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Ebola - God cured me!

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Its about respecting a persons beliefs you have shown no respect to Teeny or kingdom , there is criticism but also a respectful way of putting things , these are comments i would expect from a 12 year old not a supposed mature man or woman , all i have seen from you is you asking the same questions over and over , almost like an interrogation not a simple question and accepting their answer but some one who really actually thinks that humiliation is a way to win an argument .


Going to have to ask for examples to support your position please.

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Going to have to ask for examples to support your position please.


to many to mention ! but others can see how you have behaved ! Not just here but on at least 3 other threads !!! you enjoy making people look stupid except I have found you out ( and a number of others) Not having anymore pointless dialogue with you as its a time wasting and quite frankly boring but if Teeny wants to talk about faith with me I am happy to listen !! Teeny spoke about some very hard times in her life , it must have been painful to lose a parent so young , be in a boarding school and move to a strange city miles away from where she knew but i can see God has helped her through , that's probably why her faith is strong

Edited by ShirleyJay
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You are yet again taking this to a new level of low , I am totally disgusted by your lack of respect towards people of faith.


I do like your faux-outrage. Please show me where I've disrespected anyone here. I've not called anyone names or personally insulted them. I've been polite throughout. I've even tried to help teeny by pointing out that one of the links she provided was to an article promoting dishonest and manipulative misinformation - so she can avoid repeating the same mistake.



Where's your condemnation of articles like that - or those who propagate that sort of nonsense? or do you only reserve your faux-outrage for those who point-out that sort of nonsense for what it is.


IMO, there's nothing more damaging to religion - and disrespectful to people of faith - than its representatives who use their position to manipulate others. It's those people that make the reasonable, and often naive folk who follow religion, look bad - if not stupid. It is not those like me who spends a little time encouraging people of faith to question what they are told.


Your outrage is pointed in the wrong direction.

Edited by Ryedo40
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I do like your faux-outrage. Please show me where I've disrespected anyone here. I've not called anyone names or personally insulted them. I've been polite throughout. I've even tried to help teeny by pointing out that one of the links she providing was to an article promoting dishonest and manipulative misinformation - so she can avoid repeating the same mistake.



Where's your condemnation of articles like that - or those who propagate that sort of nonsense? or do you only reserve your faux-outrage for those who point-out that sort of nonsense for what it is.


IMO, there's nothing more damaging to religion - and disrespectful to people of faith - than its representatives who use their position to manipulate others. It's those people that make the reasonable, and often naive folk who follow religion, look bad - if not stupid. It is not those like me who spends a little time encouraging people of faith to question what they are told.


Your outrage is pointed in the wrong direction.


Its not about you several others on here , they know who they are and should be ashamed of their infantile behavior

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Its about respecting a persons beliefs you have shown no respect to Teeny or kingdom , there is criticism but also a respectful way of putting things , these are comments i would expect from a 12 year old not a supposed mature man or woman , all i have seen from you is you asking the same questions over and over , almost like an interrogation not a simple question and accepting their answer but some one who really actually thinks that humiliation is a way to win an argument .


You say that humiliation is being used as a way to win an argument and yet you do the same by using the bits I have underlined from your post.


---------- Post added 02-06-2015 at 21:54 ----------


they know who they are and should be ashamed of their infantile behavior

Just another bit of humiliation.

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You say that humiliation is being used as a way to win an argument and yet you do the same by using the bits I have underlined from your post.


---------- Post added 02-06-2015 at 21:54 ----------


Just another bit of humiliation.


well whats god enough for the goose is good enough for the gander , its not about winning the argument but actually knowing when enough is enough and constantly using derogatory humiliation and quite honestly being dam right pig ignorant when somebody as answering with a view you you personally believe is the wrong answer , some one here spoke openly about what they believe on several threads gets wholly put down when they are allowed freedom of speech !

Edited by ShirleyJay
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How insulting of somebody who is brave enough to speak about their faith

I can only assume that you do not know what the word "oxymoron" means.




