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Who should teach 7 year olds about sex?

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Yes they will.


Basic age-appropriate biological and sexual education, and how to smoke drugs; these are not equivalent. You really are not convincing anyone by reaching for these daft analogies.


After all your writing, children will still get sex education. Take your children out if you wish, but it should happen and will happen.


Sex Education helps tackle numerous problems in society. The two obvious ones in this context being teenage pregnancy and sexual health. It is hugely important for children that they learn about this because the results of being ignorant about their bodies can be life-changing.


What's the difference between a little info for a child aged 7 and a little info for a child aged 8?


do you have kids of you own?? as i remember mine being very different from 7 to eight:rolleyes:

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There is enough individual difference between individuals in any one cohort of 7 years olds to make it pertinent to ask, what exactly should 'sex and relationships education' at this age cover?


You wouldn't discuss anything in great detail but what is the problem with children knowing that two people who love each other make a baby by daddy putting a baby in mummy's tummy, and that boys and girls are different?


The problem with restricting them to this fascinating 'fact' is that seven year olds across the globe will generally not be fobbed off with it . Vague references to 'Daddy putting a baby in Mummy's tummy' just won't cut the mustard, I'm afraid. I remember being told this at age 7 and being alarmed at the thought of Daddy forcing a fully formed infant into Mummy's tummy. Even if it is explained as being 'a little seed' that is put into said 'tummy and grows there, it's not true. It isn't a seed and it isn't put into the tummy (stomach). More importantly, they are hugely curious at that age and at least some of the class (if not all) will want to know HOW it is 'put' inside the mother. Mine certainly did, at that age. We found the Usborne Book of Sex Education very helpful but our son still came away with asking whether, if you wanted twins you had to make love for twice as long...we had to start again with that one!


As a parent you can tailor the information you give and the language you use to explain it, in a way which is right for your individual child, to their own level of curiosity and understanding, at a time when they are ready. A teacher with 30 different children cannot do that.

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I think there is alot of grown ups [so called} who would be to embarrassed to attend a sexual education class. it is my belief that teaching young children at 7 year old would, eradicate that, the teaching of the birds and bees is not good enough, use some thing that they can relate to more, human beings.

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I think there is alot of grown ups [so called} who would be to embarrassed to attend a sexual education class. it is my belief that teaching young children at 7 year old would, eradicate that, the teaching of the birds and bees is not good enough, use some thing that they can relate to more, human beings.


I don't think any state school teacher, even at a faith school, would use birds or bees as the basis of sex education. For one thing, the mating habits of birds and bees are so different from human reproduction as to render them useless as an exemplar.


What would be a good idea would be for parents to be offered the chance to learn how to deliver appropriate information and advice to their child/ren, from a trained professional. Three or four evening sessions (covering what works best at different developmental stages)) would probably be enough. Some of our local schools offer this for Maths so that parents who want to support their child's learning can brush up on the content and methods used at the school - it is very popular.


The same could surely work for sex education if targeted and delivered thoughtfully.

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What difference is there between 7 and 8 year olds?


there can be a great difference and there can also be none, some grow up faster and more curious others not so! some may be ready for a little info at 7 others definitely not, i guess you haven't met many kids?

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The key words that you're looking for in this are 'AGE APPROPRIATE' which is how children aged 7 are taught everything.


You wouldn't discuss anything in great detail but what is the problem with children knowing that two people who love each other make a baby by daddy putting a baby in mummy's tummy, and that boys and girls are different?[/QUOTE]



How do you think a 7 year old would benefit from that information?

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The key words that you're looking for in this are 'AGE APPROPRIATE' which is how children aged 7 are taught everything.


You wouldn't discuss anything in great detail but what is the problem with children knowing that two people who love each other make a baby by daddy putting a baby in mummy's tummy, and that boys and girls are different?[/QUOTE]



How do you think a 7 year old would benefit from that information?


See #33?

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there can be a great difference and there can also be none, some grow up faster and more curious others not so! some may be ready for a little info at 7 others definitely not

Isn't that also true at 8 years old, and 9 years old?

How do you think a 7 year old would benefit from that information?

It will help him gain an understanding of basic human biology. Isn't that a good thing?

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