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Ebola - God cured me!

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It says in the bible I am not to judge ! That includes killing Hitler or Mugarbe , we pray and ask for Gods wisdom in that situation !


I wasn't asking you to judge anyone.


I was asking you if you if God asked you to do something that you were really uncomfortable with, but he assured you that it was for the greater good. Would you bow down to his wisdom, or would you refuse to do as he wished? I was using Hitler as an example

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That's all in the Old Testament and a culture we wouldn't understand let alone want to live in .

I work with Children in Zimbabwe God is good all the time to thousands of children who have nothing ! Life is nothing like what is shown on the TV ! I have seen loads and had to help many children so compassion isn't an issue ! I love God and he loves me ! Nothing more and nothing less


So you are saying it was OK for God to murder hundreds of thousands of children because they were born into a culture that you don't understand and you don't want to live in? That is a disgusting way to look at people that are different to you!


How arrogant are you to believe that God, in all his majesty, creator of this and the billions of other Planets in existence, cares about you. All you (and I) are is a clever monkey. No more.


If God really loved the children of Zimbabwe he wouldn't drop them into such a poor, HIV infested society would he?


You do keep dodging the question. If God is good then we did he murder children to punish their parents?

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That's all in the Old Testament...

...which still applies according to Jesus...


Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.


Have heaven and earth passed? I must have slept through it.

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To be a little more specific, they (the few that were educated in the Torah) were checking whether his message was in accordance with the O.T. prophecies.



Hebrew scriptures they had available yes .


---------- Post added 24-05-2015 at 18:04 ----------


Is that another way of saying you'd test it out by deciding if it was the right thing to do?


---------- Post added 24-05-2015 at 11:24 ----------



Critical thinking?


A truly open mind and to examine your beliefs


---------- Post added 24-05-2015 at 18:13 ----------


...which still applies according to Jesus...


Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.


Have heaven and earth passed? I must have slept through it.



Jesus was using whats known as hyperbole to make a point, he didnt mean it literally that the heaven and earth would pass away , the cross reference to Lukes account may help here :


Luke 16:17


Indeed, it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a letter of the Law to go unfulfilled.

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That's all in the Old Testament and a culture we wouldn't understand let alone want to live in .

I work with Children in Zimbabwe God is good all the time to thousands of children who have nothing ! Life is nothing like what is shown on the TV ! I have seen loads and had to help many children so compassion isn't an issue ! I love God and he loves me ! Nothing more and nothing less[color="Silver

God must love them that much he's blessed them with Mugabe.

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So you are saying it was OK for God to murder hundreds of thousands of children because they were born into a culture that you don't understand and you don't want to live in? That is a disgusting way to look at people that are different to you!


How arrogant are you to believe that God, in all his majesty, creator of this and the billions of other Planets in existence, cares about you. All you (and I) are is a clever monkey. No more.


If God really loved the children of Zimbabwe he wouldn't drop them into such a poor, HIV infested society would he?


You do keep dodging the question. If God is good then we did he murder children to punish their parents?

You are very angry ? why ? god hasn't hurt you man has . In Zimbabwe Children are taught to work hard , respect their elders , We have loads of children who battle but are joyful and unselfish, simply loving life they praise God for what they have and not what they don't.


---------- Post added 24-05-2015 at 21:01 ----------


I wasn't asking you to judge anyone.


I was asking you if you if God asked you to do something that you were really uncomfortable with, but he assured you that it was for the greater good. Would you bow down to his wisdom, or would you refuse to do as he wished? I was using Hitler as an example


I am saying i would test the word

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