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Ebola - God cured me!

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So with the joke anecdote aside, you don't believe that God will provide to keep people safe in general?


I do believe God keeps people safe I trust him to keep me safe when I am in a squatter camp where there is known to be people who hate white people ! It's Trust

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I do believe God keeps people safe I trust him to keep me safe when I am in a squatter camp where there is known to be people who hate white people ! It's Trust


Perhaps blind chance has kept you safe. Anyway why are white people still hated? Mugabe has been in charge for about 35 years & is surely to blame for most of Zimbabwe's problems.

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I believe that there is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three Manifestations: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.



So am I misguided if I believe in Thor? If Thor appears at the bottom of my bed after preying to him, am I delusional? Or is Thor in reality your God dressed in horns and sheepskins..considering your God is the one and only?


Another question..what wouldn't you do if your God requested it of you?

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I do believe God keeps people safe I trust him to keep me safe when I am in a squatter camp where there is known to be people who hate white people ! It's Trust


Okay so you DO believe God keeps people safe.


So, why doesn't he?

The fact that you haven't been attacked doesn't mean he kept you safe. The fact that other people do get attacked indicates very strongly that he doesn't keep people safe.

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Okay so you DO believe God keeps people safe.


So, why doesn't he?

The fact that you haven't been attacked doesn't mean he kept you safe. The fact that other people do get attacked indicates very strongly that he doesn't keep people safe.


I think what teeny is saying and I'm prepared to be corrected..her God will protect if you have faith/trust/belief. Other than that it's a crapshoot.

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No as ken said I was stating that situation God provided many ways for that man to rescued but he did'nt take it. his choice.


---------- Post added 15-01-2016 at 10:10 ----------




Why do you believe in one God? Who told you that your God is the 'one'? Are all other Gods a figment of people's imaginations, or are they all misguided?


And where was your God in the Ebola case I linked to? Just asking, as you might have missed it...



I believe God was their with that person who died and gave him peace.


---------- Post added 15-01-2016 at 10:13 ----------



as Ken says one was or maybe still is an Atheist , the others are just people who are interested in Knowing God , 2 of which have been involved with JWs in the past.


---------- Post added 15-01-2016 at 10:20 ----------



I believe <snip>Jesus.


You should at least credit wherever it is you cut and pasted that from...


You (or rather someone else) has written some burble about what you believe, but you still haven't said why you believe in this particular God as opposed to believing any other religion.


The simple answer, which you won't accept, is indoctrination.


If you had different parents and were from Jerusalem, the odds are you'd be a Jew. If you had different parents and were from Tehran, the odds are you'd be a Muslim. If you were an ancient Greek from Athens, you'd be a fan of Zeus, plus an assortment of other Gods. Ditto classical Rome. Or Scandinavia.


And God giving comfort to the poor Ebola victim? Why? Why wasn't he saved when others have been? He's an unpredictable isn't he, your God?

Edited by perplexed
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Perhaps blind chance has kept you safe. Anyway why are white people still hated? Mugabe has been in charge for about 35 years & is surely to blame for most of Zimbabwe's problems.


white people are now racially abused.I am not sure why but the white population is lower than what it used to be.


---------- Post added 15-01-2016 at 13:42 ----------


The big question though is, Why do you believe it?


I believe in God because I know He is real and I can feel His presence. The proofs for God, are all around us. We all are not just a body, but we are a person who consists of 3 parts: Body, soul, and spirit. We Christian’s can "Feel the presence of God" which is part of that gift discernment of the spirit. If there is spirit in us then there must be the spiritual world, which is eternity because spirit is the energy that cannot be destroyed, it will exist forever and ever. Body is only a shell for us to live on this earth, once the spirit left the body, the body will just rot away to dust again, for it was made from dust, thus come back also to dust.


The bible said spirit was the breath of God, where we were all created in His image, that we are all bestowed with knowledge and creativity to create things on earth. This is another proof how wonderfully God has created us human being.


Evidence for God :

While absolute proof of the existence of God cannot be realised by any human being, the great weight of evidence, when rationally evaluated, clearly balances the scales heavily in favour of God. We can demonstrate "beyond a reasonable doubt" that "He is, and that He is a rewarded of them that diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6).

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I know one was atheist before speaking to Teeny, he has attended ,the church Teeny goes to for 5 weeks. The others I don't know about but I do know they came because they want to know more .


I am an Agnostic and attended Church a few months ago. It was a Sunday morning service held in an Anglo Catholic Church in Barnsley. After listening to the sermon on divorce and why it was wrong, seeing how the Sunday school children were being manipulated at an early age, watching the communion given and listening to the happy clappy congregation I realise how my instincts were correct. God didn't have anything to say only the preacher so I still remain agnostic and a non-believer.

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