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Why is it just Scotland that gets the vote.

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I am as I write watching the B.B.C Program on Scottish Independence and to tell you the truth the invited audience looks as though it has already made up its mind that it no longer wants to be part of the United Kingdom.

My question is why are the Scotts deemed to be so important ,why should the other members of our Union be subjected to their self importance ,why should we not have the vote after all we are all in it together, or are we.


So you would rather have the result dictated by English voters?


The whole point is to give the Scottish people the right to decide who rules them.


The audience was evenly split, here was just as much braying and whooping for Alastair Darling as there was for Salmon.


---------- Post added 26-08-2014 at 06:44 ----------


Alex still seems to expect a currency union.


He knows that in the event of a Yes vote, the British government would have to begin negotiating, regardless of what they've said so far.

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But that is not the question why are they considered more important than England, Wales and Northern Ireland.......


They decided to have the vote themselves so no one's considering them more important. It's SNP policy and the SNP got a majority in the Scottish parliament. England, Wales and Northern Ireland can choose to have the same vote but they don't because the relevant political parties - Labour, Tories and Lib-Dems - all support the status quo.


These things are easily found out. Try google instead of whinging on here every time there's even the remotest threat of the tiniest change in UK life.

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But that is not the question why are they considered more important than England, Wales and Northern Ireland , if they want to pith off then let them, it will be their loss without all this carry on . just go for gods sake and take your oil with you, an oil that was discovered and obtained by all of the the United Kingdom and an asset now claimed by you.

Take it and take the Royal family as well, they seem to be an intricate part of your society , England, Wales and Northern Ireland will survive without you and Billy Connery or is it Conelly.


I don't think it works like that. A vote for independence would be just that. It would be the start of negociation. Currently the UK owns all the national infrastructure and is responsible for all the debt. If Scotland votes for independence then there will be negociation about what assetts are handed over in return for how much debt. A bit like a marriage break up. So if Scotlands administration want railways, hospitals, armed forces, oil etc, they will be expected to take on debt for the money used to finance them. I could see it taking a decade.

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So you would rather have the result dictated by English voters?


The whole point is to give the Scottish people the right to decide who rules them.


The audience was evenly split, here was just as much braying and whooping for Alastair Darling as there was for Salmon.


---------- Post added 26-08-2014 at 06:44 ----------



He knows that in the event of a Yes vote, the British government would have to begin negotiating, regardless of what they've said so far.


How can a country be truly independent if it can't control it's own currency? Scotland would still have the Westminster parliament and BoE deciding economic strategies that would affect them. Or are you saying Scotland should have a hand in deciding the economy of a union it left behind?

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I am as I write watching the B.B.C Program on Scottish Independence and to tell you the truth the invited audience looks as though it has already made up its mind that it no longer wants to be part of the United Kingdom.

My question is why are the Scotts deemed to be so important ,why should the other members of our Union be subjected to their self importance ,why should we not have the vote after all we are all in it together, or are we.


Let the Scotts have their moment in the limelight. Let them leave the UK. Let them fend for themselves. Let them keep Trident seeing as its based there. Let them raise their own army, fund their own schools, build their own hospitals. Let them have it all. When the big businesses and financial institutions relocate to London leaving empty buildings and unemployment in their wake then let them fund their own unemployment benefit and let Mr Salmond eat humble pie.


---------- Post added 26-08-2014 at 09:50 ----------


How can a country be truly independent if it can't control it's own currency? Scotland would still have the Westminster parliament and BoE deciding economic strategies that would affect them. Or are you saying Scotland should have a hand in deciding the economy of a union it left behind?


Ive actually heard some scotts suggest that. They seem offended when i point out i dont think it will work that way.

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Where the hell was the Prime Minister in these debates, in fact, the Conservatives were nowhere !!!


Well away so as not to damage the 'better together' campaign... the Tory party is not popular in Scotland!


Darling was chosen to lead the campaign because he is both Labour and Scottish. Despite reports that he didn't do well in the debate last night, I don't think there was anyone better to lead the campaign.


I really do hope they vote to stay in the Union.

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Well away so as not to damage the 'better together' campaign... the Tory party is not popular in Scotland!


Darling was chosen to lead the campaign because he is both Labour and Scottish. Despite reports that he didn't do well in the debate last night, I don't think there was anyone better to lead the campaign.


I really do hope they vote to stay in the Union.


He did good. Not as well as in the first debate but unlike Salmond he had nothing to prove and unlike Salmond he didnt embarrass himself with over the top braying and goading. Darling left the stage with his dignity intact which is more than can be said for Salmond.

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Let the Scotts have their moment in the limelight. Let them leave the UK. Let them fend for themselves. Let them keep Trident seeing as its based there. Let them raise their own army, fund their own schools, build their own hospitals. Let them have it all. When the big businesses and financial institutions relocate to London leaving empty buildings and unemployment in their wake then let them fund their own unemployment benefit and let Mr Salmond eat humble pie.

Ive actually heard some scotts suggest that. They seem offended when i point out i dont think it will work that way.


They don`t want it. They want rid of Trident ASAP. That will be the biggest headache for Cameron. The USA won`t be too happy either. :hihi:

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