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33 month sentence for piracy.

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Your third paragraph isn't great. I do not agree with the film man no. This was no theft any more than it was dangerous driving, murder or rape. These legal terms have specific definitions which can't be arbitrarily changed by me, you or film man.


This has nothing to do with conscience and everything to do with ignorance of what the law is. Unfortunately you can't agree to disagree with regards to the definitions of legal terms.


Actually, you can. There are many technical terms in all aspects of life that are used incorrectly by the general public. That doesn't mean they are wrong to use those terms though, and they only need to be pinned down / clarified when being used in a professional context.

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1 whether or not you personally, or any other freeloaders would have paid to watch a film, is unprovable and irrelevant

i think you miss the point of what megas getting at, hes using a personal experience to prove that some wouldnt pay to see some films, ie:- one, himself


BUT you cant prove that the company is being deprived of royalties because it hasnt happened, its a guess that they do lose out

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Be a kiddie fiddler and get 18 months, (should have been 18 years) film a film and get 3 years, doesn't feel right somehow.Angel1.


It does not feel right to you because ,well it simply is not right. It is not the pirate that got a harsh penalty. It is the peado that got a light one (as already mentioned)

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It costs a lot of money to imprison someone who in this case is no danger to society. Why put someone who isn't dangerous in prison?


Perhaps for the same reason benefit cheats are sent to prison. It serves as a deterrent .But this is only my opinion and as such you are entitled to yours.

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It's theft. Theft of intellectual property/copyright is just as unacceptable as theft of tangible property. Doesn't seem harsh to me.


It's not theft. The original owner has not been deprived of the property as others have said that's the important point. All that counts is what the actually loss of revenue is, and the effect on the victim.

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