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Ebola - God cured me!

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And..What would be your comments on this?






Yes but the Bible also states that Christians should also uphold the law and not ignore it. The person doing sexual abuse should have been reported and not just prayed for and forgiven.


Romans 13:1-7


Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience. ...



Yes i agree and the FACT is nobody is discouraged in ANY way from going to the relevant authorities.

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Yes i agree and the FACT is nobody is discouraged in ANY way from going to the relevant authorities.


That's not a fact though you've either been lied to or are lying yourself, your organisation, like many, is more concerned about its public image than the safety of the children in it's care.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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  • 4 weeks later...

It is a fact ! nobody is ever discouraged from taking the matter to the police as dna / police methods of interrogating / questioning in this area is something that Jehovahs witness elders are not experienced or qualified to do .




Just a sideline Jehovahs witness child protection policies have been in place for quite a while , when I lived in Rotherham in the mid 90,s I attended the East penine assembly hall at hellaby for a day assembly with my wife and 2 children when I nipped off home just before the dinner time on my own to let our dog out I was stopped at the exit gate and was asked if they could check my car :confused: bemused I asked why I was told there had been incidents around the country of people trying to bundle children out in the boot of cars :o

as I was on my own leaving while the programme was still on I was checked and I fully cooperated and I was quite impressed by this .

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NO - (Isaiah 48:17) : I am the LORD your God. I teach you what is best for you. I lead you where you should go.


what guidance does an atheist have ?



NO (matthew 5:5) "Blessed are the meek,


for they will inherit the earth"


What future does an atheist look forward too ?


NO- (John 15:13)


"No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends "


What leader to atheists have with such devotion to there subjects ?




So as you can see I could not be "happy" for any of my relatives to not want

such a life now and in the future .

But I accept there choices .

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NO - (Isaiah 48:17) : I am the LORD your God. I teach you what is best for you. I lead you where you should go.


what guidance does an atheist have ? .


Guidance? - Friends, family, evidence based reasoning



NO (matthew 5:5) "Blessed are the meek,


for they will inherit the earth"


What future does an atheist look forward too ? .


Everything to live for, nothing to die for




NO- (John 15:13)


"No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends "


What leader to atheists have with such devotion to there subjects ? .


Sounds like a cult to me

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NO - (Isaiah 48:17) : I am the LORD your God. I teach you what is best for you. I lead you where you should go.


what guidance does an atheist have ?



NO (matthew 5:5) "Blessed are the meek,


for they will inherit the earth"


What future does an atheist look forward too ?


NO- (John 15:13)


"No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends "


What leader to atheists have with such devotion to there subjects ?




So as you can see I could not be "happy" for any of my relatives to not want

such a life now and in the future .

But I accept there choices .


Yeah, he loves us so much that he demands that we love him back, and more than anyone else or else he'll punish us, rather like an abusive husband.


Or to use Christopher Hitchens' analogy, like a celestial North Korea:


"[Religious belief] is a totalitarian belief. It is the wish to be a slave. It is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thought crime while you are asleep, who can subject you - who must, indeed, subject you - to total surveillance around the clock every waking and sleeping minute of your life - I say, of your life - before you're born and, even worse and where the real fun begins, after you're dead. A celestial North Korea. Who wants this to be true? Who but a slave desires such a ghastly fate? I've been to North Korea. It has a dead man as its president, Kim Jong-Il is only head of the party and head of the army. He's not head of the state. That office belongs to his deceased father, Kim Il-Sung. It's a necrocracy, a thanatocracy. It's one short of a trinity I might add. The son is the reincarnation of the father. It is the most revolting and utter and absolute and heartless tyranny the human species has ever evolved. But at least you can ******* die and leave North Korea!"

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Yeah, he loves us so much that he demands that we love him back, and more than anyone else or else he'll punish us, rather like an abusive husband.


Or to use Christopher Hitchens' analogy, like a celestial North Korea:


"[Religious belief] is a totalitarian belief. It is the wish to be a slave. It is the desire that there be an unalterable, unchallengeable, tyrannical authority who can convict you of thought crime while you are asleep, who can subject you - who must, indeed, subject you - to total surveillance around the clock every waking and sleeping minute of your life - I say, of your life - before you're born and, even worse and where the real fun begins, after you're dead. A celestial North Korea. Who wants this to be true? Who but a slave desires such a ghastly fate? I've been to North Korea. It has a dead man as its president, Kim Jong-Il is only head of the party and head of the army. He's not head of the state. That office belongs to his deceased father, Kim Il-Sung. It's a necrocracy, a thanatocracy. It's one short of a trinity I might add. The son is the reincarnation of the father. It is the most revolting and utter and absolute and heartless tyranny the human species has ever evolved. But at least you can ******* die and leave North Korea!"



How will he punish us ?

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How will he punish us ?


In the particular case of your cult he might say, for example, get his true believers to shun those they consider 'sinners' for example.


Also, Matthew 25:46 (egotistical google expert here)

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