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Ebola - God cured me!

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Where you get that info from ?


Its laid out quite clearly in some of the Watctower and Awake magazines and some Jehova's witness pictures even depict Dinosaurs living at the same time as humans. Apparently the flood in Genesis wiped them out.


But can you refute what I have put and tell us exactly what Jehova's witnesses believe about Dinosaurs and creation?




Well yes that's obvious lol

So how's abstain apply today ? The word moves with the times


Where did you get that info from? as nowhere in that passage does it mention abstain. We also know now that blood is not the life force just as we know we also don't love with the heart.

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You actually believe that Adam and Eve were real people and the first man and woman to exist? BTW nowhere in the Old Testament does it ever mention sin or that Eve sinned.


It talks of the fall which in my understanding is sin


---------- Post added 26-11-2015 at 14:29 ----------


I suspect Bible was talking about cannibalistic blood drinking, rather than beneficial medical uses. In Biblical times blood transfusions didn't exist so it can't have been directly



That's absolute bulll**** and I feel offended for all the people who do 'live by the word of God' but still suffer awful illnesses.


It's so sad reading posts like this one :(

When I say living by God's word I meant not sleeping around , most of Africa is steeped in traditionalism , people the uk call it witchcraft ! Some have strange buried rights ! Hence spearding of desease

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When I say living by God's word I meant not sleeping around , most of Africa is steeped in traditionalism leasing the uk call it witchcraft ! Some have strange buried rights ! Hence spearing of desease



There is much more to "God's Word" than "not sleeping around" (by which I assume you mean not committing adultery).


As I understand it "God" thinks we're all sinners and therefore are always doing things he has forbidden - wearing mixed fibres, eating pigs, disagreeing with our parents, not respecting our slave masters, having uncovered heads, drinking alcohol ... I could go on, but I suspect you would dismiss all these things as somehow irrelevant because God has changed his mind (as omniscient beings are prone to, of course)


If we all break God's rules, why aren't we all afflicted with vicious illnesses? Or are you one of those people who believe that we'd live to be hundreds of years old like Noah, if only we weren't so sinful?

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There is much more to "God's Word" than "not sleeping around" (by which I assume you mean not committing adultery).


As I understand it "God" thinks we're all sinners and therefore are always doing things he has forbidden - wearing mixed fibres, eating pigs, disagreeing with our parents, not respecting our slave masters, having uncovered heads, drinking alcohol ... I could go on, but I suspect you would dismiss all these things as somehow irrelevant because God has changed his mind (as omniscient beings are prone to, of course)


If we all break God's rules, why aren't we all afflicted with vicious illnesses? Or are you one of those people who believe that we'd live to be hundreds of years old like Noah, if only we weren't so sinful?


This is Old Testament and was written for those times and for that culture , I am not a slave or a slave master !

When I said about sleeping around I meant all aspects from adultery to casual sex


---------- Post added 26-11-2015 at 16:06 ----------


Also when Jesus when Jesus came , we now live under the covenant of grace and not by the law but it doesn't make the Old Testament irellivant

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When I say living by God's word I meant not sleeping around

When did God say don't sleep around?


most of Africa is steeped in traditionalism leasing the uk call it witchcraft ! Some have strange buried rights ! Hence spearing of desease

I tried to understand this part but it really makes no sense, sorry

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It talks of the fall which in my understanding is sin


Adam and Eves fall from grace had nothing to do with sin as it did not exist at the time, and their fall was punished by being stripped of their supernatural powers. In the Jewish religion based on the Torah, what we call the Old Testament, original sin is not recognised as to them everyone is born innocent. If we cant ignore the Old Testament the we should also except this fact.


I got it slightly wrong however as sin is mentioned in Leviticus but that is about individuals doing something wrong, and encompasses many simple things.

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Adam and Eves fall from grace had nothing to do with sin as it did not exist at the time, and their fall was punished by being stripped of their supernatural powers. In the Jewish religion based on the Torah, what we call the Old Testament, original sin is not recognised as to them everyone is born innocent. If we cant ignore the Old Testament the we should also except this fact.


I got it slightly wrong however as sin is mentioned in Leviticus but that is about individuals doing something wrong, and encompasses many simple things.


Adam and Eve chose to disobey God by eating from a tree designated not for them the tree of the knowledge of good and bad .They were warned that in the day they ate from it they would die and so they did , they passed on imperfection to there offspring who also suffered the consequences inherited sin (Romans 5:12)

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Adam and Eve chose to disobey God by eating from a tree designated not for them the tree of the knowledge of good and bad .They were warned that in the day they ate from it they would die and so they did , they passed on imperfection to there offspring who also suffered the consequences inherited sin (Romans 5:12)



The problem here is there was no imperfection to pass on especially inherited sin as at that time there was no such thing as sin. The Torah which Genesis and the Old Testament is taken from does not recognise inherited sin nor does the Jewish faith. God also never mentioned that Adam and Eve sinned only that they were punished and fell from Gods grace and became mortal.

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Its laid out quite clearly in some of the Watctower and Awake magazines and some Jehova's witness pictures even depict Dinosaurs living at the same time as humans. Apparently the flood in Genesis wiped them out.


But can you refute what I have put and tell us exactly what Jehova's witnesses believe about Dinosaurs and creation?



Dinosaurs have been proven to live before humans existed by looking at layers of rock






Where did you get that info from? as nowhere in that passage does it mention abstain. We also know now that blood is not the life force just as we know we also don't love with the heart.



Acts 15:28,29

It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: 29You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.


---------- Post added 27-11-2015 at 22:58 ----------


The problem here is there was no imperfection to pass on especially inherited sin as at that time there was no such thing as sin. The Torah which Genesis and the Old Testament is taken from does not recognise inherited sin nor does the Jewish faith. God also never mentioned that Adam and Eve sinned only that they were punished and fell from Gods grace and became mortal.


No they became disconnected from God and began to die much like a fan that's unplugged from a socket slows and stops .They lost eternal life for themselves and there offspring .



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