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Instructor accidentally killed by 9yr old girl with sub-machine gun

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On the contrary. It just makes them think that they can do the things they see in video games with equal impunity (ie nobody is really killed, most of the time, anyway) but they become hooked on the 'point, press and eliminate' thrill.


Do you have any evidence that the hundreds of thousands of children that have fired a firearm think that firing it at a persons will have no consequences?


---------- Post added 28-08-2014 at 17:25 ----------


Nice bit of selective editing there, my fire-fighting friend :rolleyes:


Let's see the proper sequence again for context, shall we?







I take it that's a "no" on the credible info, and just debating testiculation, then? The goalpost-shifting is as evident as it needs to be. Wriggle away.


What are you talking about?

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Do you have any evidence that the hundreds of thousands of children that have fired a firearm think that firing it at a persons will have no consequences?
Not personally, no. But then nor do you have any evidence that it doesn't. What I do know is that what you put into children's heads and hands when they are small, always rears its head when they are older.


What are you talking about?
I think she meant 'gesticulation'. A Freudian slip, perhaps!
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Not personally, no. But then nor do you have any evidence that it doesn't. What I do know is that what you put into children's heads and hands when they are small, always rears its head when they are older.


I think she meant 'gesticulation'. A Freudian slip, perhaps!


I know that out of the hundreds of thousands of children that fire a gun only a very tiny minority then use a gun to kill someone, that would imply that firing a gun as a child doesn't turn you into a raving loony killing machine. I also know that many adults kill people with guns despite the fact they never fired a gun as a child.

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My two kids started off with .22s then later on moved up to .38s. We took them out to the firing range, knew what they were capable of handling at their young ages and my wife and I are both fully trained in firearm safety and handling. Me from my military experience and my wife whose father had been a State Highway Patrolman.


There were no accidents or mishaps and like 98 percent of parents teaching firearms we knew what we were doing.


I dont see why an incident involving irresponsible behaviour should always as usual turn into a full blown debate about why the US should ban civilian ownership of firearms.


We are a democracy and we dont make a habit of repressive, nanny government tactics of punishing the great majority for the stupidity of the few. There will always be foolish irresponsible people around and you cant cure it

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Not content with defending Israel's murderous assault on Palestinian children, our resident village idiot appears now to be on a mission to explain that children + firearms = a good idea.


---------- Post added 28-08-2014 at 18:26 ----------


My two kids started off with .22s then later on moved up to .38s. We took them out to the firing range, knew what they were capable of handling at their young ages and my wife and I are both fully trained in firearm safety and handling. Me from my military experience and my wife whose father had been a State Highway Patrolman.


There were no accidents or mishaps and like 98 percent of parents teaching firearms we knew what we were doing.


I dont see why an incident involving irresponsible behaviour should always as usual turn into a full blown debate about why the US should ban civilian ownership of firearms.


We are a democracy and we dont make a habit of repressive, nanny government tactics of punishing the great majority for the stupidity of the few. There will always be foolish irresponsible people around and you cant cure it


You're really good at letting them kill each other with guns though.

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Not content with defending Israel's murderous assault on Palestinian children, our resident village idiot appears now to be on a mission to explain that children + firearms = a good idea.


---------- Post added 28-08-2014 at 18:26 ----------



You're really good at letting them kill each other with guns though.


Are you really naive enough to believe that banning civilian ownership of firearms would stop these kinds of people from killing each other anyway.


Repealing the Second Amendment would be Prohibition all over again. They would just be smuggled acrsoss the borders with Canada and Mexico and worse still unregistered. At least the majority of firearms sold are registered with their owners and traceable in most cases when a crime is committed.


BTW whose defending Israel's actions in Gaza? Watch your mouth as well fishy.

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We are a democracy and we dont make a habit of repressive, nanny government tactics of punishing the great majority for the stupidity of the few.


Our nanny government's policies ensure that our murder rate is about a 5th of yours. That's a lot of dead Americans you're endorsing.

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Our nanny government's policies ensure that our murder rate is about a 5th of yours. That's a lot of dead Americans you're endorsing.


Your population size is also about a fifth of the US and your demographics and culture (despite considerable immigraion into the UK in 50 years) is also completely different form that of the US.


The British ingrained belief that firearms ownership should never be allowed the civilian population dates back well over two hundred years to a time when when social unrest was spreading across Europe following the French revolution.


Too many people seem to have the idea in their head that because the US shares a common language with Britain and the Commonwealth that it should also be similar in many other ways. Just not true... no similarity at all

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Apparently the instructor ..I use the term only so we know who we are talking about.


Was not a national rifle assocuition approved instructor and it also transpires that fire-arms instructors in some states (can't speak for all) do not need to be qualified or registered.


If you have seen the video it was an accident waiting to happen.

Guy was stood wrong side of her and had really not to let her go full auto and after only one single round fired too.

The rifles at fun-fairs have a chain on them at the business end of the barrel so they can't be pointed accidently anywhere but down range. One common sense little safety precaution and we would not be talking about this.


A firearm on a target range is nothing more that a glorified hole punch until someone gets complacent.


That poor kid is going to have to live with that a long time, who's idea it was to let a child that did not weigh much more than the damn uzi have a go ought to be charged with neglect.



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Your population size is also about a fifth of the US and your demographics and culture (despite considerable immigraion into the UK in 50 years) is also completely different form that of the US.


I said the rate was 5 times higher in the USA. That isn't linked at all to the size of the population.


Yes, our culture is different. We don't let anyone get their hands on guns.


You've had a lot of immigration too. But most of your mass murderers are white Americans;



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