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Instructor accidentally killed by 9yr old girl with sub-machine gun

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"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."


You might want to remember that Alice....


You might want to answer people's questions before expecting anyone to take your pontificating seriously!

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"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."


You might want to remember that Alice....



Would be nice to know you're not forgetting the not so rough good men and women who work tirelessly to avoid violence on our behalf by rough men..

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You might want to note the quote marks around it Alice - it's not my pontification. .
Pontification can still involve regurgitating other people's words, as you have done.


However, please stop bickering and answer the question.

Would be nice to know you're not forgetting the not so rough good men and women who work tirelessly to avoid violence on our behalf by rough men..

Quite so.

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Pontification can still involve regurgitating other people's words, as you have done.


However, please stop bickering and answer the question.



Then please stop your petty grandstanding and ask the question that is so clearly troubling you Alice :roll:

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I don't know. Not a clue. But,
Me neither but I will presume that it is a large number because of the amount of firing ranges in the states that offer children the opportunity to fire one.
Nice bit of selective editing there, my fire-fighting friend :rolleyes:


Let's see the proper sequence again for context, shall we?

Oh well, that is alright then, only .5 percent of cancer cases is directly linked to Asbestos, so we'd better start introducing that again...


Such a moronic argument.

I agree.


But stopping people enjoying dangerous activities just because occasionally someone is killed in a tragic but avoidable accident would be a gross overreaction.

Only if you believe that 9yr olds on a last stop burgers and bullets handling an Uzi is an overreaction.

How many thousands have fired an Uzi without accidentally killing someone or themselves?

of 9 year-old children?

I was thinking children, how many thousands of children have fired an Uzi or other gun without accidentally killing someone?

How many thousands of 9 year-old children have fired a 9x19 mm machine pistol with a 600 ROF, on full-auto and unslung/unshouldered, without injuring or killing anyone?


I don't know. Not a clue. But, since you asked the question and it is your argument, why don't you find out and enlighten us with some credible info? :)

I take it that's a "no" on the credible info, and just debating testiculation, then? The goalpost-shifting is as evident as it needs to be. Wriggle away.
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Yes! But not all at the same time, as I recall. I can however cook an omelette, answer the phone, iron a pillowcase and sing to a crying baby all at the same time. I bet if I tried, I could even fire off a few rounds of a Kalashnikov as well.


Your posts are now by far the most interesting on this thread, is there no end to your skills alice? What else can you do? Can't understand the hostility you seem to attract! You've done it all!

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