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Ebola - God cured me!

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The easiest way to answer the question are you to suffer for all eternity for not wanting to worship the God of the bible is best answered by the bible wouldnt you think ?


(Eccl. 9:5, 10)

“The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all . . . All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol, the place to which you are going.”


if you were conscious of "nothing at all " wouldnt that include any sort of suffering ?


notice it uses the expression sheol (hebrew) which literally means grave, in greek it is rendered haides which also means grave .



No, because it was written by men. They have agendas, so monumentally huge amounts of scepticism, or at the very least strict interrogation should be applied to anything it claims.

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Do Christians have to be taught?


Isn't making your own decisions better?


You need proper teaching to know how to live and ask God to help our choices and decisions its all part of the relationship we enjoy with God

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How do determine if they have a better understanding?


somebody who has studied more will have a greater understanding


---------- Post added 20-05-2015 at 23:40 ----------



something a little more inline with what we are talking about

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somebody who has studied more will have a greater understanding


---------- Post added 20-05-2015 at 23:40 ----------



something a little more inline with what we are talking about


Okay, what would you say is the the latest information you learned from someone with a greater understanding about your god?


As for your link. I did a simple Google search for the incident. Weird thing is that not one legitimate news agency reported it.

Edited by SnailyBoy
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somebody who has studied more will have a greater understanding


---------- Post added 20-05-2015 at 23:40 ----------



something a little more inline with what we are talking about


I looked at your link. Stuff and nonsense is the politest way I can put it. I'm wouldn't put much stall in anyone who's instinct is to start praying over someone in medical distress...


You say we need to open ourselves to God. I'd say the religious really need to stop being gullible.

Edited by perplexed
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I looked at your link. Stuff and nonsense is the politest way I can put it. I'm wouldn't put much stall in anyone who's instinct is to start praying over someone in medical distress...


You say we need to open ourselves to God. I'd say the religious really need to stop being gullible.


I would rather be prayed over and know that Gods will is for my life

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