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Ebola - God cured me!

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The family that brought her up have no links to a church , she went to a state school they didn't do Christian activities this is something that just grew in her like it did me



Really, no Christian contact, yet you became Christian as time went by?


How does that happen?

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Really, no Christian contact, yet you became Christian as time went by?


How does that happen?


Snailboy we have been here before in many threads I have known God all my life , I chose to follow him as to me the bible make perfect sense . My sister grew up in a totally different environment to that of mine as i was adopted into a loving Christian home , My sisters adoptive family had no faith , never went to church but she will tell you she asked God come into her life at aged 12 because she felt that was the right thing to do for her , she had some teasing over it but has learned like me that our faith is real and we both live by that. My sister attends a different church to me church of England .

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Snailboy we have been here before in many threads I have known God all my life , I chose to follow him as to me the bible make perfect sense . My sister grew up in a totally different environment to that of mine as i was adopted into a loving Christian home , My sisters adoptive family had no faith , never went to church but she will tell you she asked God come into her life at aged 12 because she felt that was the right thing to do for her , she had some teasing over it but has learned like me that our faith is real and we both live by that. My sister attends a different church to me church of England .


So your adoptive parents introduced it to you, which is the highlights the point the vast majority of children will choose the religion of their parents, through parental influence.


That's why I'm curious about your sister, did she go to a Church of England school at 12 years old?

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I believe people can know God without us preaching a word to them .

Then shut up. ;)


God is just and compassionate.



"god is just" ...a figment of the imagination.

Edited by redwhine
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I agree with Teeny- people can discover God it doesn't always mean they need religion to be the cause of it.


Also, science (true science, not the psedoscience some atheists believe in...:rolleyes:) is one of the strongest pointers to God.


Some of our greatest scientists knew/know this and were not reluctant to make it known from their works.


So here's a few who were either suffering from delusion and 'god was a figment of their imagination' or perhaps knew truely what their discoveries and observations led them to.


The question of whether there exists a Creator and Ruler of the Universe has been answered in the affirmative by some of the highest intellects that have ever existed.”


Charles Darwin, the founder of evolutionary biology- he quotes this in Decent of Man.


“This sense of wonder leads most scientists to a Superior Being – der Alte, the Old One, as Einstein affectionately called the Deity – a Superior Intelligence, the Lord of all Creation and Natural Law.”


Abdus Salam, winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in electroweak theory. He is here quoted in his article entitled Science and Religion.


“The more I study science, the more I believe in God.”


Albert Einstein


(The Wall Street Journal, Dec 24, 1997, article by Jim Holt, “Science Resurrects God.”)


“It may seem bizarre, but in my opinion science offers a surer path to God than religion.”


Physicist Paul Davies, the winner of the 2001 Kelvin Medal issued by the Institute of Physics and the winner of the 2002 Faraday Prize issued by the Royal Society (amongst other awards), as cited in his book God and the New Physics.


(my favorite):


“I believe that the more thoroughly science is studied, the further does it take us from anything comparable to atheism.”


“If you study science deep enough and long enough, it will force you to believe in God.”


Lord William Kelvin, who was noted for his theoretical work on thermodynamics, the concept of absolute zero and the Kelvin temperature scale based upon it.


No, this is my favorite:


“The fanatical atheists are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who – in their grudge against traditional religion as the ‘opium of the masses’ – cannot hear the music of the spheres.”


Albert Einstein


“God created everything by number, weight and measure.”


“In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.”


Sir Isaac Newton


As I have said before, there is yet to be seen a strong argument for why God should not exist.


Its never been about 'evidence/proof of God' that some of these atheists like to project forward- but rather do you have any evidence to show WHY He should not exist.


Oh, and why should theists put God in to your perception of how He needs to be or is- that is just a cop out to suit your agenda. God has never been a physical being, science does not deal with God per se...and hence science has no say in the matter. If truely studied and known, it will rather show path to God.


But it is well known on SF that the usual suspects preaching atheism (yes it is a belief system because it leads to your thinking and way of how you are) know very little about science. In fact are nothing more than followers of scientism.


TO this day atheists have not presented any strong case/reason as to why God doesn't exist- and all the so called arguments are emotional and psychological.

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I agree with Teeny- people can discover God it doesn't always mean they need religion to be the cause of it.


Also, science (true science, not the psedoscience some atheists believe in...:rolleyes:) is one of the strongest pointers to God.


Some of our greatest scientists knew/know this and were not reluctant to make it known from their works.


So here's a few who were either suffering from delusion and 'god was a figment of their imagination' or perhaps knew truely what their discoveries and observations led them to.




Charles Darwin, the founder of evolutionary biology- he quotes this in Decent of Man.




Abdus Salam, winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in electroweak theory. He is here quoted in his article entitled Science and Religion.




Albert Einstein


(The Wall Street Journal, Dec 24, 1997, article by Jim Holt, “Science Resurrects God.”)




Physicist Paul Davies, the winner of the 2001 Kelvin Medal issued by the Institute of Physics and the winner of the 2002 Faraday Prize issued by the Royal Society (amongst other awards), as cited in his book God and the New Physics.


(my favorite):






Lord William Kelvin, who was noted for his theoretical work on thermodynamics, the concept of absolute zero and the Kelvin temperature scale based upon it.


No, this is my favorite:




Albert Einstein




Sir Isaac Newton


As I have said before, there is yet to be seen a strong argument for why God should not exist.


