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Instructor accidentally killed by 9yr old girl with sub-machine gun

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only .5 percent of cancer cases is directly linked to Asbestos, so we'd better start introducing that again...


Such a moronic argument.


I agree.


But stopping people enjoying dangerous activities just because occasionally someone is killed in a tragic but avoidable accident would be a gross overreaction.

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I don't recall anyone laughing about people being killed in Gaza or the stupidity of Hamas for starting a war they couldn't win.


Thats because we didnt laugh. Only the sick find death funny. Imagine if the instructor was muslim. Would some of these same people be making jokes or finding anything funny about it at all? I doubt that very very much.

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Thats because we didnt laugh. Only the sick find death funny. Imagine if the instructor was muslim. Would some of these same people be making jokes or finding anything funny about it at all? I doubt that very very much.


You've already made a right tit of yourself, one wonders why you pursue such funny activities. Budding comedian maybe?


---------- Post added 28-08-2014 at 13:01 ----------


I agree.


You were doing so well.


But stopping people enjoying dangerous activities just because occasionally someone is killed in a tragic but avoidable accident would be a gross overreaction.


Only if you believe that 9yr olds on a last stop burgers and bullets handling an Uzi is an overreaction.

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Another news item that begs belief. Came up on BBC America News this morning. Over one thousand kids in Rotherham systematically sexually abused and raped over a long period of time and apparently the parents, the child welfare authorities and the police did bugger all about it :o.


These poor kids are gonna have some major problems/issues in life. It just isnt funny


What's happening over in good old Blighty. This is the kind of thing that happens in crap third world countries. I am shocked. When I was growing up in Sheffield the only kind of news relating to child abuse was the odd story in the News of the Screws about a child here and there being abused and molested. But a thousand or more !!! And going on under everyone's nose ?


Going to hell in a hand basket !!!


Unicef: "An estimated 300,000 children and adolescents are the victims of domestic trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation in the United States every year"


So the USA beats the UK at this too as well as teaching children to use guns :thumbsup:

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You were doing so well.


So you don't think that (only .5 percent of cancer cases is directly linked to Asbestos, so we'd better start introducing that again...) is a moronic argument.






Only if you believe that 9yr olds on a last stop burgers and bullets handling an Uzi is an overreaction.


How many thousands have fired an Uzi without accidentally killing someone or themselves?

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of 9 year-old children?




I was thinking children, how many thousands of children have fired an Uzi or other gun without accidentally killing someone?


I just had a quick look and apparently hundreds of thousands of children learn to shoot every year in the USA, presumably without accidentally killing someone.

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A shootist is someone who has shot for his Country several times, and has been shooting for 50 years.
By 'shot for his country' do you mean at inanimate targets, or at human beings?


Why do you think it is wrong for a nine year old to shoot at targets.

Ooh, now that's a hard one. Let me think.:rolleyes:


How about because (strange as this will no doubt seem to you, with your gun-happy mentality), not everyone sees childhood as a time when immature human beings are encouraged or trained to use lethal weapons, which, when all said and done, have a much more powerful association with murdering people than they do with simply improving hand-eye co-ordination.


If you want to improve a 9 year old's hand-eye co-ordination, you could just let them have a childhood, let them play out a lot, and it will happen by itself. If you specifically want them to be good at target practice, let them take up archery, preferably with better supervision than in this tragic case). But don't try to make soldiers out of 9 year olds and don't try to tell me that that is not the purpose nor the effect of this kind of nonsense. What on earth were the parents thinking of to encourage this in the first place?

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