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Ebola - God cured me!

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You are rude I have given my piece, made a contribution .



I have never made a derogatory statement of what you believe...



I have never likened belief in the living God as Santa , Easter bunny or the tooth fairy , which have no credible evidence of existence or is even tangible .

(Isn't "living god" an oxymoron?) There is evidence that Santa, the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy exist. (Kids receive presents, find money under pillows and receive chocolate eggs.) If only there was such robust evidence for your god...


God has given us a choice , we can ignore that choice, that choice takes you away from Gods best for your life .

An unveiled threat. Your god is a celestial mafia boss that makes you "an offer that you can't refuse".


---------- Post added 17-01-2016 at 03:50 ----------


why would you believe he hates Blind people and amputees?

I don't. Is it not yet clear that I have no belief that the fictitious monster exists? If it is not, then I hereby state that, to me, no supernatural being has met its burden of proof and I therefore withhold my belief in them. I don't waste my time believing that non-existent beings do anything, let alone hate people.


You stated that your god heals (selected) blind people out of love. If so, it follows that blind people (and amputees) that do not receive their sight/ regrow limbs are not beloved of your god.


...he loves each one of so much he sent Jesus to save us , so selfless he gave his son willingly so we could be saved, from a life without God .

What utter claptrap! Jesus didn't die for our sins. At most, he had a bad weekend for our sins and is now in heaven. How selfless! :roll:


T he gospel is written so a child can understand it, which is true but because man has to make things complicated , man has made assumptions which aren't correct and what more satan loves this but we do have a loving God who can if you allow change all that.

More babble.


---------- Post added 17-01-2016 at 04:00 ----------


What I am saying God can use anyone for his purpose , I wasn't claiming anything else its you who is changing what I actually meant . For example his thread has brought 4 people in to contact with myself on here as a direct result of something which was said by snailboy and yourself, since then we have been meeting with them each week in a local tearoom , you are welcome to join us , its usually Thursday afternoon around 2pm if you would like to attend.

I'd like to be there, please.


---------- Post added 17-01-2016 at 04:43 ----------


Again Darwin changed his mind st the end of his life , what does that say to you ?

...that you will believe any old made up claptrap.




---------- Post added 17-01-2016 at 04:47 ----------


Again you are quite wrong , in his latter years he said he was wrong , he spoke about this is some of his writings , he explained all the where does and why .

Please provide evidence of this.


---------- Post added 17-01-2016 at 04:55 ----------


So might you if you stopped your questioning a, the same questions every time on

different threads .


https://carm.org/secular-movements/evolution/did-darwin-become-christian-his-deathbed Read here Snailboy .

"The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry" claims that Darwin converted to christianity?


Quelle surprise!!!



Edited by redwhine
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I looked out of the window this morning and saw how lovely the trees looked with their coating of snow.


Thankfully, I do not believe any psychopathic, murderous, violent, warped misogynistic deities of any flavour were involved in this beautiful, natural tableau.


So it wasn't spoilt.

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The Answers in Genesis people reckon he didn't. You'd think they would be quite keen to show that he did.


Anyway, where is everybody this morning? Not in church by any chance?


Yes Church that where I have been , I will be there later to , as I believe in God so I want to learn more of him , it's also good to meet with like minded people .

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I looked out of the window this morning and saw how lovely the trees looked with their coating of snow.


Thankfully, I do not believe any psychopathic, murderous, violent, warped misogynistic deities of any flavour were involved in this beautiful, natural tableau.


So it wasn't spoilt.


And thankfully neither do any Christians. Everyone's a winner.

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I looked out of the window this morning and saw how lovely the trees looked with their coating of snow.


Thankfully, I do not believe any psychopathic, murderous, violent, warped misogynistic deities of any flavour were involved in this beautiful, natural tableau.


So it wasn't spoilt.


And thankfully neither do any Christians. Everyone's a winner.


Christians don't believe in the god of Abraham? The one in the bible? How strange.


Speaking for billions of people there.

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Christians don't believe in the god of Abraham? The one in the bible? How strange.


No, if you read the posts carefully, Christians don't believe in a psychopathic, murderous, violent, warped misogynistic deity. Which is true even if you don't agree with it.

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No, if you read the posts carefully, Christians don't believe in a psychopathic, murderous, violent, warped misogynistic deity. Which is true even if you don't agree with it.


Well no I don't think that's true at all.


The god of the bible is pretty psychopathic, he's certainly murderous, extremely violent, and very misogynistic.


You're telling me Christians don't believe in the god of the bible?


Or you're telling me that the god of the bible isn't those things?


Either way you're gonna have a hard time backing that up, which is it?

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Yes Church that where I have been , I will be there later to , as I believe in God so I want to learn more of him , it's also good to meet with like minded people .


Did you go as yourself or your alter ego, Martin Smith, the Royal College of Art professor?

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