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Ebola - God cured me!

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some people are called to do mission for him in different areas and God can use any of us , we don't even have to be a Christian for God to use us for his purposes


But in your opinion (and according to your own church doctrine), can they be saved, and would they have achieved forgiveness and afterlife even though they may be unaware or disinclined to accept such?

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T he gospel is written so a child can understand it, which is true but because man has to make things complicated , man has made assumptions which aren't correct and what more satan loves this but we do have a loving God who can if you allow change all that.


The Bible/Gospel books were originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and later translated into Latin. The Catholic Church liked Latin as most common people could not read and understand it, which meant priests could then interpreted the texts as they wanted. It was much later that it was then translated into English which also romanticized the translations and added much to make the translation read better.


It was hardly something a child could easily read and understand and that's one of the reasons why children are targeted by Churches at a young age.


---------- Post added 16-01-2016 at 14:27 ----------


How else would the people of spread into the bible lands without an exodus ?


History proves it fact


The Exodus was all about a man fleeing from murder to save himself from being put to death if caught, and as the saying goes "there is safety in numbers." If you trace out the route taken some of the places visited do not make sense and it would have been and impossible route to take.

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Ohh, what did I say that influenced them?


---------- Post added 16-01-2016 at 13:51 ----------





They felt that there was mainly a lot of words being changed as you wanted to rob them of the truth ! They want to hear God's word , they want to explore what it means to be a Christian and if they would like to enter into a relationship with Jesus .


---------- Post added 16-01-2016 at 14:35 ----------


But in your opinion (and according to your own church doctrine), can they be saved, and would they have achieved forgiveness and afterlife even though they may be unaware or disinclined to accept such?


I have stayed what I believe further up in the thread . Basics here I believe in the God , createe of the universe , I believe he sent his son to die for us on the cross so we can be with God when we die.

You cannot enter God's kingdom by good works . It's by acceptance of Jesus , relationship with God . Even as a Christian the good works don't actually count , what counts is relationship with God

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They felt that there was mainly a lot of words being changed as you wanted to rob them of the truth ! They want to hear God's word , they want to explore what it means to be a Christian and if they would like to enter into a relationship with Jesus .


Can you give an example of what words were changed?

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What I am saying God can use anyone for his purpose , I wasn't claiming anything else its you who is changing what I actually meant .
What you were saying was not without context.


Specifically the context was a discussion about morality, Kensmith (the guy who passed off a photo of someone else as his own) was arguing with carosio and others about where an atheist can get his morality from.


The post you specifically responded to said this other things:


"...These non-religious people of good-will believe in doing good for its own sake and do not seek rewards and false hopes yearning for the hereafter. That's the choice they make, with or without God."


He concluded his post by emphasising that people do good without god by their own choice.


Directly in response to that, you said


"some people are called to do mission for him in different areas and God can use any of us , we don't even have to be a Christian for God to use us for his purposes"


Which attempts to contradict carosio with reference to 'god' guiding these non-religious do-gooders actions and them not being a free choice.


Clearly I did not lie about your words, or change them. Merely placed them in the context of the argument.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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You cannot enter God's kingdom by good works . It's by acceptance of Jesus , relationship with God . Even as a Christian the good works don't actually count , what counts is relationship with God



So the Bible is wrong then and despite what is claimed the 144,000 from the Jewish tribes will not enter heaven as they don't believe in Jesus ?

Edited by apelike
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What you were saying was not without context.


Specifically the context was a discussion about morality, Kensmith (the guy who passed off a photo of someone else as his own) was arguing with carosio and others about where an atheist can get his morality from.


The post you specifically responded to said this other things:


"...These non-religious people of good-will believe in doing good for its own sake and do not seek rewards and false hopes yearning for the hereafter. That's the choice they make, with or without God."


He concluded his post by emphasising that people do good without god by their own choice.


Directly in response to that, you said


"some people are called to do mission for him in different areas and God can use any of us , we don't even have to be a Christian for God to use us for his purposes"


Which attempts to contradict carosio with reference to 'god' guiding these non-religious do-gooders actions and them not being a free choice.


Clearly I did not lie about your words, or change them. Merely placed them in the context of the argument.

In yo the context you understand , it's not exactly what I meant in the way you put it , you have attempted to change what I was saying in that context for that one post .

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So the Bible is wrong then and despite what is claimed the 144,000 from the Jewish tribes will not enter heaven as they don't believe in Jesus ?


there was no tribe of Benjamin that is why the 144000 are not literal jews


---------- Post added 16-01-2016 at 15:54 ----------


The bible has to be taken as a whole and you cannot isolate certain verses to fit

your ideas . Context , time period , and the whole picture have to be taken into consideration . A thorough examination is needed not just an emotional clappy hands type thing .


---------- Post added 16-01-2016 at 15:57 ----------


So the Bible is wrong then and despite what is claimed the 144,000 from the Jewish tribes will not enter heaven as they don't believe in Jesus ?



James 2:24-26


24 YOU see that a man is to be declared righteous by works, and not by faith alone. 25 In the same manner was not also Ra′hab the harlot declared righteous by works, after she had received the messengers hospitably and sent them out by another way? 26 Indeed, as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.


---------- Post added 16-01-2016 at 16:00 ----------


The Bible/Gospel books were originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and later translated into Latin. The Catholic Church liked Latin as most common people could not read and understand it, which meant priests could then interpreted the texts as they wanted. It was much later that it was then translated into English which also romanticized the translations and added much to make the translation read better.


It was hardly something a child could easily read and understand and that's one of the reasons why children are targeted by Churches at a young age.


---------- Post added 16-01-2016 at 14:27 ----------



The Exodus was all about a man fleeing from murder to save himself from being put to death if caught, and as the saying goes "there is safety in numbers." If you trace out the route taken some of the places visited do not make sense and it would have been and impossible route to take.


True but God wanted to display his saving power and if you read the account some among the exodus didnt agree with Moses leadership and choices

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