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Ebola - God cured me!

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Why do you all persist with such discussions?


For each persons side, if you have a genuine interest in the 'Does God Exist or not', go outside, speak to a Vicar, Theologian, Learned Atheist etc. For it could be argued that internet links/articles can be easily manipulated (Wikipedia) as much as some would say the Bible is.


Because they've no more idea whether God or gods exist than anyone else, whichever denomination (or religion) they might be.


The thread deals with the question of whether a deity, if it exists, should intervene in its own creation, and if so it would imply that the creation is substandard or inadequate.

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Because they've no more idea whether God or gods exist than anyone else, whichever denomination (or religion) they might be.


The thread deals with the question of whether a deity, if it exists, should intervene in its own creation, and if so it would imply that the creation is substandard or inadequate.




That was supposed to be the purpose of the thread. But as with all the 'religion' threads (and I use the term religion loosely because every thread focuses solely on the Judea-Christian faith) it descends into point-scoring and nit-picking of selected biblical texts.

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That was supposed to be the purpose of the thread. But as with all the 'religion' threads (and I use the term religion loosely because every thread focuses solely on the Judea-Christian faith) it descends into point-scoring and nit-picking of selected biblical texts.


I'd welcome other faiths to join in, same rules apply.

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I've followed this thread for a while now and I find myself asking the same question when it comes to these 'religion' threads.


Why do you all persist with such discussions?


No-one on this thread whom questions the Christian God seriously approaches the issue with an open-mind. And I include Teeney in that too. Afterall, one could argue that she is as closed minded as the people throwing questions at her.


We each stick to our guns and then strangely enough the topic descends into point-scoring rather than actually thinking that we may not all have the answers and it is entirely possible for something (be it God, Aliens, Ghosts etc) that we cannot see/hear/touch etc.


So ask yourself this : If you truly believe that God does / doesn't exist...then why are you debating it on a forum? Neither side is likely to change their position, so essentially you are just trying to make each other seem foolish....but to who? Some nobodies stuck behind a computer?


For each persons side, if you have a genuine interest in the 'Does God Exist or not', go outside, speak to a Vicar, Theologian, Learned Atheist etc. For it could be argued that internet links/articles can be easily manipulated (Wikipedia) as much as some would say the Bible is.


I see your point but disagree. I believe these beliefs should be challenged. Whilst such beliefs exist mankind will be subject to self righteous abuse as is currently being exhibited with deadly effect in the middle east.


There is more evidence for the existence of fairies than there is for "god". Religion is dangerous nonsense and should be challenged at every opportunity.

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No but a scientist would also ask about the paradox of who created the creator.



Logically everything started somewhere, even time started, God existed before time as he created it he is not controlled by it , this is very hard for us to grasp as we are very limited in our short lifespan , we find it hard to comprehend a being so great and eternal , to illustrate a dog may enjoy riding in a car but now imagine trying to teach a dog how to drive then take its test !

Our minds are limited in certain aspects but because we find this hard to understand doesnt mean God doesnt exist , he tells us what we need to know

in order to understand his nature and be part of his purpose in his word the bible .



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Logically everything started somewhere, even time started, God existed before time as he created it he is not controlled by it , this is very hard for us to grasp as we are very limited in our short lifespan , we find it hard to comprehend a being so great and eternal , to illustrate a dog may enjoy riding in a car but now imagine trying to teach a dog how to drive then take its test !

Our minds are limited in certain aspects but because we find this hard to understand doesnt mean God doesnt exist , he tells us what we need to know

in order to understand his nature and be part of his purpose in his word the bible .




And that ladies and gentleman is what we call 'special pleading'.

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