FYI, I was not calling a fellow forum member a moron.


I suggested that a sentence containing "bible" and "fact" is oxymoroic. The two words are incompatible.


---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 07:32 ----------


...its oh lets pick on Kingdom and Teeny...

If Kingdom and Teeny don't want their beliefs/opinions/etc. to be critiqued, they should not post them on an internet forum.


I expect this kind of treatment from 12 year old not adults who can't discus issues without insults !

Why do you feel OK about insulting 12 year olds but not adults? :huh:


such as imaginary friend etc

That is not an insult. Until they produce conclusive evidence that their gods exist, I'll withhold belief. (Anecdote is not a synonym for evidence.)


---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 07:38 ----------


You are yet again taking this to a new level of low , I am totally disgusted by your lack of respect towards people of faith .

Why should believing in stuff without evidence ringfence anbody from fair criticism?


---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 07:48 ----------


You only make threads centered around the Christian God and seek to ridicule anyone that believes in him. The problem is I've read some of the responses from athiests on this thread (and others) and seriously taken them into consideration (again despite no real evidence - I discount internet links). However, I very much doubt you can say the same at your end.

Know thine enemy; no athiest has contributed to this thread as yet. I doubt that any will.


---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 07:58 ----------


you have no respect for people views and feeling need to learn some humility



Almighty God especially wants me in happy, clappy heaven with "it" for all eternity because I'm special, but you will burn in hell for all eternity.


Is that humble enough for you?


---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 08:06 ----------


Faith isnt my bag but I can see the peace it brings



Crusades, inquisitions, English civil war, isis, Ireland, 9/11...


Tip of the iceberg. (I got more if you need it.)




---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 08:11 ----------


well whats god enough for the goose is good enough for the gander , its not about winning the argument but actually knowing when enough is enough and constantly using derogatory humiliation and quite honestly being dam right pig ignorant when somebody as answering with a view you you personally believe is the wrong answer , some one here spoke openly about what they believe on several threads gets wholly put down when they are allowed freedom of speech !

Freedom of speech =/= freedom from criticism.

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I can only assume that you do not know what the word "oxymoron" means.




FYI, I was not calling a fellow forum member a moron.


I suggested that a sentence containing "bible" and "fact" is oxymoroic. The two words are incompatible.


---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 07:32 ----------


If Kingdom and Teeny don't want their beliefs/opinions/etc. to be critiqued, they should not post them on an internet forum.



Why do you feel OK about insulting 12 year olds but not adults? :huh:



That is not an insult. Until they produce conclusive evidence that their gods exist, I'll withhold belief. (Anecdote is not a synonym for evidence.)


---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 07:38 ----------


Why should believing in stuff without evidence ringfence anbody from fair criticism?


---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 07:48 ----------


Know thine enemy; no athiest has contributed to this thread as yet. I doubt that any will.


---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 07:58 ----------




Almighty God especially wants me in happy, clappy heaven with "it" for all eternity because I'm special, but you will burn in hell for all eternity.


Is that humble enough for you?


---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 08:06 ----------




Crusades, inquisitions, English civil war, isis, Ireland, 9/11...


Tip of the iceberg. (I got more if you need it.)




---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 08:11 ----------


Freedom of speech =/= freedom from criticism.


you and snailboy have shown your true colours and ignorance for why ? its not the questions , its the non respectful attitude , you have insulted people of faith , yes constructive criticism by all means but using terms like penis is going to far along with all the rest you have said . I think you have to understand the difference between faith and religion ! learn some respect for others views without ignorant statements of your obvious lack of intelligence.


---------- Post added 03-06-2015 at 13:24 ----------


Then show your evidence, prove your point.


special pleading !! there are too many to show without taking up great space !

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How grown up

It would be funny if people didn't really believe that virgins do have immaculate babies. So while I am being facetious, I am grown up. I find religion to be dangerous, and it should be open to ridicule. You're not going to shame me out of that.

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