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Ebola - God cured me!

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Post 1735 ,read it yourself.I was pointing out that noahs flood is a story,the ark has been found how many times.


So you accept that you were wrong about misinterpreting my "Christianity Death" post?


Thank you for highlighting my points perfectly though.


You don't accept Noah's Ark and the events of it because it's in the bible. Ergo anything that comes from a Christian (sorry,Theist) is immediately wrong.


Though care to backup your view?

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I'm just playing the game from the opposite side.

You're not though, you're playing by completely different rules to us, every time you get into a corner you just fall back on 'well this argument is pointless'.


Why are you and the other Athiests all trying to make the likes of Teeny and any other Christian appear stupid?
I'm not trying to make them appear stupid, I don't think Teeny is stupid. I think she's wrong about a lot of things but that's not the same at all. Also I don't trust her anymore because she colluded with Kensmith in his bizzare lies when he presented someone else's picture as his own.


You and I (and others) were discussing a particular post by someone or other who made reference to the god of the bible being murderous, misogynistic, violent etc.


You took exception to this.


Then myself and several others pointed out that those characteristics really do fit quite well the character 'god' who appears in the bible.


You didn't like this and just started calling us mean and closed minded.

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You don't accept Noah's Ark and the events of it because it's in the bible. Ergo anything that comes from a Christian (sorry,Theist) is immediately wrong.


I can't speak for lottieclass but I don't accept the story of Noahs ark.


Not because it's in the bible. Because there's no other evidence for it.


You believe it because it's in the bible. Unfortunately though the bible doesn't qualify as evidence, or at least not strong evidence.


You really want me to believe, that there was a worldwide cataclysmic flood that wiped out all life except for a few breeding pairs of each species?


On the basis of a story written down by an ignorant desert tribe over 2000 years ago?


Just to be clear. I will never dismiss something just because it appears in the bible.


However, I will never believe something (unless it is completely trivial) just because it is in the bible also.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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I can't speak for lottieclass but I don't accept the story of Noahs ark.


Not because it's in the bible. Because there's no other evidence for it.


You believe it because it's in the bible. Unfortunately though the bible doesn't qualify as evidence, or at least not strong evidence.


You really want me to believe, that there was a worldwide cataclysmic flood that wiped out all life except for a few breeding pairs of each species?


On the basis of a story written down by an ignorant desert tribe over 2000 years ago?


Just to be clear. I will never dismiss something just because it appears in the bible.


However, I will never believe something just because it is in the bible also.


I couldn't careless what you believe.


But you are in the same position as me you can't just say it never happened. Equally you don't have evidence to counter it.


Which AGAIN....brings this whole thread into question

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I couldn't careless what you believe.
Clearly you could, you've made reference to it enough times. You keep on addressing me as 'you and the other atheists' as if I speak for them. If I wasn't an atheist you'd probably discuss these things with me and not just ad hominem me every time I ever raise a point.


But you are in the same position as me you can't just say it never happened. Equally you don't have evidence to counter it.

I don't need evidence to counter it, because you don't have anything for it. Genesis (written down over 2000 years ago by ignorant tribespeople) isn't really good evidence.


If a global flood happened as recently as humanity have existed there would be masses of physical evidence for it. There is none.


If you make an extraordinary claim without any decent evidence then I can just dismiss it out of hand.



Which AGAIN....brings this whole thread into question
Why do you keep coming back to these threads? Edited by flamingjimmy
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