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Ebola - God cured me!

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The other month back I was on here saying that travel to and from Sierra Leon and all the nearby countries should be strictly curtailed, even stopped due to this Ebola outbreak that was only going to get worse. I can't remember who it was but there were some on here saying I was exaggerating and played down the seriousness of this outbreak.

For some reason those posts aren't there now but those people playing it down back then should eat their words now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Stuff like this really annoys me, it's pretty darn offensive to the hard-working medical community who did ACTUALLY helped him.


I think seriously though it does highlight the fact that scientific and medical education is sorely needed in Africa (currently education is lacking in many areas and religion is often put before science).


I read on the BBC a few days ago that one woman who claimed to be a "spiritual healer" single-handedly spread Ebola out of Ginea, infecting all the people she claimed to "heal" before dying of the disease herself.


If only they knew about science and disease transmission, that could have been avoided :(


And don't get me started on the mob in Liberia who stole looted blood-covered mattresses from an Ebola ward...




Religion is always put before science in dictionaries. ;)

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Kofi Annan has got a cheek criticising Western governments for not moving quick enough on ebola and claiming that if it had broken out somewhere else the respose would have been different.His own African people were part of the Conspiracy Theorists claiming that Western governments were responsible for ebola in Africa,or that it was just something imagined,plus in some cases actually killing people who came to help them:




Not a word about that,just playing the victim and the blame game.

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  • 6 months later...


To me a little ungrateful to the scientific research and medical staff that actually did save him.


Plus if he does believe that his god saved him, I wonder what he thinks 'created' the virus and what about the thousands of people you obviously didn't pray hard enough to be cured?


You need to look up "Theistic Evolution", to understand this, I believe.




God made the universe, dark matter, atoms, quarks, the higgs boson, and everything, according to Christian belief.


To Christians, science is a tool which God permits mankind to use, through which He reveals the detail of His work. To Christians, the relationship between God and man is that of father and child. You would not attempt to impart the entirety of your knowledge and experience to a child in the space of a day or a week, and expect the child to accept, understand, retain and apply that knowledge in an appropriate manner. Likewise, for the Christian, God imparts wisdom, knowledge and understanding to those that are ready to receive it, at the appropriate time. For the Christian, God is all seeing and all knowing. ;)

Edited by Native lad
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You need to look up "Theistic Evolution", to understand this, I believe.




God made the universe, dark matter, atoms, quarks, the higgs boson, and everything, according to Christian belief.


To Christians, science is a tool which God permits mankind to use, through which he reveals the detail of His work. To Christians, the relationship between God and man is that of father and child. You would not attempt to impart the entirety of your knowledge and experience to a child in the space of a day or a week, and expect the child to accept, understand, retain and apply that knowledge in an appropriate manner. Likewise, for the Christian, God imparts wisdom, knowledge and understanding to those that are ready to receive it, at the appropriate time. For the Christian, God is all seeing and all knowing. ;)


wheres the like button ?


---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 17:51 ----------


I guess you're having a laugh? However, the water and sugar is likely to have been beneficial, every bit as much as receiving adequate nutrition. ;)


use flat coke to treat people with diarrhoea and vomiting out in Zimbabwe ! God can use many things for his purpose.

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---------- Post added 28-04-2015 at 17:51 ----------



use flat coke to treat people with diarrhoea and vomiting out in Zimbabwe ! God can use many things for his purpose.


It helps that He is all powerful. ;)



Mmm...I sense the force is strong with this one. :)

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It helps that He is all powerful. ;)



Mmm...I sense the force is strong with this one. :)


He is all powerful but people on here will dispute that but there are some her who believes that God is all powerful :)

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He is all powerful but people on here will dispute that... :)


It would appear that you have met with a few bigots here, teeny. It is their right to dispute as much as they like. However, at the end of the day, belief requires faith. By definition, faith does not require empirical evidence, which is what those without faith require in order to be convinced of whether or not there is a God. When all said and done, regardless of your position on the belief spectrum, it is not and never will be possible to provide empirical evidence to support the opinion that there is or is not a God. In short, not believing in a God is every bit as much an act of faith as believing in a God. ;)


What I would say to people at either end of the belief spectrum is that you should familiarise yourself with the subject matter you intend to criticise, and ensure you understand it, prior to forming and publicising an opinion, for an uninformed opinion is worthless. ;)


Teeny, remember:



Mt 7:6 "Do not give dogs what is holy; and do not throw your pearls in front of pigs, or they may trample them and then turn on you and tear you to pieces."


Mt 10:14 "And if anyone does not welcome you or listen to what you have to say, as you walk out of the house or town shake the dust from your feet."


Mt 10:16 "Look, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be cunning as snakes and yet innocent as doves."


Mt 10:22 "You will be universally hated on account of my name; but anyone who stands firm to the end will be saved."


Mt 10:32 'So if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of human beings, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven.


Mt 10:33 "But the one who disowns me in the presence of human beings, I will disown in the presence of my Father in heaven."


Source: http://www.bibliacatolica.com.br/new-jerusalem-bible/matthew/10/#.VT_lr410xes

Edited by Native lad
To highlight key points of helpful advice.
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