wouldnt have been given to them !


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 09:19 ----------


How many people take aspirin and pray, then thank god for curing their headache? :roll:


I often ask God to heal my headache but don't take any pain killers.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 09:22 ----------


Isn't that kind of a horrible thing to say to someone who was adopted, and is telling you about it?


I was their child given to them , they chose to become my parents they didn't have to. Legally I was given to them through the court.( my natural mother went on to have several more children and all given up for adoption as she was unable to care for any of us )


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 09:22 ----------


I have a lot of adopted cousins (at least 6 I know of), no they checked!


Still, no evidence of a God being involved.


what ages were their parents ?


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 09:31 ----------


HaHa! (...laughs and points!)


Frodo took the ring to Mordor. ...there has to be truth there as I saw the film and read the book.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 00:54 ----------


Ask that person. How should/could I know? Just because you like to make stuff up, that doesn't mean we all do.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 00:58 ----------


"Somebody" might accept your rubbish. I don't.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 01:04 ----------


He was probably busy abusing a choir boy and misread their ages.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 01:10 ----------




She believes I will burn forever in hellfire!


No comparison.

sadly most of the original people who had dealt with my adoption have long since died but i am sure they knew how old they were , it wasn't the normal thing to do and there were many more people on the adoption register who weren't able to adopt at that time who were much younger than my parents . I was told this when I went to Redvers House here in Sheffield when my adoptive mum and I went to find out about my natural family , the social worker kept saying to my mum , you are the adoptive grandmother ? she said no I am her mother , the social worker remarked saying it was unusual for them to have had me ! when I spoke to her she said the cut off point had been around 38 to 40 , not in their 50s.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 09:37 ----------


When you apply to adopt, you give permission for many bodies to investigate you... So, lots and lots of people knew about it.


my mother and fathers family were asked how they would feel about adoption and Nobody as far as I was aware would have been allowed to speak openly as it was a private matter , My parents lived in a small community many children were adopted but not all knew hence neither did the community in which you lived. My fathers employers possibly , my mother was a housewife at that time , although she had worked here in Beauchief telephone exchange before moving to the south of England.

Social services said to me when I was adopted things weren't so strict , investigations were not thorough as they are now !


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 09:45 ----------


Did all the people with TB who were prayed for "not die"!?



"No-one died."



the 6 people my mother was in hospital all girls her age from around the beauchief /carterknowle area all passed away from TB of the stomach but my mother lived and was able to return home to be cared for supposedly in her final days. My grandmother was told she would live for 2 to 3 more days , My adoptive grandfather insisted she should be brought home to pass in peace with her loving family around her. which included my adoptive father.

I believe it was a miracle that she survived that into old age and achieved much.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 09:46 ----------


Doesn't sound it, but you are free to answer my question of looking into the existence of God...


the Bible says and the truth shall set us free :)

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