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Ebola - God cured me!

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If god told me he wanted me to cross the road blindfold that would be different , he hasn't said that he gave me eyes


I'm guessing she gave you a brain to think for yourself too? Use it instead of reading us scripture and verse!

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I think what teeny is saying and I'm prepared to be corrected..her God will protect if you have faith/trust/belief. Other than that it's a crapshoot.


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While many Christian families in Oklahoma (part of America's infamous bible belt) sat at home praying that the Lord would save them from the approaching tornado, Rebecca was tracking the progress of the storm online. When it became apparent the tornado was going to hit them, she took her baby and bailed, driving to safety and leaving her town behind. 24 people who stayed behind were killed and a further 353 injured.


She's become a bit of an internet phenomenon, regarded as brave for admitting her atheism on TV while living in the bible belt.


Comedian Doug Stanhope raised over $125,000 for her.



The people who stayed behind had faith that their God would keep them safe but he didn't.

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While many Christian families in Oklahoma (part of America's infamous bible belt) sat at home praying that the Lord would save them from the approaching tornado, Rebecca was tracking the progress of the storm online. When it became apparent the tornado was going to hit them, she took her baby and bailed, driving to safety and leaving her town behind. 24 people who stayed behind were killed and a further 353 injured.


She's become a bit of an internet phenomenon, regarded as brave for admitting her atheism on TV while living in the bible belt.


Comedian Doug Stanhope raised over $125,000 for her.



The people who stayed behind had faith that their God would keep them safe but he didn't.


I love stories like this. Did it not occur to the people who stayed there praying that, if God creates all things, then he mist have created the tornado and sent it to destroy the town - for whatever reason? Therefore the free will he allegedly also gave them should have told then to get the hell out of there. I know my previous post was a joke but isn't this essentially the same thing? Cannot wait for the reasoning out Christian friends will give us for this one. Popcorn at the ready...

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I love stories like this. Did it not occur to the people who stayed there praying that, if God creates all things, then he mist have created the tornado and sent it to destroy the town - for whatever reason? Therefore the free will he allegedly also gave them should have told then to get the hell out of there. I know my previous post was a joke but isn't this essentially the same thing? Cannot wait for the reasoning out Christian friends will give us for this one. Popcorn at the ready...


Because, like Teeny, they believe that their God will keep them safe.


The mentality is evident in this video, their priority is praying in times of crisis...

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While many Christian families in Oklahoma (part of America's infamous bible belt) sat at home praying that the Lord would save them from the approaching tornado, Rebecca was tracking the progress of the storm online. When it became apparent the tornado was going to hit them, she took her baby and bailed, driving to safety and leaving her town behind. 24 people who stayed behind were killed and a further 353 injured.


She's become a bit of an internet phenomenon, regarded as brave for admitting her atheism on TV while living in the bible belt.


Comedian Doug Stanhope raised over $125,000 for her.



The people who stayed behind had faith that their God would keep them safe but he didn't.

God gave us our common sense so we use it , or discernment a gift of the spirit

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