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Ebola - God cured me!

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The only way to be sure of eternal life is to exercise Faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ

to ignore that is suicide as it is an active refusal to accept God's certain means

of salvation.


John 3:16


For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son,so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life


You miss the point. I never claimed that a blood transfusion can make you live for ever, it can save your life if you've lost a lot of blood. Hypothetically, maybe you could use your life that was saved by the blood transfusion by improving the lives of others. Surely this would make your God happy?

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Unless there are no other complications, replacing lost blood tends to be a great way to carry on living.


This is not a new breakthrough.


It can save lives in Africa we call it a miracle machine as 2 pints of blood costs €660! Before they operate !! So people are actually better having their own blood put back rather than a transfusion .


---------- Post added 12-05-2015 at 10:21 ----------


I am not a JW but I would prefer cell salvage of ever I needed it !!

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It can save lives in Africa we call it a miracle machine as 2 pints of blood costs €660! Before they operate !! So people are actually better having their own blood put back rather than a transfusion .


In theory yes, but there are lots of contraindications and it isn't appropriate for all types of surgery.


Also to have it in place would actually be more expensive because it would have to be set up and running for every patient that was having the appropriate surgery. Compare this to how rare it is to need a blood transfusion, and the costs when the blood transfusion is needed.

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Unless there are no other complications, replacing lost blood tends to be a great way to carry on living.


This is not a new breakthrough.


If you have to have an operation the anaesthetist will use a cell salvage

machine this reduces the need for the use of blood transfusions and

infections such as hepatitis .The anaesthetist where I live calls it

his second wife ☺he is very grateful to Jehovah's witnesses for raising

the funds to buy them for the local hospitals.

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If you have to have an operation the anaesthetist will use a cell salvage

machine this reduces the need for the use of blood transfusions and

infections such as hepatitis .The anaesthetist where I live calls it

his second wife ☺he is very grateful to Jehovah's witnesses for raising

the funds to buy them for the local hospitals.


Shame it can't help the Jehovah's witnesses who's only chance of survival is a blood transfusion.

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If you have to have an operation the anaesthetist will use a cell salvage

machine this reduces the need for the use of blood transfusions and

infections such as hepatitis .The anaesthetist where I live calls it

his second wife ☺he is very grateful to Jehovah's witnesses for raising

the funds to buy them for the local hospitals.


Not every Jehovah's Witness accepts cell salvaged blood.

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If you ask me if I am willing to sacrifice my life for my Faith

I would reply yes !

If you would of asked Isaac from the bible he would of said yes

if you asked the apostles of Jesus they would have said yes

The reason ?

Put simply is that they want to be part of God's eternal purpose

Hebrews 11 is worth a read here is a small section:


By faith Abraham, when he was tested, as good as offered up Isaac—the man who had gladly received the promises attempted to offer up his only-begotten sonb— 18 although it had been said to him: “What will be called your offspring will be through Isaac.19 But he reasoned that God was able to raise him up even from the dead, and he did receive him from there in an illustrative way.

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