Its never been about 'evidence/proof of God' that some of these atheists like to project forward- but rather do you have any evidence to show WHY He should not exist.


Oh, and why should theists put God in to your perception of how He needs to be or is- that is just a cop out to suit your agenda. God has never been a physical being, science does not deal with God per se...and hence science has no say in the matter. If truely studied and known, it will rather show path to God.


But it is well known on SF that the usual suspects preaching atheism (yes it is a belief system because it leads to your thinking and way of how you are) know very little about science. In fact are nothing more than followers of scientism.


TO this day atheists have not presented any strong case/reason as to why God doesn't exist- and all the so called arguments are emotional and psychological.


Quote mining, presupposition and logical fallacies, impressive.

Edited by SnailyBoy
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I agree with Teeny- people can discover God it doesn't always mean they need religion to be the cause of it.


Also, science (true science, not the psedoscience some atheists believe in...:rolleyes:) is one of the strongest pointers to God.


Some of our greatest scientists knew/know this and were not reluctant to make it known from their works.


So here's a few who were either suffering from delusion and 'god was a figment of their imagination' or perhaps knew truely what their discoveries and observations led them to.




Charles Darwin, the founder of evolutionary biology- he quotes this in Decent of Man.




Abdus Salam, winner of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in electroweak theory. He is here quoted in his article entitled Science and Religion.




Albert Einstein


(The Wall Street Journal, Dec 24, 1997, article by Jim Holt, “Science Resurrects God.”)




Physicist Paul Davies, the winner of the 2001 Kelvin Medal issued by the Institute of Physics and the winner of the 2002 Faraday Prize issued by the Royal Society (amongst other awards), as cited in his book God and the New Physics.


(my favorite):






Lord William Kelvin, who was noted for his theoretical work on thermodynamics, the concept of absolute zero and the Kelvin temperature scale based upon it.


No, this is my favorite:




Albert Einstein




Sir Isaac Newton


As I have said before, there is yet to be seen a strong argument for why God should not exist.


Its never been about 'evidence/proof of God' that some of these atheists like to project forward- but rather do you have any evidence to show WHY He should not exist.


Oh, and why should theists put God in to your perception of how He needs to be or is- that is just a cop out to suit your agenda. God has never been a physical being, science does not deal with God per se...and hence science has no say in the matter. If truely studied and known, it will rather show path to God.

Partial quoting and misquoting to suit your agenda are a very dishonest and rather detestable tactic.


Your first quote, for example, in full-

"There is no evidence that man was aboriginally endowed with the ennobling belief in the existence of an Omnipotent God. On the contrary there is ample evidence, derived not from hasty travellers, but from men who have long resided with savages, that numerous races have existed, and still exist, who have no idea of one or more gods, and who have no words in their languages to express such an idea. (74. See an excellent article on this subject by the Rev. F.W. Farrar, in the 'Anthropological Review,' Aug. 1864, p. ccxvii. For further facts see Sir J. Lubbock, 'Prehistoric Times,' 2nd edit., 1869, p. 564; and especially the chapters on Religion in his 'Origin of Civilisation,' 1870.) The question is of course wholly distinct from that higher one, whether there exists a Creator and Ruler of the universe; and this has been answered in the affirmative by some of the highest intellects that have ever existed."

...is actually speaking against your claims.


I could go through through the rest of your post naming and shaming your tactics but anyone who gives a hoot can look up the full quotes in their original context for themselves.


Do you have no shame?


But it is well known on SF that the usual suspects preaching atheism (yes it is a belief system because it leads to your thinking and way of how you are) know very little about science. In fact are nothing more than followers of scientism.

1. Atheism has nothing to do with Science

2. Can you give an example of someone on SF "preaching" atheism?

3. Can you explain the beliefs (plural, for it to be a system) of atheism?


TO this day atheists have not presented any strong case/reason as to why God doesn't exist- and all the so called arguments are emotional and psychological.

Atheism does not have any duty to prove anything, although there are atheists that hold the belief that there are no gods, atheism itself is simply absence of belief in any gods, no claims made and nothing to prove.


Interesting, though, that you say "have not presented any strong case/reason as to why God doesn't exist". You seem to discount all other gods yourself, can you present a strong case/reason as to why Lord Ganesh doesn't exist?

Edited by RootsBooster
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So your adoptive parents introduced it to you, which is the highlights the point the vast majority of children will choose the religion of their parents, through parental influence.


That's why I'm curious about your sister, did she go to a Church of England school at 12 years old?


true I grew up in a Christian family but I was never forced to believe, I chose to believe. My sister whom I didn't meet until 26 years ago she felt there was something else she was missing and asked God to show her before even attending church , she got teased by her adoptive family for believing


---------- Post added 02-12-2015 at 10:11 ----------


Then shut up. ;)





"god is just" ...a figment of the imagination.


not preaching just making a comment on a thread ! saying what i believe to be truth. God is God he can do whatever he wants and isnt an imaginary friend ! he exists


---------- Post added 02-12-2015 at 10:14 ----------


Newton was not really a christian as he did not accept the doctrine of the trinity. Einstein resented being misrepresented as a theist.


I believe he believed in Jesus , in John 3 v 16 it says for God so loved the world he gave his only son so whoever believes in him shall not perish .

Where does it say and must believe in the trinity ?

Edited by teeny
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