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Why do people think the NHS is under threat

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A 19 year old girl has been told she must find the £16,000 needed for a hole in the heart operation.


The NHS will only fund it if she has a major heart attack or stroke, even though these could be life threatening or cause long term debilities.


She would routinely qualify if she was a chid or elderly, but fais to fulfil this criteria and therefore has no automatic right to the operation even though it is affecting her quality of life.

(taken from article in DM 22nd August 2014)



This is why people are worried.


Is this meant to be an example of how good the NHS is, can't even get treatment.


---------- Post added 26-08-2014 at 20:53 ----------


Some of the money wasted on bringing in agency staff is scandalous.

Why can't the managers staff their wards with properly employed doctors and nurses instead of bringing in agency workers at exhorbitant cost (most of which goes to the agency)?


As for working in the private sector, ask just about any care-worker about their pay and conditions and see if they're happy...


I'm not going to disagree with you about staffing levels, but my point was you won't find many nurses working at perhaps our NGH or Hallamshire Hospital that would turn down an equivalent nursing job at say the Claremont or Thornbury at equivelant or slightly better pay, yet the odd thing is most of them go on about stopping privatisation.

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Why all this marching and protesting about the NHS? I know it has its problems one of which I moaned about on here about doctor receptions. However there is all these protests and marches about it being under threat. Whats the problem?


The government running a PR campaign against it, whilst cutting funding, increasing targets and whenever they can selling little bits to their mates companies...



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But someone else got their operation done for free - whether it's a knee replacement (long wait) heart bypass (longish wait) mastectomy (within a week from the two people I knew). All for free.


So really your post should have started with "Yes but if you want to jump the queue etc etc". I'm still right. We should remain vigilant but I don't think any political party - even the Tories are keen on privatising the NHS. However, if you want to turf out the Sodexos of this world be prepared for some biblical tax rises across the board. The whole subcontractor thing is just a buy now pay later thing. If you want it all under the state (complete with generous and guaranteed pensions) we will have to pay for it.


Why would you think this? The Tories are well on the way to privatising the NHS by the back door. Pretty much all care work, homes for the elderly etc have been outsourced to private companies, and a lot more besides.


Our taxes haven't come down to compensate.

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Why would you think this? The Tories are well on the way to privatising the NHS by the back door. Pretty much all care work, homes for the elderly etc have been outsourced to private companies, and a lot more besides.


Our taxes haven't come down to compensate.


Aren't the establishments you mention here the responsibility of local authorities?

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Aren't the establishments you mention here the responsibility of local authorities?


An awful lot of jobs are now outsourced to the point where these are the only places to buy in services from. Councils can no longer afford to have their own independent services in a great many areas.


The government has cut money to councils to fund these services.

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