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Ebola - God cured me!

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The Bible does not contain any moral code and the guidance about abstaining from blood was about consuming it by mouth.


Full Definition

intransitive verb

:to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice <abstain from drinking>


So would it be OK if told to abstain from drinking to directly inject alcohol into your vein ?


---------- Post added 25-11-2015 at 09:22 ----------


Man did not create Anthrax, anthrax is caused by bacteria, which evolved the same way man did. If god created life, then god created anthrax. What a terrible example to pick.


You will find that these diseases were due to man's errors and misuse of the things they had available . yes diseases do mutate but usually due to man's interference for

Example antibiotics


---------- Post added 25-11-2015 at 09:25 ----------


Magic pants are the Mormons.


It's a good job :D

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Full Definition

intransitive verb

:to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice <abstain from drinking>


So would it be OK if told to abstain from drinking to directly inject alcohol into your vein ?

I suspect Bible was talking about cannibalistic blood drinking, rather than beneficial medical uses. In Biblical times blood transfusions didn't exist so it can't have been directly forbidding blood transfusions.

The rule was only invented in 1945 (and not by any gods) so that says something about it.


You will find that these diseases were due to man's errors and misuse of the things they had available . yes diseases do mutate but usually due to man's interference for

Example antibiotics


Your logic is astoundingly flawed, mankind didn't create diseases (through errors or any other way), according to the Bible, God made all diseases. We may have attempted (and in some cases succeeded) to prevent them but some have found a way around. If your God exists then it is his doing.


---------- Post added 25-11-2015 at 10:47 ----------


God made the world perfect . When Adam and Eve we in the garden of Eden everything was perfect but when Eve sinned and they were made to leave the garden of Eden . God dint make anthrax , man did , in the same way he didn't make Ebola , he gave us free will and man is powerful and very good at wanting to make things which distruct and destroy the world in which we live

Are you high or something? Man made anthrax and ebola? What exactly do you think that anthrax and ebola are?


If you live a by the word of God it's true it does protect you from the illnesses like HIV ! There are commands to help us have a relationship with God

That's absolute bulll**** and I feel offended for all the people who do 'live by the word of God' but still suffer awful illnesses.


It's so sad reading posts like this one :(

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Romans5:12. (The cause )


That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned



We are in sin due to Adam rejecting Gods sovereignty (right to rule)


This involves death and disease

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Romans5:12. (The cause )


That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned



We are in sin due to Adam rejecting Gods sovereignty (right to rule)


This involves death and disease


If we were to accept that (even though it was written millennia AFTER the events of Genesis were meant to have taken place) death was only introduced after Adam & Eve 'sinned' then what was the point of the Tree of Life in Eden?


It still isn't the 'cause', Adam didn't create all the nasty microbial forms of life that attack people. It's like holding a gun to someone's head and saying 'I'm the best, aren't I?' and threatening to shoot them, justifying it by saying they 'caused' it by not agreeing with you.

Edited by RootsBooster
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Mini think that's not correct along with the pens that get people through exams that is where Christianity becomes something else


Pens that get people through exams? What? Do they come with a radio in them that listens to the correct answers and only ticks the right boxes or something?


The rest of your post is even more outlandish I don't think I could respond adequately.

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Pens that get people through exams? What? Do they come with a radio in them that listens to the correct answers and only ticks the right boxes or something?


The rest of your post is even more outlandish I don't think I could respond adequately.


She may have a point... just like a pen, religion is a tool (to be used for good or bad). I don't think that's what she intended though.

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If we were to accept that (even though it was written millennia AFTER the events of Genesis were meant to have taken place) death was only introduced after Adam & Eve 'sinned' then what was the point of the Tree of Life in Eden?


It still isn't the 'cause', Adam didn't create all the nasty microbial forms of life that attack people. It's like holding a gun to someone's head and saying 'I'm the best, aren't I?' and threatening to shoot them, justifying it by saying they 'caused' it by not agreeing with you.



The proof of the pudding is in the eating ?

Has man fared well or not by rejecting Gods

rulership ?

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The proof of the pudding is in the eating ?

Has man fared well or not by rejecting Gods

rulership ?


Man's fared much better by the secular industrial and scientific revolution, which has drastically increased standards of living, raised life expectancy and increased the population. Greatest good for the greatest number anyone?


---------- Post added 25-11-2015 at 14:44 ----------


You will find that these diseases were due to man's errors and misuse of the things they had available.

No I will not, you have absolutely no idea about disease at all and are just making stuff up.
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