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Mobile speed camera vans

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Oh yes, but what is the tax on a litre of fuel these days? Is a litre of fuel good value? As with insurance companies, they know its a legal requirement to have it, so the cost of it is also high, year after year. Is that good value also?? Or is it a cash cow for the authorities????

BTW, I never mentioned speeding?????:suspect::suspect:


Like I said, you don't have to drive :) Driving is a luxury, not a necessity so if you feel you are being used as a cash cow, you could always abstain and get the bus/train.


You may have not mentioned speeding, but you posted your complaint on a thread about speeding :suspect:

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Some nice round figures in there but i did notice this bit :)


"Sadly, driver error remains the most common cause of road accidents."


Like i said,idiots cause the accidents.


And the senaro they listed,few suspension parts give way without warning.My money is on the IDIOT ignored them but i see they want to try and blame it on speed where lack of proper maintainance was the likely cause.


Driver error includes driving too fast for the conditions. (Not the speed limit, that's an arbitrary number, the conditions).

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They don't hide.


They don't need to hide, the zoom on their camera's is pretty damn good.

They just sit a little way back from a corner and/or crest and zap people as they come round.


by the time you notice the camera van it's already done you.


The fixed Gatso camera's operate only operate a few feet from the camera, it's quite a significant difference really.


---------- Post added 28-08-2014 at 11:22 ----------


Like I said, you don't have to drive :) Driving is a luxury, not a necessity so if you feel you are being used as a cash cow, you could always abstain and get the bus/train.


Totally depends on where you live/work tho, public transport isn't a viable option for some folk.


The Government/councils have encouraged out of town developments for both residential housing and for business use, you might live on the edge of one town and work at a business park on the edge of another.

If you ditch the car you've either got to move house or change jobs.

Neither of which is a very enticing prospect.


The days when you could pick up a cheap house anywhere and only have a 15 minute ride on the bus to the pit to go to work are long gone.

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They don't need to hide, the zoom on their camera's is pretty damn good.

They just sit a little way back from a corner and/or crest and zap people as they come round.


by the time you notice the camera van it's already done you.



As I said further back in the thread, imagine if the police took this approach to policing all crime in general, i e, made themselves not that visible, stood back and allowed a crime to happen, and just fined the perpetrators at a later date.

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I kinda like those flashy type signs that tell you what speed you're actually doing....then if you're still over the limits a couple of hundred yards down the road, (after you've been advised) then get a camera to fine you.


Oh and don't you just hate the 'bluff' signs that say there's a camera, and there's actually no such thing and never has been?


They sometimes park the van in those spots.

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You seem desperate mate.


On the contrary, I'm realistic and you're desperate to claim that speed is irrelevant.

I don't think it's that important in road safety, there are other important issues, but speed is a factor sometimes and driving too fast for the conditions is something a poor driver might do (also driving too slowly for the conditions and generally demonstrating poor judgement).

Speed cameras can help, when placed appropriately in accident black spots where speed has been a factor.

All too often though they are placed where they will generate the most revenue.

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As I said further back in the thread, imagine if the police took this approach to policing all crime in general, i e, made themselves not that visible, stood back and allowed a crime to happen, and just fined the perpetrators at a later date.


I thought thats how they operated already??

Except they don't fine them, they just arrest them and then claim the video is too grainy to make an ID - then let them go again :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Is speeding not a cause of accidents?

I will hold my hands up to speeding now and again, especially on my motorcycle. However, I am of the thought that if I am caught I will take what's coming and maybe learn from it.

Not whine about the pro's and cons of speed cameras on a public forum.

Ahhh but Mr Monkey, would you hold your hands up and take whats coming if you were a caught for a third time just a couple of miles over the speed limit (yes you get done for anything over 32 in a 30) would you complain that you read your speedo wrong ? what about the the 6 months ban with maybe loss of your job, enormously hiked up future insurance in addition to a £150 fine, would you take all that without complaining for just 2 miles over the speed limit or to be more exact, the thickness of your speedo needle over the 30 number line on your speedo ?? If you say you would then my hats off to you sir, you are an angel

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10%+2 would be 35 and above in a 30 limit.

Which would generally mean your speedo was showing somewhere close to 40...


It's really not that difficult to drive AT 30 mph, instead of well above it. If you can't, or you choose not to, and you get caught, well, that's tough isn't it. Not much point in complaining about the enforcement...

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