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Ebola - God cured me!

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Yes I went with Mum while Dad went with little one ! I actually Prayed God please bring her back! while doing CPR . She just opened her eyes and was giggling and laughing no signs of any harm unlike her mum ,

It was back in the day when the Hallamshire had an emergency department so ( mum)when she had had treatment we both went to the the childrens hopsital , there wasn't a Mark on her!


Isn't it a pity that a miracle hasn't never been verified by a third part as being true, and we have to take the word of the people involved. You'd think nowadays with the amount of people carrying around a camera phone, there'd have been loads of verifiable evidence.


But it seems that God doesn't want people to know about his miracles, why do you think that is?

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Yes I went with Mum while Dad went with little one ! I actually Prayed God please bring her back! while doing CPR . She just opened her eyes and was giggling and laughing no signs of any harm unlike her mum ,

It was back in the day when the Hallamshire had an emergency department so ( mum)when she had had treatment we both went to the the childrens hopsital , there wasn't a Mark on her!


That is a lovely experience the little one must even now be grateful to you for your quick actions , just out of interest where did you learn how to administer cpr ?

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somebody who has studied more will have a greater understanding


---------- Post added 20-05-2015 at 23:40 ----------



something a little more inline with what we are talking about


Wow, you believe that peoples be coming back from the dead!


Not just Jesus, one-time 2000 years ago, but at least twice in your lifetime!


Seeing as it happens so often, how come no-one's ever been able to document it?

Edited by flamingjimmy
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Yes I went with Mum while Dad went with little one ! I actually Prayed God please bring her back! while doing CPR . She just opened her eyes and was giggling and laughing no signs of any harm unlike her mum ,

It was back in the day when the Hallamshire had an emergency department so ( mum)when she had had treatment we both went to the the childrens hopsital , there wasn't a Mark on her!


Do you think it was you talking to your imaginary friend or you compressing the persons chest and therefore forcing oxygen into their body that helped the person?


I once saved someones life by doing CPR after a road accident and I did it without praying. In fact, if the Bible is anything like accurate as a historical narrative I think god is one of the most vile scum bags ever to darken humanity. If he is real, I hope he is hell suffering for each and every one of the hundreds of thousands of children he murdered during the plagues.


So, I think god is revolting yet still did the same thing, and had the same outcome, as you. Based on this, why would you even begin to think God helped you?

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That is a lovely experience the little one must even now be grateful to you for your quick actions , just out of interest where did you learn how to administer cpr ?


She's now 22 ! And I learnt CPR as I nannied for a family who where doctors ! It's been useful many times

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I do believe the testimony, My friend who was quite large fell off a step with her 9 month old daughter , in her arms , her baby daughter hit her head on a post going down , when i had her in my arms she was dead , we prayed but also did CPR , the Paramedics who came were amazed as she had no visible signs of what had happened! which there would be . So yes I believe wholly in the healing power of God.

Many years ago there was a man in west yorks called Smith Wigglesworth , her was raised from the dead too .

The God I know is a God of love and gives us hope , he gives us what we need in every situation .


If you believe in the healing power of your god, why did you do CPR?

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Do you think it was you talking to your imaginary friend or you compressing the persons chest and therefore forcing oxygen into their body that helped the person?


I once saved someones life by doing CPR after a road accident and I did it without praying. In fact, if the Bible is anything like accurate as a historical narrative I think god is one of the most vile scum bags ever to darken humanity. If he is real, I hope he is hell suffering for each and every one of the hundreds of thousands of children he murdered during the plagues.


So, I think god is revolting yet still did the same thing, and had the same outcome, as you. Based on this, why would you even begin to think God helped you?[/QUOT



God isn't my imaginary friend , he is with me all the time , what he says he will do he will do , it's a two way relationship , because my friend was so traumatised by her fall it took us approx 5 mins to get her to let go of her baby ! It was a very traditional time , I had my 8 year old and 10 year old stood watching , the eldest knew she was dead , he kept saying so at the time ! However I am very calm in most situations , including this one ,

God to me is my loving Heavenly Father not some vile human man ! The reason I know it was God is because he tells us to call on his name , I trust in the promises he gives each one of is ! If we choose him ,

Charmer God is there for you and he loves you , you just need to know him and you can't do that by head knowledge , it's got to be from the heart


---------- Post added 21-05-2015 at 13:12 ----------


If you believe in the healing power of your god, why did you do CPR?


I did that because that's part of my training to respond in an emergency


---------- Post added 21-05-2015 at 13:14 ----------


Wow, you believe that peoples be coming back from the dead!


Not just Jesus, one-time 2000 years ago, but at least twice in your lifetime!


Seeing as it happens so often, how come no-one's ever been able to document it?


I most certainly do and God is not a magician

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I most certainly do and God is not a magician


So if god's bringing people back from the dead left right and centre how come it's never been reliably recorded?


And how come all it takes to convince you that someone was brought back from the dead, is one article on a really shoddy website that appears to be entirely made up Christian-focused clickbait?


Is your standard of proof really that low?


For me, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and 'man brought back from the dead' is almost as extraordinary as claims get.

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So if god's bringing people back from the dead left right and centre how come it's never been reliably recorded?


And how come all it takes to convince you that someone was brought back from the dead, is one article on a really shoddy website that appears to be entirely made up Christian-focused clickbait?


Is your standard of proof really that low?


For me, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and 'man brought back from the dead' is almost as extraordinary as claims get.


For me I don't question proof when I see things like that , to me that's proof enough on many levels when out in the rural areas in Zimbabwe where there's no medics God gives healing to people now I also know people die there too , I am not sure why that is but we all have a time to die some sooner than others .

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God isn't my imaginary friend , he is with me all the time , what he says he will do he will do , it's a two way relationship , because my friend was so traumatised by her fall it took us approx 5 mins to get her to let go of her baby ! It was a very traditional time , I had my 8 year old and 10 year old stood watching , the eldest knew she was dead , he kept saying so at the time ! However I am very calm in most situations , including this one ,

God to me is my loving Heavenly Father not some vile human man ! The reason I know it was God is because he tells us to call on his name , I trust in the promises he gives each one of is ! If we choose him ,

Charmer God is there for you and he loves you , you just need to know him and you can't do that by head knowledge , it's got to be from the heart



I most certainly do and God is not a magician


Well I didn't call on his name and the person still lived.


Can I ask (I have asked you before) how you can say God is loving when you know that he killed many, many, many people. He murdered up to 500,000 children in exodus with the plagues. He killed approximately 20 million people with his flood. All in all, if you are to take the bible as fact, he killed about 25 million people.


Hitler killed about 6 million. Hitler can have his actions mitigated by the fact he was human (therefore prone to error of judgement) and the fact he was under pressure from enemies on all sides. God is a super level 1 million super-wizard who can do anything. He could have solved the problem of Jewish slavery in any way he desired, ways you and I can't even comprehend. He could have just freed them with magic, sent sign written in the Sky saying "Let my people go free scumbags!!". He could have given all the Egyptians a head ache that lasted until the last Jew was free. Instead he targeted their children! Their innocent children.


You are a mother, it shocks me that you don't see the deliberate mass murder of children in order to teach their parents a lesson as anything other than a abhorent act of a vindictive, disgusting monster.


By the way, God is a magician;


Magician (in legends and fairy tales) a man who has magical powers.

synonyms: sorcerer, warlock, male witch, magus, (black) magician, necromancer, occultist, enchanter; More


So God is from a legend/fairy tale (the bible) who is a man who has magical powers.


He is a magician/wizard etc

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