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Ebola - God cured me!

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Oh no this nonsense again!




For those looking for a quick answer to the question of whether this item is literally true, we'll state up front that it is not. Nothing remotely like the account related above appears in any biography or article about Albert Einstein, nor is the account congruent with that scientist's expressed views on the subject of religion (in which he generally described himself as an "agnostic" or a "religious nonbeliever"). Einstein's name has simply been inserted into an anecdote created long after his death in order to provide the reading audience with a recognizable figure and thus lend the tale an air of verisimilitude




That God permits evil to exist (and some would say to thrive) is taken by non-believers as an inarguable sign that there is no supreme being. This puzzle is pointed to by them as the unanswerable fallacy that proves the negative: they reckon that a loving, all-powerful God would have stamped out evil, ergo He doesn't exist, or He is not all-powerful, or He is not all that enamored of His children. As such, this paradox can be disquieting to those who do believe: not only do they themselves have to wrestle with the seeming disconnect, they are left unable to convincingly answer their critics when this topic comes up. They find themselves similarly hamstrung when pressed to prove the existence of God.


Stories about atheist professors being bested by true believers who did have answers at the ready are both ventings of this frustration and expressions of delight in finally seeming to have been armed with deft responses to fling back. These are tales of affirmation, modern-day parables of trials overcome and fierce adversaries bested by those who held fast to what they believed in, even in the face of ridicule rained down by authority figures. Like parables, they are meant to inspire similar resolve in those with whom they are shared: should those members of the flock ever find themselves in like circumstances, they should feel moved to emulate the brave students of legend who stood up to the atheist professors.

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How do you know they were irrelevant to him?

Some may have been his relatives and people he cared about. What he said doesn't have to imply he wouldn't grieve for their loss. He knew his turn to die would come one day, but may have just accepted that God had spared him for the purpose of staying alive longer to be of service to those people who needed him.


Anybody who thinks that god selects who is going to die in and who is going to survive an earthquake should seek psychiatric help. I'm sure god must know a good one.


---------- Post added 25-08-2014 at 19:56 ----------


I like the statement that says there are no atheists on a crashing plane.


Because belief in god ensures that everyone survives.

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Anybody who thinks that god selects who is going to die in and who is going to survive an earthquake should seek psychiatric help. I'm sure God must know I good one.



I'm sure you could recommend one you're quite familiar with, but we won't go into that.
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I'm sure you could recommend one you're quite familiar with, but we won't go into that.


Belief in god is nothing but faith. You have to convince yourself that something that doesn't exist really does exist. As there is some clear madness in that I'll let the Pope talk your problems over with you.

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I like the statement that says there are no atheists on a crashing plane.

Why? It makes no sense.

Then again, neither do you.

Your incredibly witty response aside, the saying is just a smug, lame attempt by believers at reassuring themselves that belief in a god is "right" and that, secretly, deep down, everyone is a believer.


If you look at the saying (same as "there's no atheists in a foxhole") it means that either;


a) The only planes that crash are packed full of believers from the start, which would mean that their god/s aren't so nice after all


b) All non believers would suddenly start believing in a god/s if the plane was about to crash, which is completely illogical and false. What reason would someone have to suddenly start believing, after a lifetime of absence of belief?


I've been in several near-death accidents myself and not once did the notion of gods or their existence occur to me, if anything my brain was trying to think of the best way to brace myself for impact in relation to the velocity and angle of (rapid) approach.


You're basically stating that you like a saying despite it being false.


---------- Post added 26-08-2014 at 10:13 ----------


Belief in god is nothing but faith. You have to convince yourself that something that doesn't exist really does exist. As there is some clear madness in that I'll let the Pope talk your problems over with you.


You don't have to convince yourself, in fact most people are convinced by someone else, at an early age. However irrational it is to have those beliefs, I don't think it's madness.

By the time these people reach an age where they are exposed to alternative views and beliefs, it's often just too hard to accept that the imprinted beliefs they have may be wrong.

Edited by RootsBooster
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I trust none of the planes in which I fly will crash.

I shall remain an atheist if it does.

But I probably won't get the chance to post on here afterwards and tell you!


Now, if I were a true believer ----

do they have Internet from Heaven? If so, I might post posthumously!

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Did God not give you a job which was advertised , God created you , he gave you a brain to learn your skills etc
God did not create me!


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 22:30 ----------


Front or back?
LOL! :hihi:


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 22:31 ----------


He received an experimental serum


---------- Post added 24-08-2014 at 14:21 ----------



So what of the much vaunted 'free will' that was supposedly granted. How does that fit in with 'we don't control anything of it'.

It doesn't, of course, because it's all made-up! :)


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 22:38 ----------


I like the statement that says there are no atheists on a crashing plane.


---------- Post added 24-08-2014 at 16:38 ----------


I guess you can't blame Americans for being religious. They live in the best place on earth.:)

Where a third of the population have appallingly sub-standard healthcare [1], despite per-capita costs several times that of the UK, whose system, according to the World Health Organisation, is the best, most equitable and most cost-efficient on the planet!


([1] Hopefully, ObamaCare will have made a difference by now.)


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 22:39 ----------





I am glad he show God the honour as people need to see the true God in the light of his works and not that of those think God is this and that lets go for the facts of exactly who God is is .

God is a figment.


---------- Post added 29-08-2014 at 22:43 ----------


As cold is but the absence of heat, and darkness is but the absence of light, God is but the absence of reason.
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You don't have to convince yourself, in fact most people are convinced by someone else, at an early age.


I went to a CoE church till I was about 10. Then I decided that god couldn't possibly exist. The whole notion didn't make sense. Most people in the UK aren't religious despite what we're told at school. We're a secular society because people can make their own minds up. Religion is for the middle and upper classes here among protestants. Catholics and Muslims per capita are stronger believers but Catholicism and Islam aren't embedded in the establishment like Protestantism is and so religion plays a declining role here due to a lack of faith.

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