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Ebola - God cured me!

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To me a little ungrateful to the scientific research and medical staff that actually did save him.


Plus if he does believe that his god saved him, I wonder what he thinks 'created' the virus and what about the thousands of people you obviously didn't pray hard enough to be cured?


I find posts like this mostly biased in nature, sure the guy ( a missionary) who was serving the ill and sick who had Ebola give thanks to God for his recovery but to say he is ungrateful to science is a little bit of a stretch.


After looking at the link the first thing I noticed was the video still, it showed the man hugging one of the medical staff and watching the video the commentary says the medical staff said his recovery was nothing short of a miracle. The man himself mentions the 'Amazing care' and 'the great care and compassion' of the hospital staff.


In the second video he again mentions 'the care of the staff and the experimental drug, and the enterprise and resources of the health care team'.


Again at the end of the video he says ' and before i step out i want to express my deep and sincere gratitude to all the people involved in my treatment and care'


To sit here and criticise a man who has gone out to actually help people who are dying and happens to mention his faith and be grateful, while comfortably sat on our computers in the UK is I believe even more ungrateful and ugly.



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do you know how much doctors are needed throughout Africa? there is a skills shortage , people die through lack of good doctors in these countries , I a, thankful he wishes to return and save peoples live which is what they do when they become doctors they swear to save lives !!!


---------- Post added 23-08-2014 at 09:13 ----------


The doctors I know personally in Zimbabwe work tirelessly to save lives , they are up against simple illnesses that are curable here , TB , and meningitis , simple treatment that they have no access to as 1st world countries are selfish by not allowing vaccines free to countries like this , for example a TB program to inject as many people as possible would have a huge effect on the health of many Africans !


---------- Post added 23-08-2014 at 09:15 ----------



we all pay a cost for learning a skill doctors included they will pay off their student debts before a lot of others will and they are also able to gain highly paid jobs



Returning to help is laudable indeed as long as the help is real help based on our knowledge of how to control and treat a disease and not just pray hard and you will be saved messages.


Vaccines are produced by companies who need to pay employees to produce them. These employees need to eat and care for families in the same way as people in Africa do.

Western countries provide aid to many developing countries whose governments use and abuse the money that western taxpayers provide. Surely it is up to the people in Africa to ensure they get governments and systems that support them in their education and health.

The UK and other countries went through what Africa is going through now. The difference is very few could run away as transport was much more difficult.


Doctors also work long hours with the risk of getting the infectious diseases their patients are suffering from, being attacked by ignorant people, and often with little appreciation and thanks. The opening post is just one example.

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I think this is the most Adult thread on here its a joy to chat with open minded people :)


Are you open to the possibility that the Jehovah's witnesses' are a sinister cult that right minded people should avoid?


For the record, I'm open to the possibility that you're not. I just think it's very unlikely given the sheer amount of organisations that exist to try and help your ex members recover, as well as the many personal testimonial from ex members.














Normal religions don't tend to have those sorts of things.

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Returning to help is laudable indeed as long as the help is real help based on our knowledge of how to control and treat a disease and not just pray hard and you will be saved messages.




Vaccines are produced by companies who need to pay employees to produce them. These employees need to eat and care for families in the same way as people in Africa do.

Western countries provide aid to many developing countries whose governments use and abuse the money that western taxpayers provide. Surely it is up to the people in Africa to ensure they get governments and systems that support them in their education and health.

The UK and other countries went through what Africa is going through now. The difference is very few could run away as transport was much more difficult.




Doctors also work long hours with the risk of getting the infectious diseases their patients are suffering from, being attacked by ignorant people, and often with little appreciation and thanks. The opening post is just one example.

Real help in providing good medication along with Prayer works

Vaccines cost just a few pence to produce on mass , yes employees need to eat etc as we do , However in Africa apart from corrupt governments they have unpredictable weather patterns for example in Zimbabwe the rains came badly in February before much of the crop wasnt yet ready to gather in hence now lots of hungry people , I fully expect to see great malnutrition when i return , Also has the present year Zimbabwe has suffered from a drought , in some part no rain has fallen for over 7 years ! the see banks have no become empty. Africa as a nation has suffered famine after famine , we have not ! yes people have given to Africa but there are places which really need it who don't have aid ! Uk isn't a 3rd world country and never has been .yes we had unemployment issues but nothing like that in Africa for instance in Zimbabwe they 98% unemployment

Dr's in this country and most 3rd world countries work hard however in places such as Africa most dr's never suffer abuse , violence or threats as they are more respectful of dr's etc

Edited by teeny
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Real help in providing good medication along with Prayer works


Real help in providing good medication works. Praying for others does nothing.


Vaccines cost just a few pence to produce on mass , yes employees need to eat etc as we do , However in Africa apart from corrupt governments they have unpredictable weather patterns for example in Zimbabwe the rains came badly in February before much of the crop wasnt yet ready to gather in hence now lots of hungry people , I fully expect to see great malnutrition when i return , Also has the present year Zimbabwe has suffered from a drought , in some part no rain has fallen for over 7 years ! the see banks have no become empty.


Yes. Most vaccines cost little to produce. One of the obstacles that needs to be over-come in Africa is the fear and ignorance being spread against vaccinations. Just recently, Catholic Bishops in Africa have been scaremongering; claiming vaccines are unsafe; as well as claiming vaccines are being used to sterilise the population. Likewise, Muslims have been making similar claims - even murdering health workers.


Africa as a nation has suffered famine after famine , we have not ! yes people have given to Africa but there are places which really need it who don't have aid ! Uk isn't a 3rd world country and never has been .yes we had unemployment issues but nothing like that in Africa for instance in Zimbabwe they 98% unemployment


While your prayers and your god does nothing to prevent the problems in Africa, at least the West is trying to help. There are numerous Western organisations operating across Africa trying to alleviate and prevent the problems.


Dr's in this country and most 3rd world countries work hard however in places such as Africa most dr's never suffer abuse , violence or threats as they are more respectful of dr's etc


Except when nurses and doctors are being murdered for providing vaccines.

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Real help in providing good medication works. Praying for others does nothing.




Yes. Most vaccines cost little to produce. One of the obstacles that needs to be over-come in Africa is the fear and ignorance being spread against vaccinations. Just recently, Catholic Bishops in Africa have been scaremongering; claiming vaccines are unsafe; as well as claiming vaccines are being used to sterilise the population. Likewise, Muslims have been making similar claims - even murdering health workers.




While your prayers and your god does nothing to prevent the problems in Africa, at least the West is trying to help. There are numerous Western organisations operating across Africa trying to alleviate and prevent the problems.




Except when nurses and doctors are being murdered for providing vaccines.


we see prayer changing situations and are thankful .

When we hold clinics in the rural areas many attend to get the vaccines they are needing and many walk for 4 and 5 days across land to do this . Pastors in Zimbabwe all work together we don't have denominational barriers.

There are many organisations helping to try and make a difference for the poorest of the poor

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