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If you want a decent vacuum cleaner buy one now. More EU madness.

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Yet another perfect example of meddling from the faceless suits in Brussels . How much more of the stupidity and interfering in our business are we going to put up with before we get out of this European Union once and for all. ? The EU is a pointless, expensive waste of space that serves no purpose .


---------- Post added 22-08-2014 at 18:32 ----------


Buy a cheaper, but efficient machine.

I only mentioned Dyson because I know that they meet the new requirements.


What business is it of faceless foreign bureaucrats to interfere in what Hoover we choose to buy. ?

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What business is it of faceless foreign bureaucrats to interfere in what Hoover we choose to buy. ?


Actually, you've persuaded me with your amazing reasoning.


Indeed, why should the faceless bureaucrats be able to interfere in anything that we want to buy, at all?


I assume that you are in favour of the legalisation of all drugs. You seem that sort of a liberal chap.

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Not playing devil's advocate here... but is wattage a good indication of how good a vacuum cleaner is? All wattage does is indicate how much electricity the damned thing uses; it's not a guarantee of how efficient or how good it is at cleaning.


Happy to be corrected, of course :)

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Will any aspect of this legislation contribute to a rise in dust mites and asthma? Not every household (thinking poorer end of society) will go out and buy an efficient vacuum or expensive one.


---------- Post added 22-08-2014 at 18:59 ----------


Not playing devil's advocate here... but is wattage a good indication of how good a vacuum cleaner is? All wattage does is indicate how much electricity the damned thing uses; it's not a guarantee of how efficient or how good it is at cleaning.


Happy to be corrected, of course :)


Could be and could not be. Efficiency/design is the thing at the end of the day

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Seriously, we have a Dyson working on 300 watt (as far as I care to remember) and it is by far the best vacuum cleaner we ever owned. Having a Clumber Spaniel in the house ensures you quickly find out which vacuum cleaners work and which don't.


Considering that the EU (Including the UK) has agreed to aim to achieve lower electricity dependency it seems like a perfectly valid starting point to get rid of ridiculously poorly designed vacuum cleaners that waste more electricity in ten minutes use than a washing machine does on a full cycle. If you can't see the point in that, than start buying coal.

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Next on the EU hit list will be heaters, toasters, hair dryers, kettles etc etc.


You know companies operating in free market economies have always done pretty well at innovating and even making products that are more economical to run and making that the selling point. I have a kettle that just boils a single cup of water at a time, the manufacturer wasn't forced into making it by over regulation and I managed to buy it without being forced into it by over regulation.


Anybody that favours this sort of market over regulation would probably be happier living in soviet era USSR.

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Over the years, motor power has increased because of the many filters employed (HEPA etc) in order to maintain a good suction against an ever increasing resistance. An "efficient" vac is usually advertised as one that has a high filtration performance rather than having a low wattage/high suction ratio.

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Anybody that favours this sort of market over regulation would probably be happier living in soviet era USSR.


Soviet era USSR would have one vacuum cleaner model that was designed in 1953 and had never been updated since as the only choice available.

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