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4*I will ALLOW Pharʹaoh’s heart to become obstinate, and he will chase after them, and I will glorify myself by means of Pharʹaoh and all his army; and the Egyptians will certainly know that I am Jehovah.” So that is what they did.


Jehovah didn't control him , he allowed him to act he could of just struck him dead on the spot .


Ohhh quote wars.


I'm going to play KJ Bible Exodus 9:12


"And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses."

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I'm not saying the same for yourself, what I'm saying is that you've given up the discussion and are just attacking me instead. One more time here's where we left off.


Well then they must either believe that loads of parts of the bible are wrong, or that their god is not the one in the bible.


Christians have a lot of cognitive dissonance, I know, that's why I stopped being one.


Also, you're only speaking for wishy washy liberal Christians, there are plenty out there who at the very least think their god is extremely misogynistic, and use their religion to suppress women, probably millions of them.


And also let's not forget the god-mandated violence that Christians still do in some parts of the world to people they label as 'witches'.


No not at all, that's a very modern thing, not in any way the 'whole basis of Christianity'.


The 'basis' of Christianity if there was one is the Jewish messianic prophecies which Jesus' followers managed to convince people that he had fulfilled.


Try and find someone saying that's the whole basis of Christianity is a loving god from somewhere within the first 1000 years of it's history.



Attacking? Haha,believe me you would know if I am attacking you. :roll: Don't play the victim card just yet...


I'm not debating as it is a pointless debate.


At the risk of repeating myself, you, S.B, R.B, LC clearly don't believe in God. You cannot disprove the existance of God and neither can we prove it.


So this thread is just going because some like to feel big by thinking they are getting one over the Theists.


Interesting to note though that it's only questions being posed to the Christian's. Why won't the Atheists answer questions?


For example, if Atheists put so much value on the THEORY of evolution, how can they dismiss religion so easily when the THEORY of evolution doesn't give any indication of why man is on earth?

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Ohhh quote wars.


I'm going to play KJ Bible Exodus 9:12


"And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses."



You miss the point of Gods allowing or permitting his heart to become hard .


some translations render the Hebrew account to read that Jehovah “let [Pharaoh’s] heart wax bold” (Ro); “let [Pharaoh’s] heart become obstinate.” (NW) In support of such rendering, the appendix to Rotherham’s translation shows that in Hebrew the occasion or permission of an event is often presented as if it were the cause of the event, and that “even positive commands are occasionally to be accepted as meaning no more than PERMISSION”

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Attacking? Haha,believe me you would know if I am attacking you. :roll: Don't play the victim card just yet...
I don't mean you're trying to bully me or anything. Merely that instead of attacking my arguments you're just attacking me saying things like 'you're just closed minded' and 'you're just arguing for the sake of it' with no discussion whatsoever of the points I raised.


I'm not debating as it is a pointless debate.


At the risk of repeating myself, you, S.B, R.B, LC clearly don't believe in God. You cannot disprove the existance of God and neither can we prove it.

That's not what's being discussed right now though is it. We were on some quite specific stuff about the nature of a character in a book, whether he's violent and sexist etc. not whether he exists or not in real life.


Interesting to note though that it's only questions being posed to the Christian's. Why won't the Atheists answer questions?


For example, if Atheists put so much value on the THEORY of evolution, how can they dismiss religion so easily when the THEORY of evolution doesn't give any indication of why man is on earth?

I answer questions all the time. And I will gladly answer this one, I've got quite a good answer too. But I'll only do it if you show me the same courtesy and respond to the points I've made to you three times now.
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Interesting to note though that it's only questions being posed to the Christian's. Why won't the Atheists answer questions?


1. We are still waiting for the theists to answer questions. Quid pro Quo etc.


2. We are not making any outlandish claims. It's up to those making the claims - which are the theists - to provide the proof.


For example, if Atheists put so much value on the THEORY of evolution, how can they dismiss religion so easily when the THEORY of evolution doesn't give any indication of why man is on earth?


Because the theory of evolution makes no predictions on how life started. It never has, and never will.


You are I suspect thinkout about abiogenesis, which is the study of how life began, and there are many unanswered questions in that. See the thing is, science is more than happy to say "I don't know" and cheerfully admit to gaps in knowledge. I've yet to see the same on the side of any religion which instantly makes me wonder what holes they are papering over.

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Attacking? Haha,believe me you would know if I am attacking you. :roll: Don't play the victim card just yet...


I'm not debating as it is a pointless debate.


At the risk of repeating myself, you, S.B, R.B, LC clearly don't believe in God. You cannot disprove the existance of God and neither can we prove it.


So this thread is just going because some like to feel big by thinking they are getting one over the Theists.


Interesting to note though that it's only questions being posed to the Christian's. Why won't the Atheists answer questions?


For example, if Atheists put so much value on the THEORY of evolution, how can they dismiss religion so easily when the THEORY of evolution doesn't give any indication of why man is on earth?


The theory of evolution is the theory of how evolution is thought to work; not that evolution is merely a hypothesis. Why is it necessary for there be a purpose to mankind's existence? I suppose that's for religionists to fantasise about.

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Just getting back to my post 1663 which I noticed you have not commented on so..


Can I ask why you believe that the tribe of Benjamin did not exist when there is plenty of clear evidence in the Bible and other sources that it did. It seems that when challenged with clear information contrary to your beliefs you never seem to want to answer.


---------- Post added 17-01-2016 at 14:35 ----------


You miss the point of Gods allowing or permitting his heart to become hard .


some translations render the Hebrew account to read that Jehovah “let [Pharaoh’s] heart wax bold” (Ro); “let [Pharaoh’s] heart become obstinate.” (NW) In support of such rendering, the appendix to Rotherham’s translation shows that in Hebrew the occasion or permission of an event is often presented as if it were the cause of the event, and that “even positive commands are occasionally to be accepted as meaning no more than PERMISSION”


The NIV account..


10. So they took soot from a furnace and stood before Pharaoh. Moses tossed it into the air, and festering boils broke out on people and animals. 11. The magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils that were on them and on all the Egyptians. 12. But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart and he would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord had said to Moses.


Notice how all other versions state "The Lord" and not "Jehovah." As the Lord is the accepted version does that mean your Bible is also wrong?

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