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Ebola - God cured me!

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by conviction of the truth that God is for you not against you !


That's not critical thinkng.


I don't believe your god is against me, or Satan is somehow interferring with my thoughts because I've applied critical thinking.


I've looked at the available evidence and cannot find anything that gives me any reason to believe that any of it it true.


You telling me it's true won't make any difference. I need more than that.


That's critical thinking.

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That's not critical thinkng.


I don't believe your god is against me, or Satan is somehow interferring with my thoughts because I've applied critical thinking.


I've looked at the available evidence and cannot find anything that gives me any reason to believe that any of it it true.


You telling me it's true won't make any difference. I need more than that.


That's critical thinking.


That's you studying with your head ! Head knowledge is fine you have to have an open heart , which is more important

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That's you studying with your head ! Head knowledge is fine you have to have an open heart , which is more important


So I'm thinking too much?




My heart is an organ that pumps blood around my body. An open heart would lead to death.

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So I'm thinking too much?




My heart is an organ that pumps blood around my body. An open heart would lead to death.


It's figuratively speaking ! For example when you fall in love you give you heart ! Well Christians give their heart to God

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That's you studying with your head ! Head knowledge is fine you have to have an open heart , which is more important




Is that like saying don't think, just believe whatever nonsense your religion has to offer?

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Is that like saying don't think, just believe whatever nonsense your religion has to offer?


Nothing like it , it's your choice , I choose to believe for myself , you can make your own choice but you have to be prepared for consequences!

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Nothing like it , it's your choice , I choose to believe for myself , you can make your own choice but you have to be prepared for consequences!


So how do choose not to think and just accept what you're told?


I just can't do that.

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So how do choose not to think and just accept what you're told?


I just can't do that.


I have read the Bible and looked at what the Bible says and made my choice on what to believe .

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Can i just point something out ? if you want to know if the bible is truly inspired of God and do not want to be misled by men wouldnt it not be best to ask God to show you ?


(acts 17:27)

"so that they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us."


How can you criticize anyones faith if you havent done this for yourself with a truly open mind ?


How is that going to work then?


I've an open mind about lots of things, I'd quite like lots of things to be true but I suspect they're not... Why do you believe in your god and the human writings telling you how to live your life? Why not any other god?


Indoctrination is the most likely answer...

Thanks for the offer but no thanks !!


---------- Post added 22-05-2015 at 09:31 ----------



The thing is you aren't genuinely seeking God , you just don't want to believe or are you being deceived by satan so that you are Blind to Gods love ?


Being deceived by Satan! How so? Satan is no more real than your god, and even if he existed, what is he making me do that's evil?


After several requests, you and kingdom have singularly failed to demonstrate any critical thinking when quoting the bible. You still have not said why it is immune to interrogation like any text should be. You are 'special pleading' that it is exempt, and if I think otherwise it must be down to Satan or that I've closed my heart to God...


Or, is the real answer that its contents are indefensible, so therefore must not be questioned?


I think we know the answer to that one...

Edited by perplexed
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